All Eyes NOW on Helene Periard & Jeanette Despatie Over Sale of Cornwall General HD VIDEO

Helen Periard & Jeanette Despatie
Helen Periard & Jeanette Despatie

CFN – And now the public in Cornwall & SDG know who to focus on in their attempts to save the old Cornwall General site which the CCH board tried to list for sale on a dark wintry night.

No public consultation took place. No open board meetings.   No tender for bids by real estate companies.  No independent evaluation of the value of the property.  Even this meeting was supposed to be closed to the public.   After another media outlet raised a stink (Way to go Boomer!)  the doors were open, but with very little to no time to notify the public so that they could watch and participate.

So the big question becomes why?  Why the rush? Why this shady sleazy process that demands that the entire board that sanctioned these behaviors be given their walking papers?

And why do Mayor Bob Kilger of Cornwall and former MPP Jim Brownell go to the lengths of offering 100% support for this team?

Thursday night Ms Chantale LeClerc, head of the Champlain LHIN came down to Cornwall to chat with the EOHU board, one that Mayor Kilger sits on.  With Mayor Kilger’s own mother in Long Term Care how can he be so callous to his constituents?  Surely the long term care of these voters should matter to the mayor of a city who’s also on a health board?

The LHINS are not responsible for Capital Projects – IE Facilities

The back drop is that after one independent public meeting (LINK) and our Petition asking for a 90 Day Moratorium on the sale (LINK) of the hospital have resulted in zero from CCH.

Last night’s meeting clarified exactly who is behind the sale of the hospital.  That would be CCH itself.   The LHIN is not in the business of capital purchases or sales.  In other words Ms LeClerc clearly stated the LHIN has no issues with the 2nd Street Property.

Likewise we received the following statement from Ms Deb Matthews, the Minister for Health in our Province.

The ministry does need to approve any sale of hospital properties throughout the province. In the case of the Cornwall Community Hospital property, the ministry has not yet received any proposal regarding this site. 


Community consultation plays an important role when deciding the future of hospital sites. If the community has any alternative proposal we would encourage them to bring that to the hospital board. The redevelopment of the Cornwall Community Hospital is an important project and we are committed to providing care for Cornwall residents in a modern facility.

So why would CCH expedite the sale of the General before the EOHU could put its task force together to find uses for the hospital?

I asked Ms LeClerc point blank if there was a need for the beds currently being used, the ones that our former MPP fought so hard to get, and if the General was gone where would they be put and she had no answer because there’s no inventory space.  There’s no other facility to plop those beds into.

So why rush to sell the General for pennies on the dollar; especially if we hope for the population of Cornwall to double in the next 20 years?  If those 2000 waterfront condos were built where would we place those folks when they needed long term care?

While some of the innovative and amazing programs starting to be implemented in theory are amazing,  in practice they sometimes don’t work out.  Surely throwing away a perfectly good hospital at this time is at best totally incompetent and at worse….

Bottom line is why has CCH focused so hard on eliminating the General as a community resource?

Where have the EOHU and local politicians been on this issue?    Why wait until the last minute?

With space already limited why kill this building?  Surely the cost of replacing it would be far more than maintaining it?  Spend $35M on an arena, but drop a hospital?  Is that the message Cornwall wants to share with the world?

Why is CCH management being so secretive?   Why not have proper public consultation properly advertised, not just in media that says nice things about them and are nearly the least consumed in the community?

Where are those that love to beat their chests about healthcare; but have been all but invisible on this issue?   NDP’er Elaine MacDonald finally showed up at a meeting last night, but was silent.

We do need a 90 Day Moratorium on the sale of this hospital.  (CLICK LINK TO SIGN) We do need a truly independent evaluation of the General Hospital facility.   It can be used for many purposes such as it is now.  Is there really a reason to dump it?

We need a task force made up of members of the community; not just the same old clique, who will focus on the reality.   Ms Leclerc used a whole bunch of numbers, but at the end of the day we’re talking about people and families, not numbers.  She was ranking care for seniors over 75, but what about Seniors between 55-75 that need care?  Do they not count?

Ms LeClerc stated that patients transferred to the facility of their choice.  She however clarified that they would have to provide a list of up to 5 locations.  In other words they could end up very far from home which would make it harder for their friends and families to support and visit them.

We need to focus as a community on this issue.  If the CCH management refuses to have proper community consultation we have to have them independently and contact Minister Matthews herself and get some action taken.   It should also be noted that nobody from Cornwall or SD& G is on the board of the LHIN; something that should also be addressed.  Maybe again the LHIN should advertise notices where local people will be more likely to read them?

