Cory Cameron Writes Letter to the UN Over Language Rights in Canada – July 24, 2012

CFN – Cory Cameron wrote a letter to the UN over language rights in Canada.  We have graciously agreed to reprint his letter.  You can post your thoughts and comments below.

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

I am writing to you today to express my deepest concern of a subject that impacts all Canadians on a daily basis. I speak of the issue of ‘Official Bilingualism’. Over the course of the last few decades, Canadians have experienced what bilingualism has come to encompass. Originally, the Official Languages Act (OLA) and the French Languages Services Act (FLSA) were Canadian laws designed in mind to bring about the equalization of both the English and French languages; especially in regards to providing government services in Canada in both official languages.

What has transpired since the formation of ‘Official Bilingualism’ is nothing short of French Canadian elitism in all things government; especially in regards to seeking out employment in both the provincial and federal governments. Unfortunately, the very laws that were created to permit Canada’s two official languages to equalize has instead allowed the French language to surpass English in both importance and weight. Whenever applying for a career in the civil service, all education, experience and other merits don’t matter so long as one has the ability to communicate at an advanced level in French. I would like to know why knowledge of a second language supersedes that of merit when applying for jobs.

I attended French Immersion schooling and took courses all throughout my secondary and post-secondary studies in both the English and French languages. And still, to this day, I am not considered fully bilingual and therefore do not qualify whenever applying for jobs in the civil service. This difficulty has been exacerbated by the fact that increasing numbers of private sector jobs are also asking for bilingual applicants.

There is an ever growing concern about this issue of ‘Official Bilingualism’ nationwide. As of late, there have been protests and court cases in Cornwall, Ontario, Moncton, New Brunswick and most recently in Russel Township. Canadians all over the country are now questioning the cost versus benefit of this ‘Official Bilingualism’ policy. Canadian Newspapers and blogs are buzzing with the idea of scrapping the program altogether. For instance, many are inquiring to know why minority languages other than French are not being financially supported to the tune of billions of dollars each year; much like the French language is. And too, many citizens are supporting the idea that instead of spending the money traditionally earmarked for bilingualism, in its place it has been recommended to spend these billions on issues affecting us all such as improving our crumbling infrastructure. Why not pave or fix many of our Northern highways? Might this funding be better spent on increasing our social services? How about using some of this funding to build more not-for-profit housing to combat the housing shortage in this area? Moreover, how about using the money for feeding the hungry? These ideas are but a portion of some that I’ve come across in examining the issue of ‘Official Bilingualism’.

There is a more frightening, perhaps even sinister offshoot of this issue of ‘Official Bilingualism’. Apart from unfair hiring practices, we are seeing a gradual shift towards more, Quebec-like provincial politics in the province of Ontario. There are those of us who are concerned that perhaps one day Anglophones in Ontario will be treated much the same way they are currently treated in Quebec; jobs notwithstanding as an issue.

As evidenced by the following resulting directly from Bill 101 in Quebec:

Other Charter provisions, though, deeply alienated English-speaking Quebecers[citation needed]. The Charter cut off access to English schools to all but children who had a parent who had received their education in English in Quebec. The Charter also eliminated the Constitutional guarantee to English legal proceedings, eliminated English translations of Quebec laws, and banned the use of languages other than French from commercial signs. The law has therefore polarized Quebec along linguistic lines to this day. (Taken from

The result of said Bill was the following:

Young highly educated anglophones, despite high rates of bilingualism[citation needed] and increased contact and openness to francophones, cite limited economic prospects caused by perceived linguistic discrimination and an unsatisfactory political climate as the major factors in their departure. By 2001, 50% of mother-tongue anglophones had left the province. (Taken from

I already know of many friends who have left their hometowns due to this issue of not meeting the requirements of ‘Official Bilingualism’ and looking for work elsewhere. How many more of our young people will take part in this mass exodus?

I have already sent this letter to both my Canadian Member of Parliament (M.P) and Member of Provincial Parliament (M.P.P) offices as well as a letter to the Prime Minister’s Office. As of today’s date, July 23, 2012, I have only received a response from the Prime Minister’s Office acknowledging receipt of my letter and have been informed that my concerns have been sent to the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages, The Honourable James Moore.

