Cornwall ON –   I’m an odd mix.    One of my grand-fathers was a clergyman, a Cantor.  A Cantor is a man of song and learning.   My other grand-father was a pro boxer as a young man who retired undefeated as my grand-mother would not marry a proContinue Reading

Cornwall ON –   Don’t you hate gloaters?  I know I’m not terribly fond of them.    As I read a lot of news. It’s part of the territory; part of the job; part of what I have to do no matter how filtered, jaded, cryptic, and many times innacurateContinue Reading

CFN – Teens are getting a lot of mixed messages about marijuana these days. At school, the teachers, cops, and so called “experts” come in and tell them that marijuana is addictive, that it causes cancer, brain damage, and mental illness, and that the use thereof will inevitably lead toContinue Reading

  CFN – Jamie Gilcig probably thinks he is as hip as hip can get, now that he has finally dragged his opinion into the 21st century. But sadly, he still gets it kind of wrong. First off, although “dope” is still an accepted slang term for marijuana, it denotesContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – We are living in scary odd times.    In the US, where terms like Neo-Con get used a lot, George Bush and his cronies were tossed out after eight years in office.   War, an economy nearing Greek like stages; and public dissension probably not seen sinceContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Two very interesting reports have completed recently.    The first was the TOP report or 2011 Trends, Opportunities and Priorities Report which focuses on SD&SG, Cornwall, and Prescott Russell and covers an awful lot of ground.   It’s insightful and you can get a real snap shot ofContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Healthcare, Healthcare, Healthcare.   There is no issue as important in Canada right now.  It’s about our identity; our sovereignty, and frankly it’s about who we are and how we treat each other. It’s also about money and power and when those two get together it can beContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – D’ici 2014, les réductions d’impôts décrétées par les Conservateurs en 2006 auront coûté au public 220 milliards de dollars, soit un manque à gagner de 36 milliards par année, qui se traduit par des coupures dans les services publics.   Le gel du budget de fonctionnement des ministèresContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – La pauvreté est une question sociale importante car elle affecte les perspectives de développement des enfants et des adultes. Les gens laissés en marge économiquement ont aussi tendance à être en marge socialement. Certaines personnes sont ruinées du jour au lendemain, pour cause de dettes, de rupture familiale ou àContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Twenty years ago, July 11, 1991 First Nation speakers came together from all over North America to commemorate the events known as the Oka Crisis. It was a time of healing, respect, dignity and a strong path forward. What has happened since then? What has happened lately?Continue Reading

Cornwall ON – I’m still a rookie in the journalism field.     I’m not really a journalist although I portray one occasionally.    I’ve not been burdened with some of the hypocritical rhetoric it takes to be a top notch network Newsy. My eyes have really seen a bitContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – So I get a ping this morning from a voice from the past.   She tells me about this event in Montreal, Le Mood, in Montreal, which you can tell from the hot poster above is about Judaism.    I’m born Jewish, but have never really practicedContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Brigette DePape  (Bridgette Marcelle) entered our Canadian history books by a simple act of defiance.   It was gorgeous.   A simple sign with two words on it.   She sacrificed a great job to own that moment of our shared history and gained a National andContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – What is Neo-liberalism? Neo-liberalism is a term used to describe a range of policies and an economic philosophy that stresses international free trade, economic liberalism (more commonly referred to as radical capitalism) and the promotion of such through deregulation of the economy,privatization of industry, liberalization of markets,Continue Reading