We need our Sunshine list public servants to start to better serve the public and to put pressure on our elected officials to better represent our needs.

Missing from the meeting last night was any representation from the Hospital board or management.

As Councilor Rivette stated this could become a local election issue in the upcoming Provincial election.

Stay tuned!  More to come and you can post your comments below.


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  1. Thank you CFN for letting us all in what the CCH & city are trying to hide til the dastardly deed has been done

  2. Author

    Mariah it’s now up to the public to show what they really want. We need to get the word out and then people need to show up at the next Council meeting on Monday, phone in if they can’t make it or email. Politicians only respond when the people force them to.

  3. Would like to have been informed properly regarding this meeting..I would have been there..reminds me of when the TB sanatorium in GlenWalter was purchased for a mere $300,000 by the Islamic Institute without much, if any public consultation. What do you think that property is worth now?

  4. Author

    Ferris I’m not an expert on property values, but I have a hunch there are people in our community that can answer that question…

  5. There seems to be an overabundance of mean spirited people in this area with their own agendas. Helene Periard & Jeanette Despatie are responsible for the ongoing language discrimination at the CCH as well as outsourcing the hospital’s construction contract to employ Quebec workers and now they are about to erase the Cornwall General Hospital from the Cornwall landscape.

    I don’t have to mention the other selfserving persons in the area, a lot of them on the Cornwall City Council or working for the city, but the newest mean spirit in the area appears to be Darren Dalgleish of the Saint Lawrence Parks Commission. I don’t know what his agenda is but he couldn’t do more to alienate the residents and council of South Stormont.

  6. I don’t know a lot about this however it seems to me that selling this property is the best choice. Long term care seems like a really bad idea. But the hospital HAS NOT been transparent enough nor have they involved the community enough on this issue.

  7. The true colors of CCH mis-management is finally coming out…’s takien a while and this is just the tip of the iceberg…way to go CFN.

    You can only get away with lying for so long…..then it catches up with you….

    How can they sleep at night with so many skeletons….oh yes no soul…..

    Okay so some of the Councillors of City of Cornwall, and Mr. Mayor, how you going to weasel out of this?

    The TRUTH PREVAILS it always does eventually….nothing is a secret

  8. I never thought of it before but these women and the mayor must be reptillian humanoids. Do you ever notice any shap-shifting when in their presence admin. Lying reptillians trying to destroy the English race!

  9. The argument that long term patients have to select 5 facilities, some of which could be very far from home, is not entirely accurate.
    My father is in a Continuing Care ward at St. Josephs Villa. The Villa
    also operates the seniors care ward at the General, as a second site location.
    I have met and have been contacted regularly by CCAC representatives (Community Care Access Centre) who update me on my father’s status for a Long Term Care facility.
    I was easily able to choose 5 facilities here in Cornwall. They are: St. Joseph’s Villa, Heartwood, Parisien Manor, Sandfield Place, and Glen Stor Dun Lodge.

  10. Strange that those responsible for all hospital events such as the likes of Helen P. and Janey Dearest. had other convenient things to cook up, or to crock up another unwanted fiasco or two,

    These two birds who are approaching senior hood themselves, who will never see the inside of a seniors home as, by our personal budgets, we know them to be, for their own final days just don’t seem to give a damn about what the community sees as requirements do they.

    More to come for sure. Don’t think they are done with us yet. Seems they like setting this town on it’s ear, asses and apple carts.

  11. Shameful! These 2 nutcase women are in the hot seat again! What in the he’ll does the public have to do to have them fired!?! Hasn’t the community, the nurses, health care workers, the seniors had enough abuse, secrecy and discrimination?!?!? Way more than one city can handle I’d say!!! I’ll be at that next council meeting!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Ken Smith you can pick 5 or even 10 spots. If CCH is overflowing and they have to ship somewhere, they will send anywhere like Bourget or Limoges. Good luck with that. I know this has happened to many!

  13. Thank you FreeNews for caring enough about the city of Cornwall and SD&G. How much more does the community have to suffer? Perriard and Despatie have to go if CCH is to become a better hospital and for the people to begin to start to have faith and begin donating again. That is the bottom line.

  14. Jamie and Mark, perhaps we need to find out the date of the next Hospital Board Meeting, and send out an email to all who signed the petition, to be present at this meeting, including all those who were present at the Meeting which took place at the RCAF. Even if it is closed door meeting, we can wait outside until Hospital Management and the board members arrive or leave the meeting and voice our community concerns….