As an interesting aside, a few months ago, two Canadian organizations named Canadians for Language Fairness (CLF) and Language Fairness for All (LFA) held a demonstration in Chesterville, Ontario protesting this issue of ‘Official Bilingualism’ in Canada. In attendance at this protest were both Guy Lauzon, Member or Provincial Parliament for Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry as well as the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages, The Honourable James Moore. Both the CLF and LFA have asked to meet with James Moore a total of 3 consecutive times and have been postponed and shunned each time. So, what has transpired, and is evidenced by these actions, are that private citizenry and organizations in Canada are being ignored by all levels of government on this issue of ‘Official Bilingualism’.

I am requesting today that the United Nations look into this matter as I believe that Canadian politicians are largely ignoring this issue. Hundreds of us have already written to our elected representatives and have asked to have this policy of ‘Official Bilingualism’ looked into. How many more times and how many more people must we solicit in order to elicit a response?


With Kindest Regards,


Cory Cameron B. Soc. Sc.




  1. Simply put! wow!

    Great letter,I see no bias to this article .
    What I see is an Letter showing a development of an policy that was implemented to assure Equality for a minority evolve into INEQUALITY for a majority!
    Politicians are no longer accountable for the people -but for interest groups …..when did we loose democracy?

    Cory lets hope our cries for help … heard by the UN –bust first of all our own government ,but sadly I think you will get a response from the UN before that of Our Government … they would prefer to defer on the subject .

    welcome to the oppression!

  2. What part of the UN Charter are you appealing to? You have described the situation well but I don’t think you have come out and directly stated that there is systemic language discrimination in Canada.

  3. I totally agree oppression2.. This nonsense has gone on way too long! This message is being sent loud and clear to the UN!!!!

  4. Great letter Cory,WOW I’m impressed,here’s hoping your words reach the right ears & Canada gets its democracy & unity back

  5. A very well written letter ! – Let’s hope someone is listening . . .

  6. Cory
    Very well written, a toast for your efforts!

    What we are beginning to see in Canada now, is very similar to what other parts of the world have already experienced.

    Multiculturalism and ethnic blending doesn’t work. I know it sounds hateful and that is not my intention, but our own current situation dictates it to be so.

    There are just too many differences. It is nice to think Shangri-La is possible but reality seems to always push back.

  7. Thought I would share this with you all **s**

    A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind
    And won’t change the subject

    W. Churchhill

  8. Hello fellow Canadians:

    Stella, has advised the following to me at one time or another in recent posts:

    “Go to the elected officials or present yourself as a group to “les membres du parlement” and plead your case and let the cards fall as they may…..”

    “As for the bigger picture…….like I said before, if you feel there are injustices go through the proper channels and deal with those in charge.”

    As proof of what’s written in my above letter, I believe I have taken her advice.

    With Kindest Regards,


  9. share and share a like I say!

    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

    ~Abraham Lincoln

  10. Holy Kofi Annan! Great idea and letter.

  11. Oh… my… gosh… 😀

    Well, Cory, my dear Cory, I guess that, for you, when this request to the United Nations fails as well, the next logical step will be to turn to the ILN. Oh yeah, that would stand for the ”Intergalactic League of Nations” – if it actually existed, of course.

    [Non, mais il est complètement ouf, ce mec-là… Oh lala!]

  12. How about you Stella? Will you change your mind? Will you change the topic ? You keep reading and commenting on posts by these so called “fanatics”. Just b/c they have different opinions than you doesn’t make them fanatics. You yourself could be called the fanatic since you can’t allow like minded people to discuss their thoughts without insulting them. What do you fear Stella?

  13. What’s up Stella, no smiles tonight?
    Thanks Cory, great letter.

  14. How about…

    Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

    Help !!! We need your help… PLEASE….

    Our country — Canada — is being taken over by a radical French force that has infiltrated our government at practically every level. As a result, our government is now in direct collusion with them.

    We have evidence of this take over

    (It began in the form of radical laws such as — Bills 101 and 22 — )

    These laws were enacted in the rogue “province” and our Federal government has allowed this to take place based on some foolish clause called “the not withstanding clause.” This clause ONLY seems to apply to, and is only being used by, THAT ONE “province.”

    These autocratic and totalitarian laws dictate things like:

    – It is NOT necessary for people in “that province” to speak the “main official language” of this country — English — despite the fact that a million or more English Canadian citizens still reside in that “province” which is, after all, still within their own country.

    These radicals have forced many other English citizens out of the “province” of Quebec by making it extremely difficult for them to function there.

