Motivational Speaker Gerry Visca Series on The Cornwall Free News – The Power of Goal Setting – VIDEO – December 5, 2011

CFN  –   You have started to focus on what you want for yourself and your business. You have started to communicate it to your team and your industry at large.
Congratulations, now it is time to employ the power of goal setting in getting what you want out of life. The art of goal setting can be applied to all aspects of your business and your personal life. Make sure you consider the following when establishing your goals: Ensure that they are in line with your company’s overall mission.
A great way to approach goal setting is to collaborate with your senior team on a regular basis. To foster collaboration, buy-in, and to encourage a work environment where staff feel empowered to share their ideas with the team, employ an ‘open’ forum.
Use large sheets of paper or a white board and capture all answers, so all participants can ‘build’ and expand creative ideas. Ask a question: how many goals should we identify? This number really varies from business to business and person to person, and will fluctuate over time. However, your initial set of goals must be appropriate and fall in line with your overall mission and business plan. So let’s get started and help you define these goals.[Step 1]
Establish larger ‘parent’ goals first: I recommend setting approximately 10-15. For example:
1. Establish/Understand your ideal target market or industry.
2. Set financial goals per quarter.
3. Number of units to be sold
4. Marketing and Communication Goals such as…Building brand awareness.Once you have completed this exercise, establish sub-goals attached to each of these parent goals. Add milestones or sub-goals and the specific resources required to achieve these goals. Use a table-like format to help capture all your goals. When completing this exercise, ensure that your goals are specific, measurable and realistic. Specify a time limit for each goal.
Goals should include incremental steps or sub-goals and act as building blocks designed to reinforce one another, and that work towards the ultimate solution for your business. Once you have established your goals, review them with your whole team, one by one, stating them with enthusiasm and energy.
Visualize your goals as already complete. Review them on a regular basis with your team (daily, weekly and monthly). When you have achieved your goals check them off and don’t forget to celebrate your victories!When defining your goals include as a top priority, your ideal type of client or market. Stay focused! When goal setting, work towards your company’s unique ability to ensure the proper alignment between your unique abilities, and your goals.
I like to relate goal setting to how an architect prepares a set of blueprints. You are now well on your way becoming the architect of your own life. Develop YOUR PLAN and your STRATEGY as if you are preparing a detailed set of plans for yourself.
The following worksheets will help you define and establish your goals.
Your goals must be S.M.A.R.T.
S. You want to be [specific] and detailed when setting a goal.
M. Get as detailed as you can, for example: “I want to lose weight” is not as specific as: “I want to loose 30 pounds by March 31st , 2009.”This means that your goals should be [measurable], so that you or anyone else can measure the goal. If we continue with the same example of losing weight , you have the ability to track that goal as a result of the specified weight and the established timeline you have set for yourself.
A. Your goals need to be [achievable] so you believe that they are attainable. If you set a goal that is too large to obtain, you will feel that you cannot achieve it and that limiting belief will hold you back from manifesting the goal.
R. Your goals also need to be [realistic]. For example, if you set a goal too large, or too risky, such as wanting a $10 million dollar cheque within the month, you will get frustrated when that goal does not manifest . Think of goals as incremental steps towards getting you closer to your
overall vision.
T. The last criteria in setting S.M.A.R.T. goals, is establishing a specific [time frame]. Setting a time frame for each goal helps you monitor your progress and allows other people in your life to help and support you. Setting a time frame also encourages you to take action.
S.M.A.R.T. goals reinforce your vision and work hand-in-hand with it. Your mind wants to find creative ways to bridge the gap between current reality, (your current situation) and your perceived or new reality (what you have visualized). Your mind cannot discern the difference between reality and your vision, especially when you already believe that it is true and achievable. This is why it is essential to visualize yourself in your new, fulfilling life on a daily basis. Focus on getting what you want as if you have already received it.
You must try and find creative solutions and stay focused on your end result. As you are reviewing your affirmations and your list of goals, your mind wants to close the gap. Through this process, great things will
start to happen. People and resources become attracted to you like a magnet. New ideas are conceived in your mind and opportunities arise as an attempt to creatively bridge this gap.
Be ready to act on these opportunities and take action!
Your Goal Setting Work Sheet
List (3) S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely) business goals that you want to achieve within the next 90 days.
For each 90-day goal, I want you to list (3) next-best-actions.
3.Your goals will creatively strengthen your plan and work towards creating your ideal life.

To contact Gerry click his banner below to visit his website!


Gerry Visca is regarded internationally as Canada’s Creative Coach and ignites creativity and innovation within people and organizations.  His one of the most diversified Creative Directors in Canada with over 15 years of experience and the Cornwall Free News is proud to be running a series of his articles in the upcoming period of weeks.

Best Western Cornwall

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