Robert Ede of Thornhill Ontario Calls for 36 Days of Rage Over Federal Election – March 28, 2011

Thornhill ON – The GG had three options on March 26/11. He could have refused Mr Harper and called upon someone else he believed could curry the confidence of the Lower House, or, reserved his decision for a few days to allow input from All-the-Talents under his Executive Power (the Appointed-for-Life Privy Councillors starting with ‘the Dean’, 1957-appointed, Paul Hellyer) and, why not? the public.

We now know His Excellency acquiesced to the Pm’s request.  Now what?
Suffer in silence as we’re spoon-fed the stage-managed Leader photo-ops and well-rehearsed 20sec video clips and sound bites? PLUS patiently endure the TV/radio attack ads, the “Leader’s Team” billboards and “vote for my party colours” lawn/roadway signs?
Sit through another horse race between Leaders while trying to find one of the few (partisan-packed) constituency, all-candidates meetings where the local candidates faithfully regurgitate the campaign brochure and HQ-vetted talking points?

Enough. Let’s have our own Canadian-style 36 Days of Rage!

Maybe that means information, education, personal political epiphany, pointed questions to the fools who’ve fooled us so many times before ….. followed by thoughtful voting. Remembering you’ve not voting for a Prime Minister … you’re voting for some PERSON who thinks like you, has a job like you and lives near you … who will be YOUR representative in Ottawa ….not just a flunkie party-junkie who’s been told/ instructed/ indoctrinated-to-think s/he’ll be representing the ‘party’s interests’ in your little community.
May I submit a list of issues for consideration during the time you are without an Assembly of 50-foot Nobodies jockeying for position behind their Leader on the Question Period camera, that may stimulate some ideas of your own and thereby help you decide how to cast your ballot during your 55 seconds of Power (estimated time lapse between receiving & return your ballot from the Poll Clerk)


PS In 1993’s election, I noted that Jean & Carol Canuck (those of the age of 40+ anyway) knew in-their-bones that something had ‘gone wrong’ with Canadian Governance and the Canadian way of socio-political life….. they just couldn’t quite put their finger on it ?

Has anything changed?

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Scott BeckDaily Dish News


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