Cooking With Kretz – Bring on the Green

Here is the latest Column from Chef Shawn Kretz: 

Planting season is upon us.

Before we know it there will be weeds to pick, along with the first of the season’s bounty.

Seedlings are available at every garden centre, and gardens are starting to come together as the risk of frost diminishes.

As I have discussed previously, planting season also marks the busiest of my harvest seasons;  that is the plenty found in local woodlands.

I must say that I am profoundly excited for the upcoming multi-vendor farmers market.

Perhaps ensuring the security and wellbeing of our local food producers should be a little higher on the priority list than another hockey complex. But then again, I’m a foodie, not a hockey player.

Before we know it we will have local berries, lettuces, wild watercress, edible flowers and much more.

Other exciting upcoming events: keep an eye peeled for a wine tasting dinner I will be having in conjunction with a popular Cornwall dining establishment.

I would also like to start some buzz for upcoming cooking classes and catering I intend to initiate in the near future.

I welcome feedback and ideas for upcoming columns.

Let me know what YOU want to learn about in more depth. There will also be more recipes to follow.

To contact Chef Shawn email us here  at The Cornwall Free News ( or   And we’re looking for a sponsor for his columns so if you like what you’re reading and want more exposure for your business or service contact us today!

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