Special Spring Pick–Up of Leaf and Yard Waste – Cornwall Ontario – April 14, 2010

Special Spring Pick–Up of Leaf and Yard Waste

Cornwall ON – The City of Cornwall provides residents with a special collection of leaf and yard waste two times a year, in the Spring and in the Fall. This Spring, the collection will take place over a four week period:

April 14th to May 19th, 2010

The purpose of the program is to divert organic waste from the main landfill site.

Leaf and yard waste must be contained in biodegradable paper bags, which are readily available from a wide selection of local retailers. Reusable containers such as garbage cans or blue boxes, can also be used. Residents are asked to place leaf and yard waste at the curb along with their regular solid waste on their regular collection day. Plastic bags containing leaf and yard waste will not be collected during this period.

The Leaf and Yard Waste Diversion Program is part of a conscious decision by the City of Cornwall to move towards a more environmentally friendly way of doing business.

“Residents have embraced the paper bag as a ecologically friendly way of handling yard waste such as grass clippings and leaves.” says Neil Dixon, City of Cornwall’s Waste Management Supervisor. “Each citizen can play a direct role in helping us keep our community clean and green”.

To extend the life of the landfill site in Cornwall, compostable materials such as leaves and yard waste are brought to the Composting Facility where it is placed in rows. These rows are turned over to make an end product that all citizens can use to help grow their gardens. This helps return the nutrients from the leaves back into the soil, completing nature’s own cycle. Compost material can be picked up directly from the landfill site at no cost.

Throughout the year residents are encouraged to:

  • Utilize mulching techniques to reduce volume of leaves
  • Utilize backyard composters
  • Deliver leaf and yard waste (please no shrubs, large branches or brush) to the City’s Compost

Facility located at the City landfill site located at 2590 Cornwall Centre Road West. Please debag all leaves delivered in plastic bags for re–use.

There will also be a collection of leaf and yard waste in the Fall.

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