11th Councilor – City Hall Needs to Come Clean on the Chem Tanks as 1 Month Adjournment Announced by Jamie Gilcig

jg2CORNWALL Ontario –  City Hall here in Cornwall just issued a release stating that Trillium no tanks PAINTDistributing Cornwall Inc. is going to halt for a month while ongoing talks continue.

Frankly that’s frightening.    The Mayor and Council have still refused why Economic Development knew about the project starting in February 2013.  Council has not brought it up in open meetings and there are ongoing negotiations regarding Crown Harbour lands most likely not limited to the Air Force Wing location.

This is what happens when councilors impeach their integrity and roll with the flow instead of standing up for the citizens that voted them into power.  This is called a Leadership vacuum.  While some will cite in camera privacy rules, the bottom line is we have a mayor that claims he knew nothing about the tanks whose near first response was that they wouldn’t stick out of the ground much and a council that claims that they knew nothing?

Trillium Distribution Cornwall Inc. has advised of its intention to adjourn its court application against the City’s Interim Control By-law 2013-243 for a period of one month and City Council has consented to this adjournment. 

The application was originally scheduled to be considered by the Superior Court of Ontario on March 21st. 

Officials from both parties continue to hold discussions in an attempt to achieve resolution on the use of lands in the Harbour area of Cornwall. 

Again, for those that may not have read the original quotes.

From Transport Canada:

The tenant provided detailed information regarding proposed activities for this commercial operation at this port facility to the City of Cornwall.  Specifically, Trillium Distribution Cornwall Inc. advised Transport Canada that they first contacted the City of Cornwall in February 2013, and that, among other discussions with the City, Trillium Distribution Cornwall Inc. also provided details of the project plan to the City of Cornwall in June 2013.

And shortly thereafter from Mayor Kilger himself, not from Council.

Mr. Kevin Pollard contacted the City’s Economic Development office in February 2013 to determine possible opportunities for securing existing storage tanks, or potentially building his own. Water access was not stated as being essential.  At that time he was provided information on a variety of site options, including the Cornwall Business Park, a former industrial site in the west end of the City, and a wharf in the Morrisburg area. He was alerted to the sensitivity of the Harbour Area given the neighbouring residential and recreational uses, the lack of rail, and the lack of adequate trucking routes to Highway 401. Mr. Pollard did not extend dialogue with City officials following this preliminary and exploratory contact. 

No further contact was received until June 2013 when Mr. Pollard contacted City officials on a single occasion to inform them that Transport Canada had agreed to enter into a lease. No further discussion or confirmation of the lease was ever received from Trillium or Transport Canada. No specific details, sketch or site plan was provided. The City recommended a meeting to discuss concerns regarding planning and land use issues. City officials did not provide any approval, verbal or otherwise, at any time. Mr. Pollard did not pursue further dialogue with City officials. Notwithstanding this request, the City has never met anyone from Trillium Distribution. 

So let’s get this straight.   Mayor Kilger informs Cornwall that ED (Either Mark Boileau,  Bob Peters, or Kevin Lajoie) that the lease was signed in June 2013 and it is not reported to CAO Levac, the Mayor or Council?  Not once mentioned in their monthly report to Council?  That duck flies about as well as the Lee Harvey Oswald Lone Gunman theory.

Yet not a single councilor has asked for this to be clarified through the mayor in open council?

This is why these secret negotiations with the Federal government should be so freaking scary to tax payers as we are stuck with the bill for any deals cut by Mayor Kilger.

On a darker note Baggy Bob’s best Bud Claude McIntosh recently stated that the Mayor would announce his running for re-election for mayor in May, or about one month away?

The kinda makes the movie China Town look like Green Eggs and Ham.   It’s dark and sinister with no accountability.   While the mayor and this council may have a “legal” right to sign certain documents; with this being the lame duck year of a very troubled term do they have a moral right to enter into, never mind sign any agreements of the scope and nature of the harbour lands without going to the people?  The mayor and council did not campaign on signing any deals with the Feds nor did they talk much about some of these deals.

Again, we’ve already caught Mayor Kilger lying about the city’s knowledge of the Tanks and it appears that there is some sort of cover up on the true nature of what took place regarding notification.

We also know that the city has refused to disclose recent documents to the media which is yet another red flag.