    AND NOW … They are gradually forcing this issue EVERYWHERE else across the country.

    We are being taken over and we MUST get help.

    As stated, our Federal government is colluding with these tyrants.
    They are no longer attentive to the 80% majority citizens of this country who are adamantly against this. The majority have made it clear that they are completely opposed to the use of federal tax dollars (to the tune of billions per year) continuing to go towards the funding for these radical policies that work against their better interests.

    Our citizens cannot even aspire to attaining positions within their own federal government, nor can they even seek to be the honorable Prime Minister or official opposition leader of this country as these radicals have somehow made it so that the 80% majority must bow to the concept that these positions MUST BE bilingual.

    The infiltration is so deep that it is now to the point that when we bring these concerns to the attention of our elected leaders they laugh and reply with, “that’s just the way it is, live with it.”

    We are in desperate need of your intervention in this matter immediately, before it’s too late.

    The people are depending on you… SAVE US…

    Please help.

    The 80% (majority) ENGLISH speaking CANADIANS.

    Thank you…

  15. When our leaders fail to review programs put into place within 42 years, to see if they are still needed, should be changed, or stopped, measures must be taken by citizens.
    It is not asking too much for our country to have a discussion on bilingulism, and if that process needs a boost from outside sources, so be it.

  16. Thanks for all the well wishes and support everyone!

    It is so encouraging to read these posts.

  17. Your imperialistic oppressive straight square unacceptable English Victorian pig dog square headed anglo views will go nowhere because historically, people who think as you do can’t back them up with the legitimate or illegitimate use of violence. Look at the history of the FLQ – then re-read your letter. Can you hear the Quebecois laughter from where you sit?

    Look up Milice Patriotique Quebecois. They don’t write letters to the UN. By the way, I’ve lost track of how many UN officials have lately been arrested on cocaine importing charges, are you current with that?

    Most UN countries speak multiple languages. Canada accepted official bilingualism decades ago.

    Cory, have you thought about wearing a red square on your chest, supporting Quebec students, marijuana users, black, gay and gray power rights? They need you. Canadians are used to be ignored by all levels of government – that’s why people bang empty pots and pans together and occupy their constituent offices. Come on in, join the party – defend your French brothers and sisters. Let us be as one for the day when we put all our Members of Parliament on trial for crimes against Canada. Million dollar RRSP pension plans…no no – we need trials with real jail time and pensions cancelled. Come in for th big win, Cory.

  18. For those of you wondering why there are no smiles…….I’ve been LMAO when I started reading these blogs this morning…….WOW they are coming out of the wood work this morning…LOL

    Not sure the UN will be able to do much to help you out…..actually many countries are complaining about them lately and many would like to do away with them. They have lost credibility over the years. But hey….. if the UN doesn’t help, perhaps writing to the Vatican may garner some results. Just trying to be helpful. **s** Like you all…..I am very concerned.

  19. There once was a guy named Cory
    Who kept harping on the same old story
    Crying discrimination,
    Claiming it was hurting the nation
    While waiting for his moment of glory.

    He kept crying about the clinic
    Saying that the english couldn’t get in it
    Oh what a shame
    The french were to blame
    When there was three other clinics they could go to

  20. Thanks Cory,

    Your letter was informative and liberating for me to see our plight put into words the indecencies caused by unjust policies (laws).

    Maurice King took Bill 101 to the United Nations many years ago when a Funeral Home in Quebec had two words in English on their sign outside and they were fined.

    It cost Maurice allot of money and the results were-The United Nations found the Language Bill 101 to be unconstitutional but the Canadian Federal Govt chose to ignore the UN and not address this law.

    Yet the federal Government condones such laws as bill 101 which sets to limit ONE language .But yet we are a bilingual country?

    The federal government by condoning that said law allows its citizens to be discriminated against purely on one thing LANGUAGE.

    In our charter of rights and freedoms -Language has been exempt with regards to discrimination -hence one cannot file discrimination by language- yet in the UN charter -language can be used to discriminate !

    There is rights and freedoms and no one can be discriminated against for whatever reason except- language – How convenient for Quebec

    Thank you Pierre Elliot Trudeau

    Oh by the way stella thank you for giving Cory the inspiration to write to the UN.

  21. Gee Chris it is getting confusing. I thought you were waiting for an answer from the UN already.

    In an article in the SF when being interviewed in front of the CCH you had said the UN was involved and that you were waiting for a reply.