  15. ..I’m not blaming Despatie or Periard..they’re just doing their job..they have many people above them to answer to.. What better target.. Two successful, attractive women ..and stop bashing my hospital.

  16. Maybe should be careful what we wish for with CCH administration.

    First, a firing would cost us a couple of million to settle up with dismissal entitlements/pensions etc. Of course there will be a big wing ding of a party to tell them how good of a job they’ve been doing especially under all this and more pressures they’ve had to face…….and of course all the dignitriets will be invited except you and me of course….

    The run of the rumor mill peons like you and me, all the Anglo’s only and the seniors who ‘lost it’, the battles that is, will NOT be invited except to pay for it all.

    Then to rub salt on OUR wounds and to glorify THEIRS they will higher a french only from Quebec as the new CEO and maybe another yes MAMME as HER right hatchet man……… you see, we’d be no further off would we.

    Any other bright suggestions folks?

    Didn’t think so and I’m on your side.

  17. Ferris….They were only following orders? I believe that excuse has been used before when the excrement hits the fan.

  18. Working in the Health Care for a lifetime I see meny areas we do not service. But the sale of the Second street sight is the ending of reality for this building. But their are new ventures that can take place, just in hopes it remains a prosperus and well managed with benefits for the City of Cornwall and the people it has always served. Never mind our elected council and our Hospital executives, We need honest to goodness, Docters and Lawyers, and Yes Our Native neighbours. to buys this up and form a unitey that will over come and succeed and prosper for the City of Cornwall. Wake up Cornwall SPEEK UP.This Building belongs to us, Get Creative.

  19. ferris….you are right, Mme Periard and Mme Despatie have to follow orders. Everyone in the working world has to answer to someone……but not necessarily to the average citizen.

    Unless you are CEO, part of management or financial advisor no one is in a postion to comment on how and why certain desicions are made. Until you have all facts and understand… should not judge the people involved.

  20. “ferris….you are right, Mme Periard and Mme Despatie have to follow orders. Everyone in the working world has to answer to someone……but not necessarily to the average citizen.”

    Everyone in politics, or who holds the office or title of a government-sponsored institution IS responsible to the average citizen, Stella.

    As are the remaining CEO’s and leaders of our remaining Crown corporations are as well, Stella.

    You know, the more and more I read comments from you, the more and more I realize you really don’t understand the concepts of a democracy, Stella.

    Democracy is more than just the concept of voting for our leadership every four or five years and hoping everything runs smoothly between nominations.

    Citizens, responsible citizens that is, have an obligation to set things straight whenever politicians and the instruments of the state fail the people.

    I leave our viewers with these words written by men much smarter and honourable than myself…

    IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.

    The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

    When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

    (Full Declaration of Independence available at

  21. stellabystarlight January 11, 2013 at 6:41 pm

    ” ferris….you are right, Mme Periard and Mme Despatie have to follow orders. Everyone in the working world has to answer to someone…”

    Yes they have to answer to the taxpayers as well as the community they serve,for it remains a public entity.

    This lot thinks its the community that is to serve the hospital!
    Otherwise why call it a community hospital?

    Change is needed like they did at the Ottawa hospital ,the province replaced the seperatist David Levingue as CEO with a interim and now the hospital is much better from what my friends say.

    The province needs to address the Cornwall Community Hospitals issues the community has lost faith in the management there .

    Perhaps those 2800 signed petitions in provincial parliament requesting the government to investigate theCornwall Community hospital may bring the much needed change.

    We can only hope our government is listening to the lo als need for change at this hospital.

  22. Yes indeed Highlander! A second petition against these 2 women running the show at CCH in less that a year should say something indeed!
    If you have not yet had a chance to stand up for the seniors in Cornwall and your community hospital overalll, here is your chance. Please review and it takes only barely a minute to sign.
    Time for change just like at the Ottawa Civic. Yes, Highlander you certainly hit the nail on the head!!!

  23. @Dukers1

    Sometimes you make perfect sense and sometimes you talk and make totally no sense. Man who the hell cares what the cost is to get rid of current CCH admin! It MUST BE DONE!!! CCH and it’s reputation in Cornwall can’t get much worse and their irresponsible…..and CONTINUING irresponsible poor decisions are costing us millions now!!!! They need to leave! You agreed that they suck big time and have been the cause of this town being a big joke and has kept growth of this hospitall and morale extremely below ground level.

