Cornwall is one of the oddest communities I’ve ever lived in and I’ve lived in a few.     The political corruption fingers through everything from City Hall, to charities, and even our SD&G Highlanders apparently. First you have former MPP Jim Brownell named as Honourary Lt. Colonel.    ThatContinue Reading

CORNWALL Ontario – Lt-Col. Steven Young of the SD&G Highlanders, known as the Glens, will tell everyone who will listen that the unit is short staffed.  Since taking over the unit numbers have drifted to about half strength. Could one of the reasons why the unit have such a low amountContinue Reading

CORNWALL Ontario – What does the Poppy mean to you as Remembrance Day approaches?   Should we be remembering those who sacrificed their lives only one day per year? Many people have different thoughts about the Poppy which is used by the Legion to raise funds for our Veterans.  Continue Reading