Surely it’s time to reign in this bad drama and slow everything down until City Hall comes clean with the people of Cornwall?

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  1. I think that Mayor Kilger has already read the writing on the wall & realizes that he has finally lost favour with Cornwall voters,we want accountability & transparency to start with Mayor Gilcig

  2. Breaking News
    Chinese satellite may have found missing airplane
    They have photos from space of huge pieces of debris in the ocean near where the plane vanished
    hopefully closure for all left behind
    lets us hope

  3. Time will tell Mary. Change is definitely needed.

  4. Let us say that Jamie gets in as mayor and I wonder how the rest will get along with him like that CEO Levac, that Adams woman that does the books and everyone else. Jamie would have to drag that Adams woman out of her broom closet to take a good look at the books unless they give him one set of books to look at and keep the other hidden from his site. Bare Ass has done a great deal of harm for Cornwall and believe me he isn’t finished yet.

  5. Mayor Bob Kilger’s press release simply lacks logic, he states that Kevin Pollard from Trillium 1st contacted
    Economic Development in Feb 2013 and that he did not state that water access factor as being essential.
    If that was correct why would Economic Development suggest 3 possible sites 2 of which were deep water,
    a wharf in Morrisburg ( Kaneb ) property, and a former industrial site in the west end of the City ?
    Then in June 2013 Kevin Pollard from Trillium contacted the City stating that Transport Canada had agreed
    to enter into a Lease . Mr Mayor are you suggesting that you were not informed of this ? If that was true then
    Economic Development obviously were not doing their job properly, or is this a cover up and you knew all along and agreed with this new business = Trillium on our water front land ?

  6. Author

    Mr. Beattie that is exactly what I’ve been asking and asking council to ask in open council. WTH is going on? We deserve honest answers.

  7. Admin, please inform Mr. Beattie that the Cornwall canal is no longer in use. There is no “deep water” access in the city’s west end anymore. I would assume the industrial site mentioned is located on Saunders drive. Maybe you should clarify this for him, since this is the reason he states for Kilger’s comments being illogical.

  8. Jamie the Cornwall Canal has not been in operation as a deep water port since at least 1967 or 68 or so. Whoever was mayor at that time closed that down and made a park out of it and some might take advantage and swim in it or even try their hand at fishing. Bare Ass doesn’t know anything and if it were not for his clique he wouldn’t be in as mayor or anything else.

  9. gimme-a-break !
    With all due respect , I live here and I’am fully aware that the canal was no longer in use
    Your comment there is no ” deep water ” access in the City’s west end any more is not
    While it might seem rather confusing the property where Loc Weld was located is in
    the City not the Twp , yet north of that Hwy ( Vincent Massey ) is Twp .
    It is that property that I believe Mayor Kilger was referring to and my reason for
    suggesting his press release comment was illogical as that property has deep water.

  10. Mr. Beattie, with all due respect, I don’t believe the Loc Weld property is accessible by ship. It is a great spot for bass in the summer though. Let me be clear. I am not in favour of the current tanks location, however I don’t believe the city purposely tried to cover up the project. I do believe this is just another opportunity for Mr. Gilcig to slander the mayor and E.D. and possibly win favour with voters. To be honest, I haven’t given my personal info to admin, so I didn’t think he would post my comments. I was just hoping he would clarify the facts for everyone and stop misleading the good citizens of our community.

  11. If Bare Ass was honest with the public that he is supposed to represent he would have had the tanks project plastered all over the toilet paper of record including the ministry of propaganda of the local cable TV as well as the radio stations. None of this happened and if it were not for someone reporting this story to Jamie then nobody would have known anything about it. Jamie isn’t knocking down Bare Ass since Bare Ass doesn’t need anybody to do that for him since he is well qualified to do that all on his own.

  12. gimme-a-break !
    With all due respect my understanding of why Loc Weld chose that location where their plant was located
    simply put, was that they believed that barges could come in there and be loaded with extra wide loads ,
    loads that could not be shipped by rail .
    Again back to the question and a clear point in June 2013 the press release states the City was contacted
    and that Kevin Pollard told the City that a lease agreement was agreed upon with Transport Canada ,
    I suggest to you Sir that a Red flag should have gone off right then, long before tank construction began
    either E D fell asleep at the switch or perhaps a cover up, and the City was in agreement with Trillium .

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