  24. I knew that my statement would ruffle some feathers..I disagree with parts of the CCH language policy..but I won’t drag these women through the mud for all my woes..Reggie..yes, they are kinda just following orders..that is why Periard and Despatie are still employed..because they conform..they are willing to play ball with The”A”Team. I spoke with Mrs. Despatie last week..all the while 2 old timers were eavesdropping on our conversation..we said our good-byes… she proceeded to walk down the hallway..both old men were gawking at her rear end..drooling like they were teenage boys again..then they started to bicker like 2 old women..commenting about the sunshine list and the on going hospital issues …of course putting soul blame on Despatie. When someone trashes the CCH, they’re trashing me. Don’t expect me to be cordial in return..most know me as a quite, even tempered fella..However, don’t even think about attacking the CCH to my face..I won’t play nice..

  25. Author

    Ferris you have to separate an attack on CCH vs an Attack on very bad management. You really do amigo.

  26. ..It knocks me off my game..last week a guy came into the hospital..he told me that he broke his arm in 2 different places…I told him to “stop going to those places”

  27. It has been mentioned that these “two successful attractive women” (ouch my ribs) “have many people ABOVE them to answer to”???

    Oh my.

    Hospitals are meant to serve the community at large — that rabble presumably BELOW them… and catching a superior’s pharts isn’t serving us very well — and it’s not attractive.

    A quick sale? A little kickback? A little donation?…

    Long live ReMax, DemoPlus, PARIS Holdings, and “Builder” Bob (our mayor in Ottawa).

    And Murph… what do you think?

  28. Author

    Well Simon you can point to those factors but surely it we the public sleeping at the wheel that allowed such appointments and culture to evolve? Surely if more people were active, showed up at council, spoke to their elected officials and protested where necessary such a climate could not flourish? I can tell you that CFN has paid a huge price for covering and exposing some of the things we have. Is that right? When situations like this evolve there are many at blame, but the bottom line is looking in the mirror, deciding what’s right and taking action. This facility should not be optioned out for pennies on the dollar. Hopefully enough pressure will be placed by those in our community that agree with that position. And hopefully those that don’t or are too busy watching Honey Boo Boo will be the victims of the possible loss of a facility and service like we currently have…

  29. You probably know that I have been fighting against the greedy brutes that are stealing our present and our children’s future, and threatening the health and safety of our very neighbours.

    It has been out of my pocket, out of my time, and at some cost to my reputation.

    And true enough this community has itself to blame as much as the self interested crooks and cronies that are stealing from us. It’s outrageous that 58% or so of the voters in Cornwall didn’t even rise from there arses to vote. Even though there were enough candidates to at least hold the the ethically challenged at City Hall at bay.

    So I think we should be gadflys to this rotten bunch, and at the same time try to whip up public support.

  30. Ferris said,

    “January 11, 2013 at 2:40 pm
    ..I’m not blaming Despatie or Periard..they’re just doing their job..they have many people above them to answer to.. What better target.. Two successful, attractive women ..and stop bashing my hospital.”

    Ferris I must say you statement is very odd, first off whether or not “they” have people to answer to, “they” are still responsible for their actions which in fact are deplorable!

    “They” DO NOT listen to the cries from our community, only ignore & create smoke & mirrors.

    “They” attractive, now that’s the most FUNNY statement, do you need glasses. “They” look like evil human reptilians to me,lol…

    Lastly, Ferris, I & I believe ALL of us on this site care very deeply about CCH & it’s employees, that is why WE fight like we do.
    I do know WE have zero respect or admiration for those 2 women.
    CCH need to clean house,like Ottawa Hospital did years ago to make CCH a respectable & top notch facility as it should & can be.

    Don’t take our fight personally Ferris, listen to Admin.’s word’s of advice;

    “January 12, 2013 at 6:42 am
    Ferris you have to separate an attack on CCH vs an Attack on very bad management. You really do amigo.”

  31. It was amazing to me that the majority of expense for the renovations to CCH not only ‘AGAIN’ went to a Quebec company, where so many questions in the construction industry have turned it upside down in the Quebec courts, but also a major secondary expense.

    That secondary expense is implicated in the expanse of administrative office space to the front and center right on McConnell where admin can say look at us…look at our tower of power here. The brand new furnishings, draperies and carpeting alone will no doubt be in the millions of dollars too.

