CFN – Once again we have the Defence Department making a decision that leaves most fair minded Canadians shaking their heads.  It seems the brain trust at DND has decided that while our embassy staff and ambassador require soldiers to protect them in Kabul, the soldiers don’t merit danger pay?Continue Reading

CFN – Watching the NDP’s feigned outrage at the Conservative’s use (misuse) of government aircraft generates flashbacks to when the Conservatives were in opposition. At that time as head of the Conservative research group looking into Liberal misdeeds, we would often check the Challenger jet flight logs. Most of theContinue Reading

CFN – The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne is closely following Quebec’s upcoming provincial election and the direction in which provincial leaders are proposing to go if they get into power.  The media has indicated a potential of a Quebec referendum to separate from Canada should the political power change in theContinue Reading

CORNWALL Ontario – Cornwall’s waterfront is in play.    The Chem tank situation is the Canary in the Coal mine and now our Mayor is at play with the Federal government.  Akwesasne is involved is well. What should be alarming to the public is that this is all being conductedContinue Reading

CFN – Justin Trudeau probably shocked his Senate caucus colleagues more than the voting public today when he announced he was removing Liberal senators from the Liberal caucus, thereby limiting the caucus to elected members of parliament. For the most part I don’t think the public cares one way orContinue Reading

CFN – Our MPs finally stopped squabbling long enough to agree to depart from Ottawa for their home constituencies. I doubt too many Canadians will miss Question Period or for that matter the attacks and counter-attacks that have become the daily pattern when the House of Commons is sitting. OtherContinue Reading

CFN – It’s funny reading the latest on the Senate scandal, Stephen Harper’s possible political demise, and Justin Trudeau’s ascent. It’s almost like it’s a bad script. What we do know. Whatever success Mr. Harper has is because of planning and scripting.  It’s boring.  It’s not pretty.  It’s brutal andContinue Reading

CFN – The explosion you heard in Ottawa yesterday was the latest bomb Mike Duffy lobbed into Ottawa’s political circus. Duffy certainly got everyone’s attention, not only in the Senate chamber, but across the country. Whether you like him or not, it was a powerful presentation from a skilled speaker.Continue Reading

CFN – Is history repeating itself? I would bet Prime Minister Harper certainly hopes it doesn’t, at least not while he is the Prime Minister. Back in February of 2004, then Auditor General Sheila Fraser brought in a report that kicked off what would eventually become known as the sponsorshipContinue Reading