    Happy I was able to assist you…wondering why you never thought of the UN before I told you **s** Anytime you need ideas feel free. Like I said, I am here to help your cause.

  22. Maple Leaf Seven……very well said. Just to add to your comment the UN are in cahoots with Iran….they, for lack of a better word, hate the USA and probably Canada also as we are allies.

  23. Bravo

  24. Common sense should prevail

  25. Bravo Cory and to everyone else finally speaking up about this outrage that has been FORCED upon us – in particular in what has become Ethnic Cleansing in Quebec. It is ‘not – bilingualism’ the Quebec government (and related) offices and subsidiaries like Hydro Quebec – etc… demand. They REFUSE outright to hire “Anglos” – period to the extreme where the Minister Of Justice of Quebec publicly announced his refusal to take any further questions from English media in English – because he’d received an anonymous complaint from a francophone – that (paraphrasing) “Having to hear English was too disturbing…and hurt his/her ears…” and the Minister Of Justice of all things… bragged about how he agreed! All Provincial department service ‘titles in English’ have been erased!! Quebec’s ‘our department of Health that WE PAY FOR – now repeats on the voice mail – that it is a French only department – and makes accessing an English speaking employee (English speaking – note** They don’t employ bilingual Anglos or Allos.. except for one or two ‘token ones’ they can parade out every now and again! Our MEDIA including the CBC English Montreal CBC that used to employ thousands has been TOTALLY Erased! I could go on for another two volumes with one horrific example after another of lives devastated, lives destroyed and English patients in French hospitals on the South Shore – suffering incredible pain – near death and mistreatment, to name a few… examples of commonplace daily malpractice; by being diagnosed by doctors and nurses who cannot and/or REFUSE to question the patient (LIKE MY GERMAN 86 year old mother) in English!!
    It IS OUTRIGHT Ethnic Cleansing – in Quebec – period and it’s been rampant for over 3 decades. HOW dare our English language and the ability to live and work in it have been ERASED in our Canadian owned Province of Quebec?
    Cory again a million thanks for speaking out – this utter lunacy and criminal activity forced upon us by our own Federal Government and MP’s that have deliberately and criminally looked the other way and collaborated with treasonous and racist – hate filled Quebec politicians – all of them Separatists including the Liberal (both Federal and Provincial) Party’s… must be shouted from every rooftop in the country. I ask you to consider the following:

    “Elie Wiesel warned at the US Holocaust Museum that evil can be in each one of us, it’s often just a matter of degrees. The first degree is the one where you only use words, without using physical violence. But this is EXACTLY the degree we should fight against, as this is the level of insanity where preventing a terrible disaster is still possible. All you need is a passion for truth, and a lot of patience and determination. Yes we can … !”

    forgive any typos..:)

  26. Ooooops: I meant to write… Le gouvernement de Quebec (the Government of Quebec is no longer used – except in literature destined for US and the ROC’s eyes… where they continue to deliberately DECEIVE the public that like Gilles Duceppe so famously said to Harper in their first televised debate: “We treat our Anglos well”. And compared to today — you betcha – they did – if being treated like family pet – or someone to be ‘tolerated’ and/or an untouchable -.. and not being put into camps or beaten on a daily basis – is being ‘treated well’.

    In any event – I’m sure you get ‘my drift’.

  27. It is sad when the minority that is benefiting from this law takes such glee to be able to mock the majority. It is because English-speakers are generally law-abiding citizens that their cause have been ignored. Everybody knows that the French-speakers are ever willing to use violence (e.g. the FLQ in their murder of LaPorte, letterbox bombs, etc.) and civil disobedience as in riots and violent demonstrations as shown by the students. Governments that operates by the Rule of Law are not equipped to deal with such examples of violence and even though English-speakers are frustrated, their propensity to use only legal means is still the only recourse they seek. It is a pity that their efforts are belittled by those who can sit on the sideline and laugh!!! Cory Cameron – do not let these ignorant people bother you. In a civilized world, peaceful means must be used to exhaustion before we allow ourselves to descend to methods employed by a less civilized society.