    If we can afford all of this, why then could we not afford the new MRI first and for most, then go after ‘charity drives’ for the furnishings. Seems we have the care of our people secondary to ensuring the comfortable glassed in ambiance for the bosses. A-TYPICAL.

    This is what turns people off. This is how they suck us in and steal our tax dollars. This is what muddies the waters.

    Now that we’ve spent so much on patsy this and patsy that there isn’t enough money to support the needs of our seniors. Go figure!

  32. Author

    Dukers do you think the Quebec connection has anything to do with the relationship between CCH management and the Montfort Hospital?

  33. Admin, again, you have hit it right on the nose. A hospital quietly up for sale for $2 million? It’s a french give away.
    I don’t see any bids given yet, must be a secret on who is going to buy it. Perhaps a “french hospital only” maybe?
    When are the cornwall people going to wake-up?
    We have a upside down city hall, a hospital commitee and two individuals who think they they are untouchables.
    I wish that the cornwallities would get thier act together next voting time and have a 100% voting and straighten – out these dens of inquities.
    I remember here in Ottawa what happen in 1999 at OC Transpo, can happen here, very easily.

  34. On a side note on the french issue, I was in Pet Smart Saturday evening and a lady had driven all the way from Montreal area to purchase a dog food. She is a breeder and the brand has served her well for a long time. The reason she was buying here is the brand is not allowed to be sold in Quebec because the label is in English only.

  35. Admin: Do ‘you’/I think Quebec…….

    Wouldn’t want to go that extra mile J. G.

    If it smells like a rose, then perhaps by

    association, one may think it is a rose….????

  36. CC2.. Are you speaking on behalf of the LFA? You sound very militant..time to wipe the scowl off your face and smile for a change..or is that permanent? Chris Cameron gained public empathy by protesting the bias language hiring practices at the CCH..that is what originally brought myself and the majority of bloggers to the CFN..WIN THAT BATTLE FIRST..time to put down the pitchforks, extinguish the torches..put away the noose..You are inadvertantly adding to the problem by repeatedly ostracising CCH management in particular Despatie..many who read your statements buy into the mob mentality..patients bring those negative thoughts and feelings with them to the hospital..stick to the language issue CC2..your constant scrutiny is making my job much more difficult.

  37. I recognized that both Cory and Highlander chose to adress my quotation through another blogger.. CC2 also chose not to represent herself fully as an individual, but rather a legion of people by expressing strong points of view using the words “WE” and “ALL” in upper case letters. You need a new PR guy. Choose your fights carefully. If you were that upset, you should have had someone at the RCAFA building that night during the town meeting. Not to ostricize Despatie, but to provide leadership and solidarity.. You should have told the public the truth right there..that we knew this was coming..that we knew jobs may be should have reassured the public right then and there..before LIHN and the rest had to pull a secret meeting. The public may not have liked what you have to say..but I guarantee they will turn to you to get the truth on future issues that deeply effect the city. I believe in the man who stood alone at the corner of the CCH parking lot fighting for unfair hiring practices..that I can empathize with..that deserves my respect..but to come on a blog and plead conspiracy on all hospital issues is not my fight..for that I must bow out.. It’s amazing to me..watching the power of social media..Thank You very much CFN for getting me more involved local issues that matter. I’m taking a break from commenting now for an undisclosed amount of time.

  38. These sunshine clique darlings never seem to amaze me with all the crap they continuously cover up going on at the hospital and as usual they will always come out smelling like roses for our elected asshats at city hall. Tonight they have the nerve to come out to ask the city for half a million dollars to top up their little fundraiser. Why not raise the price for the General and take the money from that or continue to fundraise if money is needed so badly. Not to give the 2nd St. site away without any talks to the people who paid for it many times over. This cause although needed here is not an emergency and if the city is stupid enough to give them more money instead of making a loan they deserve to be shot burned and peed on. I hope the deciding vote is recorded as I know that these asshats will give away the money so I know who to go after for the next municipal election in 573 days and counting.

  39. I just took a look at the Freeholder pages, to compare stories, and they close all the posts to any of these topics, Thank you CFN for letting people speak.

    It looks like the two spinsters shown above have nothing to fear and no accountability to anyone but their Masters on different levels of politics. It is truly a shame.

    Both well pensioned individuals making it difficult to believe they have the ability when it comes to managing what is best for people. They themselves probably already have a room reserved right beside Bob’s mom all paid for by our tax dollars.

