September 15, 2022 – It’s rare for an incumbent, especially an established one with the lineage that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has. Justin is very different than his father. At times it feels like he’s forcing it, being a Trudeau. He’s had a blessed political career that has seenContinue Reading

May 17, 2022 – I was tweeting today that there were more of we media and pundits watching the leadership debate last night than viewers. Ol Steve Paikin & the incredibly hot Althia Raj moderated a motley mess which showed how truly putrid our leadership is across the board, andContinue Reading

AUGUST 28, 2021 – Scary times and scary days during this election. With Covid-19 numbers rising it appears that the Anti Vax faction is starting to boil over. Based mostly on delusional ignorance, anger at just about every other issue, and in many cases simple mental illness, most Canadians areContinue Reading

AUGUST 25, 2021 – It’s always bewildering to see how ignorant and petty some of the political classes can be. Or why those with the thinnest skin are attracted to politics? I mean, if you can’t take legitimate criticism or questions from the media perhaps politics isn’t for you? CFN,Continue Reading

Cornwall Ontario –  The Standard Freeholder ran a puff piece spinning a higher amount of complaints about the CCPS. Oddly enough there were less reported crimes in Cornwall in 2016 even though they still are raising their budgets. The police service is a cash cow.  It comes down to moneyContinue Reading

OTTAWA ONTARIO – The Conservative leadership race is finally attracting attention. Kevin O’Leary’s entrance into the campaign has finally achieved what has been missing to date- IE interest. With fourteen in the race, is it time for a few to take “a walk in the snow?” Is it time forContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario – I watched the debate between US Presidential candidates Hilary Rodham Clinton and Donald Trump. It was not the reality show gore fest that many were expecting.   It wasn’t very entertaining or informative.    I don’t think it ultimately will change the voter turn out or results.Continue Reading

The lady doth protest too much, methinks For a man that to my knowledge has never set foot in Cornwall’s public Art Gallery, Standard Freeholder Editor Hugo Rodrigues sure likes to write about it. He writes about the gallery far more than say…..the shady Harbor Front deal, or how BigContinue Reading

CFN – The biggest loser in the Province of Ontario election is not Jim Prentice and his Federal  Conservative counterparts under PM Stephen Harper, but Justin Trudeau.   As the next Federal election looms closer Canadians are mulling over a lot of options. Is the Harper government past it’s “bestContinue Reading