  28. stellabystarlight, what do you mean by very well said to maple leaf seven? He is inciting violence! Us square heads have not done a lot of that since 1759, 1812-14, some went to the US for their civil war, the rebellion years, WW1 and WW2 anyway.

    maple leaf seven, I imagine the Quebecois laughter is heard annually as the “imperialistic oppressive straight square unacceptable English Victorian pig dog square headed anglo” send 7.4 billion dollars to Quebec!

  29. Cory,

    I honestly think you need to get more intimate with the receipient. This letter might as well of been anonymous and sent to the guard at the front door of the UN building (aka. it’s not going to go anywhere, nobody there cares). Same thing goes for the Canadian Governments you are appealing to. Randomly sending letters to different leaders will not be effective.. I think you need to focus your efforts on one influential person and go “balls deep.” Focus your efforts. Learn about their personal life. Show up at all their events. Commit. Then you’re no longer a random person complaning via letter – you have a face and a relationship with that person, they’ll hear what your saying.

    If you’re not willing to do that, then you’re not that invested in the cause. Anybody can send emails and letters to someone they never met. You’re doing the samething Mr.McGillis did – but you don’t have the influential position he does to get someone to agree to speak with you. Look what has become of his efforts.. nothing.

    Screaming from the high hills is only going to make you look crazy – not serious.

    Just my opinion.

  30. Didi your comments are very sad while being enlightening. Groups of people living close to Ottawa need to make arrangements and pester like hell to get meetings with our politicians like Moore the poster boy for bilingualism. We need some laws to protect the livelihoods of English speakers in this country – laws that put down some of what is in COL Act.

    We have to shout louder to get the attention of our MPs, we have to make it an election issue. We won’t get anywhere until the number of English speakers grows to the point it can’t be ignored.


  31. Here in Alberta I am trying to get the attention of prominent journalists plus MPs. People here are not aware of the plight. It won’t come onto their radar until it affects them personally.

  32. It’s always eye opening when the same people criticize me here who feel that the whole issue is silly. To this, I have this to ask of them:

    If you thought that what we’re doing is so childish; then why do you post ever present comments to us; attempt to ridicule us, and personally attack us every opportunity you get? Woudn’t it be more prudent to say nothing at all? And perhaps let us bury ourselves?

    No, no. We’re onto something here and it absolutely terrifies you! While reading through these comments, Sandra Smith’s caught my eye.

    She wrote:

    “How about you Stella? Will you change your mind? Will you change the topic ? You keep reading and commenting on posts by these so called “fanatics”. Just b/c they have different opinions than you doesn’t make them fanatics. You yourself could be called the fanatic since you can’t allow like minded people to discuss their thoughts without insulting them. What do you fear Stella?”

    Yes Stella, exactly what do you fear? Further, you’ve actually went from insulting me on this forum now to creatively insulting me through poetry. For someone who thinks this is all one big waste of time, you certainly are wasting much of yours following my so called little rantings and ravings.

    Kim Lian Khoo:

    ” Cory Cameron – do not let these ignorant people bother you. In a civilized world, peaceful means must be used to exhaustion before we allow ourselves to descend to methods employed by a less civilized society.”

    Thanks so much Kim. My fear though is that as you can see from my letter, the very laws of the land are discriminatory in practice, right? It is very South African Apartheid-like and we see it getting worse everyday.

  33. Wondering what will happen when Canadian students are told they have to learn Chinese, mandarin etc etc….if they want to get good paying jobs…….which is already happening in BC?

    While listening to a talk show recently, a lady called in and was VERY upset. She had taken the 1000 Islands Boat Tour. As usual the tour guide gave a short historical story about the islands and “les habitants” NOW……..this short little story became a big story as it was repeated in FIVE DIFFERENT LANGUAGES.

    Get with the program folks…….instead of complaining, prepare yourself for what will be happening in the near future. Stay ahead of the game **SMILE**

  34. anonymous:

    I totally agree with everything you have said. But we need the help of everyone who feels this way. Rather than just a few who have written letters to various government representatives, we need everyone who thinks this is wrong to stand up and be heard…

    If, rather than 25 people commenting positively on my letter, the same 25 people were to write letters of their own and send them to their elected representatives? I think this would have more of an impact then as you say, “Screaming from the high hills…” But if enough people who feel this way scream from the high hills? What then? Will we be heard then?

    “Anybody can send emails and letters to someone they never met. You’re doing the samething Mr.McGillis did – but you don’t have the influential position he does to get someone to agree to speak with you. Look what has become of his efforts.. nothing.”