    It would be interesting to follow the hiring of the new Maintenance manager for Cornwall housing. Will it be posted for the public or will we see another friends helping friends situation occur.

  40. Tell it like it is Gary. We need someone like you to remind us in straightforward plain language about all the dirty little deeds that have happened with the blessings of the city council. Keep the countdown going.

  41. Ferris
    January 14, 2013 at 7:16 am

    Hi Ferris ,

    LFA’s mandate is to advocate for fair hiring practices ,with merit first .

    Management at Cornwall Community Hospital has chosen to abuse the Ontario’s french services language act through biased hiring policies.
    Madeleine Meilleur stated that the province provided the framework for the FLSA ,but the hospital and its management that does the respective hiring.

    I am not alone in being discriminated against as there are many who have been at this hospital,but yet many fear of speaking up.

    We at LFA respect the employee’s at the hospital for they do the best with limited resources,and provide great care ,but many have expressed frustrations in their jobs.

    Many employee’s have expressed concerns of the negative impact with regards to language policies and future opportunities within the establishment.

    Mrs.Periard and Mrs.Despatie are in the position to change these policies that have a negative impact on their employee’s ,but have chosen not to do so .

    Its unfortunate that the scrutiny of the hospital has made you job increasingly difficult -that I do apologize for ,not for concerned citizen but as for LFA. Many in the community are frustrated with the hospital and its management on many issues ,but not with the employees .

    Many of the posters here hold great resentment for the discriminatory hiring practices with provincial and federal institutions.

    I may have stood alone many of times in front of the hospital ,but I knew I was truly not alone .
    Many hospital employees have approached me and were very supportive ,but felt that they would risk their job and future opportunities speaking up.

    It is rather amazing how public workers fear of speaking up ,this is akin to oppression.
    Hospital employee’s , like all others support the Hospital through their taxes ,yet fear to have their voices be heard.

    It will be the community that will drive positive change at the hospital as we all want the best facility as well as happy employees at this hospital.

    Change is never easy but with cultivating it will bring a harmonious and inviting environment for all at Cornwall community Hospital.

    Take care Ferris
    Thanks for your input

    Christopher Cameron

  42. No..Thank You Christopher.

  43. I like and agree with Chris Cameron’s above post for Ferris.

  44. Question: Why does language HAVE TO COME UP in every article? SICK sick sick…….

  45. It is part of the issue here Stella, not just the money and how is is spent.

    If they can use the language as leverage for keeping themselves employed you can erst assure they will abuse the same privelage to manipulate the board on the sale of the hospital

  46. stellabysystarlight, are you just waking up to what has been going on?

  47. Look into the new hospital being built in Oakville, it began in 2011 for a scheduled completion date in 2015, that is only 4 years. Estimated cost over 30 years, which includes EPC work and maintenance work is in the ball park of 2.7 billion.

    Have a look; yes they have some scheduling issues and monetary issues but nothing like we see in Cornwall.

    How many years and how much money has been wasted thus far and the place still asks for more revenue and for what end? Infrastructure is on a downward spiral, enrollment into education is on the same spiral, the economy is almost non existent in the way of new industry and growth so what are we putting all this money into a new hospital for and where is it coming from.

    Considering the hospital is a public institution We should be able to see the contract handed to both Despatie and Perriard,
    How can anyone hire an individual that was unable to get along with her piers and students in the education system? So how can we expect anything different here?

  48. ferris wrote: You are inadvertantly adding to the problem by repeatedly ostracising CCH management in particular Despatie..many who read your statements buy into the mob mentality..patients bring those negative thoughts and feelings with them to the hospital..stick to the language issue CC2..

    ferris you are absolutely right. What makes people think they can be judge and jury when they do not have all the facts nor do they want to acknowledge the reasons why certain decisions are made. It seems some get a real joy in character assasination.

    When negative comments abound, it draws negativity and everyone jumps on the bandwagon to be part of the “in crowd”.

    Until we have walked a mile in someone else’s shoes, who are we to judge.

  49. Stella the reality is Ms Despatie was not the first choice, she is in that potition because nobody else wanted it.

    Madame Periard is in the same situation.

    So unless somebody speaks of it how will others know

  50. Stella, Despatie’s and Perriard’s “reasons” are BS, not facts. People want facts: who made the appraisal of the hospital cost sale, how they come up with $2 mln, why there were no bids, who is the Remax realtor and who is the buyer, and why there was no public consultation and no public announcement on the intent to sale the hospital? It’s the public hospital, not Perriard’s and Despatie’s.

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