Olivia Munn Boycotts Circuses for PETA, do you? Cornwall Ontario – April 28, 2010

Cornwall ON – Alright I’m not always there with Peta, but hey, I’m there for Olivia Munn and I like Elephants and have never got a buzz for circuses so I thought I’d show this cause a little love.   You can check out the video below too.

Olivia Munn’s Exclusive Interview for PETA

From hosting G4’s Attack of the Show! to appearing in summer blockbusters Date Night and Iron Man 2Olivia Munn is entertaining audiences all over the globe. Olivia also has a soft spot for animals and was shocked to learn that elephants used in circuses are torn from their mothers at birth and bound and electro-shocked as babies in order to break their spirits.

Shocking babies and yanking them from their moms is just not cool.   What do you think Cornwall and Canada?

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  1. Totally agree with Olivia…wild animals are best left in their natural environment…torturing something into submission, especially an infant is unacceptable and supporting any venture that does so would be like initiating the dirty deed oneself. Perhaps circuses could consider a show with domesticated animals…dogs, cats….and of course only with those individuals who have shown the ability to work with these animals in a loving respectful manor. As per Immanuel Kant…’We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals.’

  2. Even though I wish I were a right heel…..I truly believe that anyone who abuses an animal should be bound and electro-shocked too.

  3. I as well wish I were now a right heel!

    That being said, I agree with Stan. Anyone who abuses defenseless animals should receive the same in return.

  4. Just to keep the debate going, has any research been done into mumber of years of life animals have in nature opposed to captivity? House cats live longer than outside cats for example.

    In many jurisdictions there must be permits and (no pun intended) hoops these businesses must go through to ensure animals are well treated.

    I would not boycott unless I knew trauma was inflicted. Otherwise, I get a renewed understanding of human / animal places in the world.

  5. While I do agree with Eric that it would be nice to see some real research done on this, I have to say that that I am thoroughly opposed not only to animals being forced to entertain us at the circus, but also the many half ass “zoos” which are scattered all over the place. While it may be true that cats survive longer indoors than out, they also (usually) have free reign of an entire house/apartment, while these animals live out their “lives” in cages, chained up, and on the road packed up in a trailer for most of the year.

    If you want to renew your understanding of the animal kingdom, go to the Metro Toronto Zoo. The habitats are spectacular, and the animals magnificent.

    All forms of animal cruelty are pathetic and sick, those who profit from it are weak and sad.

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