    You’re absolutely right, anonymous. But this situation in and of itself proves a few things. One, that this issue is so ingrained into our mindset as being a legitimate cause and not impacting anyone in a negative fashion – when the exact opposite is true. If Mr. McGillis and other elected officials have tried to do something about this issue and have been shunned then there is something afoot here. It goes up to the highest offices of the land and is ingrained into our laws.

    It can then be termed systematic discrimination. But this issue is both systemic and systematic in nature.

  35. Anonymous thank you for writing. Sure what you say makes some sense and most people agree with Language Fairness. Cory Cameron is but one person! Wouldn’t it be nice if most people in this city had the guts to stand up? What we have are thousands of people that believe, but a whole lot of “Anonymous'” that are either being bullied, too afraid, or too lazy to stand up. The group that is standing up has been working very hard. Just imagine if there were a thousand people out at the next rally?!?!? Now that would make a statement!! Every single citizen needs to ask themselves, “What can I do today to help myself, my family or my friends with this issue?” The people of Cornwall can’t just leave it all up to Cory to fix this. ALL ANONYMOUS PLEASE START SPEAKING UP AND GET OUT THERE!!! Get off your butts and push apathy and oppression away! PLEASE seriously consider the consequences of inaction!!!!!!

  36. Hello everyone,

    Folks, I am thinking about sending my UN letter to all of the major Canadian newspapers for print in their letters to the editor. Before doing so, I am asking what people think about me doing this? We have quite a number of viewpoints here and I would like to know how everyone feels about this….

    This issue cannot remain in the closet. I am reminded of what my brother said during the Chesterville Rally about asking why the CBC is not touching this issue. That statement has come to haunt me over again. In any case, I think I have to do this for the best of all of us. One language cannot continue to be supported at the expense and detriment of all others.

    With Sincerest Regards,


  37. I am 100% for it! This needs to be shared. The CBC will not do it, so we need to get the message out somehow. People in other areas of the country NEED to see what is really going on here. Laws that were put in place 40 years ago pushing French full steam ahead while their numbers are declining. Anglophones are being discriminated against and jobs are getting scarce for the majority! Government employees, many local here in town, support this silliness, while they drag themselves through a speech in French where they can only properly pronounce a few of the words….Elaine MacDonald and Guy Lauzon are prime examples of this!
    Lots of work Cory, but you are on the right track! The more it is in the news, the more the message will be talked about. The next step is getting new blood in place for the next election.
    Thanks for all the hard work you have been doing!!!

  38. For those who think I am afraid…….YOU ARE RIGHT. **smile**

    Especially with the UN letter being sent to every newspaper in Canada, I am really worried now and more afraid then ever.

    Don’t recall saying this was a waste of time, actually I find it very interesting and informative. **s** As for changing the topic……it’s kind of hard when you keep bringing it up every day. Because it’s an open forum, I’m assuming that all are welcome here and like you, I like to discuss issues that pertain to our country and that affect us all.

  39. Cory, oh, Cory, my dear and beloved Cory, now, tell me something, please. 🙂 Did you send this letter exactly in this form to the MPP and MP of the region, to the Prime Minister and to the secretary-general of the United Nations and are you planning to send it as well to all newspapers in the country exactly in this form, word for word? For the sake of your own dignity and pride, I hope not.

    No, seriously, all joking, teasing and scoffing aside, I do not advise you to send it as it is, with its many flaws in various respects, to the editor of any major newspaper. ”Which flaws?”, you might ask. Ha! 😀 That’s for you to figure out. If you want to avoid getting the embarrassment of your life, think twice and proofread what you have written.

    And you, every one of you who have shown him your support on this tribune, I can’t believe that you haven’t told him yet… Surely at least one of you must have noticed that something is wrong with the presentation of this letter. Come on, people! Just because Cory is on your side doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t tell him when he screws up as he has. On the contrary you’d show him solidarity by doing so.

    Oh, wait. That would be akin to crediting you with more intelligence and wisdom than you possess. So never mind.

  40. Wow! My heart is filled with awe. I must be dreaming. The president of ‘‘Canadians for Language Fairness’’ herself – the one and only – has seen fit to grace us with her presence on this forum. I truly feel I am in a state of great admiration… NOT!

    Hey, Kimmie! Let me tell you a few things. Are you listening? Have you got a seat? Good!

