CFN  – With some six weeks to go before MPs break for the Christmas holidays their focus remains on whether the Conservative nominee for the position of Auditor General has a level A, B or C proficiency in the French language. The Conservatives have chosen Michael Ferguson who’s French isContinue Reading

Dear Editor: Adam Smith in WEALTH OF NATIONS, wrote “the goal of merchants is to widen the market and narrow the competition”. The ultimate “narrow” competition is monopoly. Every Industry desires that. The farmers have it in the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) but our Federal Minister of Agriculture has movedContinue Reading

CFN – Who would not want to read a book with the title “2012 Rabbits and the Happy Apocalypse on Shortwave Radio”.  It certainly intrigued me. Author, Roy Berger, takes what could have been just another ‘end of the world’ theme and turns it into an interesting and socially relevant voyage for theContinue Reading

CFN – Would you like to: Cook healthy, budget-friendly meals in a group setting? Take home tasty, freezer-friendly meals for your family? Meet new friends? If so, plan to attend the North Dundas Community Kitchen Planning Meeting on November 9th!  At the meeting, you will learn more about how a Community Kitchen operatesContinue Reading