Cornwall Ontari0 – Good news costs money, and judging by how many viewers we have and how many pages you click on every month we must be doing something right?

Right now the City of Cornwall is going through its farcical exercise of a budget.  It’s embarrassing and even in an election year council is talking of nearly a 10% tax increase!

Do you want answers?  I know I do.   We have some helpers who want to do a forensic analysis of the budget and give us some real answers rather than the one spun from city management and swallowed by numpties like Carolyne Hebert or Justin Towndale.

The cost?  $3,600.00 which is peanuts compared to how much taxpayers will have to pay extra this year and ever after if we don’t have real numbers.

People love court case coverage.   We want to spend more time in courts because as we’re seeing more and more, if media don’t, then our already flawed justice system runs amok.   Don’t you want to know which judges behave like Rick Leroy?  I know I do.    The cost?   $12,000.00 extra for the balance of 2018.

Just click the donate button!

And that’s ultimately the point.   Media can no longer rely on ad dollars when government and corporate leverage jam real media up.How many stories have you wondered why you didn’t see covered locally.Why didn’t the Freeholder for example cover swastikas in CCVS?  Could it be because of how many ad dollars the UCDSB spends with them?  Or the Seaway News?

This newspaper, the one you’re reading now, pays a huge price everyday that hampers us from serving you, our viewers.   We need more journalists.  We need sales reps and support staff.

We do the best with the limited resources we have to work with, but ultimately, you, our viewers will decide how much news we can publish.

CFN is a lot more than Cornwall.   It’s regional. It’s Brockville, and Montreal, and Ottawa.  It’s Kingston, Hawkesbury, and Alexandria, but like any newspaper we can only do as much as you allow us to do.


Donations are private via paypal.  It’s easy, safe, and for as little as $36 per year you can play a role in shining  a light on the issues that are important to you, your family, your business, and ultimately your community.

Happy 2018 and we hope to have at least 100 new subscription donations before the end of January!

Please make that happen and show pride in your favorite newspaper!

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