    First of all, I happen to be a French speaker and, yet, if you saw me and actually knew me quite a little, you would think that I am one of the quietest people on the face of the earth. The same could certainly be said about virtually my entire family, that of my friend here, that of my friend there, and so on. So, by referring to French speakers as you have without bringing any nuance, you’ve generalised, and any person who is clever in the least knows that it is always wrong to generalise.

    And – if I may indulge in using incorrect English here – second of all, you really make me laugh my head off when you say that English speakers are generally law-abiding citizens. Big bl—y deal! Tell that to the people whose properties were quite heavily damaged near Fanshawe College in London, Ontario, when, during the week-end of St. Patrick’s Day this year, a whole bunch of young and undisciplined students made a riot, which occurred for no reason and not to support any cause at all. Oh yeah, and how about those English-speaking conservatives who ransacked the parliament of Montréal in 1849, after the members of the house of assembly had decided to compensate, financially, innocent victims of the repression following the revolt of the Patriots in 1837-1838? Oh, and I suppose that the Vancouver riot following the defeat at the Stanley Cup final last year didn’t occur either…

    In all seriousness, lady, you can tell me as much and as frequently as you will, after all of this, that you and your organisation are not Francophobe, I shan’t believe you. No, you’ll never convince me.

    And if the cause of the English speakers has been ignored, as you say, it’s rather because they’ve no cause to begin with. Along the same lines, I can tell you that the reason why the minister responsible for the Official Languages Act and the Commissioner of Official Languages keep on refusing to meet you is that they don’t take you seriously and there is simply no reason why they should. A mere glimpse at the not-so-professional-like appearance of the Web site of CLF is plenty enough to make any sensible person realise that. And no, don’t tell me that you can’t make it look better just because you don’t receive funding in the tens of millions of dollars from any source. If you had any skill in that sense, you’d certainly find a way.

    Finally, don’t you ever refer to me or my kind as a mere minority. In case you don’t realise it, French Canadians are much more than that in the making and the history of this country. Without my ancestors, this country wouldn’t be nearly as advanced as it is nowadays. ’Bye!

  41. I happen to agree with you Blue Duck..the infamous letter will probably never make it to Moon’s desk, much less be taken seriously..on another note..r u the cowboy who walked into Costco demanding services in french from an employee, all the while speaking perfect english? These are actions that weigh heavy on my mind. Why? Because you can? I seriously question your statement that the Costco employee was rude to you. Try pulling that stunt in the private doubt, you’ll find your bruised rearend sitting outside on the sidewalk.

  42. Blue Fox, you do have a way with words. On the minority thing, take it up with the Minister of Francophone Affairs for Ontario, that is what she calls you and 4.2% of Ontario self identified Francophones. You can always lose the hyphen and just be Canadian….(I know the Ministry says 4.8% of the population, but that was after they changed definition.

    I am amazed that London and Vancouver skirmishes stand out in your mind. I imagine many in Canada (which includes Quebec) are still thinking of the 100 plus days of Quebec student riot/march this year, and certainly still paying for the emegency services overtime. Someone should have told them they are only paying 17% of the cost of that education, where Ontario students are paying 35%.

    Don’t take comments on here so personal, we would all have better life if some money for Francophone associations and special projects, could be freed up for core & common services. Also, when talking about ancestors, more than French made this country.

    You would think more Quebecers would have signed up for a world war after seeing German subs in the St. Lawrence than there were too! But maybe name calling, insults and ignoring the real problem kept the threat away….Kind of what we see here today.

  43. There are a lot of big words and insults flying. I wonder why they think louder means righter? lol

    If the fear/hilarity is so consuming, why not start a group to defend your rights as Mr Cameron has done?
    Why not write your own letters, stage your own protests or start your own group of like minded people to fight to retain all the rights and special priveledges you now enjoy? Instead of insulting, chiding, and hiding behind your aliases you could do something to make our country better.

    But you all just keep on keepin on. The sun shines brighter and fools and idiots, just so we know where to spend our time and where to waste it.


  44. Blue ,
    You have given us 3 instances of civil unrest of which most was a one time occurrence .
    We have what could be termed terrorist group ( Quebec students )-100 days of violence .
    Those same students have the easiest access as well as the lowest cost in the country for Education -yet they are not happy -welcome to the pampered society of Quebec!

    The Olympics are near but for me the highlight is not the Olympics this year.
    Near daily articles in the newspapers are showing the unjust as well as the impacts of bill 101!

    The true entertainment will be coming from la belle province this fall!

    #1-This fall the release of report on corruption within the construction industry within la belle province -it has been leaked that corruption is proven to be in most gov entities!

    #2-The student revolt continues -still the lowest tuition and fee’s-Quebec society does not agree with these protests clearly -and the rest of Canada see’s this as a pampered society….not willing to address its social financial responsibility!

    #3-Fall election -with numerous issues and the separatists having student leader a representative says it all.
    But with numerous separatists groups vying for those cherished seats in Gov.
    To think they (Quebec )call Albertans rednecks -when in fact they will look like polite PEI people campaired to the ETHNOCENTRIC Quebecois.

    So folks watch for the greatest show in Canada coming this fall in Quebec .


  45. Many where asking me why I come here everyday, honest to gawd, I find it amusing and funny to say the least. **s**

    First it’s starts with the CCH, 3 or 4 times, then it went to SS, then back to Cornwall at the FRENCH clinic, then it’s going to Galganov’s horse farm for a BBQ at a fee of $25.00 each. I am hoping that the menu for that price would include RIBS & CHICKEN. I don’t want my entry fee going towards anyone’s legal fees or for personal use. **s** It’s to the point it sounds desperate to the max……OMG. Fools rush in, where wise men never go……love the words to that song **s**

    Know what? It’s a changed world and a changing country. To be so focused and consumed with jealousy because of language is pathetic indeed….especially with all the other things going on in the world today……..which we should all be more concerned about.

    So tell me……What will be your reaction when all Canadians become the minority in this country? What will you do when being told you must learn another language other then french to be qualified for a job? What will you do if Sharia Law becomes the law of the land? Recently, an elected Muslim official suggested that women wear the Hijab…….HELLO!!!!! does that not scare you more then a language issue. WAKE UP!!!!

    Don’t ever think for a minute that we will never become a minority in our own country. While living in NYC for 6 months many where saying they felt like they were on foreign land. When shopping in a store and no one is speaking English around you, it sort of gives one a strange and weird feeling. Will you….the “fairness whatever whatever” try to have them deported because they are a minority? It won’t happen and nor will your attempt to abolish the french language happen!!!

    GEEZ…..get off the pot…….welcome to the new and real world. No matter what is said here just doesn’t sink in with most. Like Patrick said so often, you comment many times without reading the post. You are so fixated on language that you can’t even grasp most messages. Of course that only applies to some, not all **s**

    See you all at the BBQ!!!!

  46. stella,

    All that told me that you are not very fond of Muslims,as well as uncomfortable in cultural Diversity of New York.
    But what said it all was your second last line-
    “You are so fixated on language that you can’t even grasp most messages”

    I have looked in the mirror I am happy with my choices.!

  47. Stella,

    Just a friendly reminder,Howard’s BBQ is for supporters,not bashers!


    Thanks for caring enough about your fellow man-kind to actually try & do something to make our country a better place & fair to ALL Canadians.

    I’m proud to part of the Cameron Clan!

  48. stellabystarlight, people are still allowed in Canada to use after tax income as they see fit. Many donate to causes knowing it may be spent in other lands, have excessive overhead costs or squandered on air ambulances that are to small for patients. Wait, that is the McGuinty government.
    McGuinty was very close to raming Sharia on Ontario but was stopped by an outcry from church and other groups. Should we not buy a chicken dinner from a church fundraiser?

    It is a changing world and French groups are doing what they can to protect and increase French in Ontario and New Brunswick, at all taxpayer’s expense.

    Do you honestly believe a store owner should be forced to have signage with 2 languages? I believe that owner should have and maintain the right to market his or her business to his or her customers. If that means Chinese only, so be it.

    I also believe that many government “bilingual” positions do not actually need bilingual staff, but are catering to a special interest group and party idealogy for votes.

    If you go to the bar b q, announce yourself so we can take up a collection from our after tax income and pay for your ticket.

  49. Just a reminder……..This is Ontario and not Quebec……..for those of you who seem confused **s**

  50. Debbie……Gee…..Cory wanted to meet some bashers in person and now you say we are not welcome. Confusion….very hard to keep up with you guys…you are always changing your minds.

    While I am at it D….thinking your post proves what we have been saying all along…….your primary goal is to conquer and divide **s** HMMMMM!!!

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