Earth Matters by Jacqueline Milner – The One Idea That Saves The World. Interested?

EarthMattersTitle_12_27_12DSC_3182CFN – Our world continues to see wars, poverty and starvation. People’s increasing demand and lack of respect for our natural resources, diverse habitats and the creatures we share this planet with is resulting in the destruction of environments and extinction of species which adversely affect our own well being.


“The real evil is within us, not without. The evil is our own selfishness, greed, hate, arrogance, cruelty and indifference.” ~ Laurence Overmire~

one ideaOvermire’s newly released publication “The One Idea That Saves The World”, A Call to Conscience and A Call to Action, is a wake-up call to the many who are unaware of what is happening in their communities and the world, an inspiration to those actively involved in caring for the “collective we” and a call to “change” to the many corporations and people who have placed the love of $$$ above life and habitats.

Laurence Overmire lets us know that our spaceship Earth is on fire and requires our help to extinguish the flames…NOW. Overmire’s message is dotted with quotes from respected influences such as Robert Kennedy, Albert Einstein and George Bernard Shaw. The profound words shared in this publication, beckon us to a harmonious, loving, peaceful new world.


For more information about this author and this book visit


As we move forward with change Overmire advises “for all of our sakes, we need to commit to being caring human beings. Kindness and compassion must become part of our everyday lives.” He invites all to join him in affirming the Charter for Compassion.
The Charter for Compassion is a document that transcends religious, ideological, and national differences. Supported by leading thinkers from many traditions, the Charter activates the Golden Rule around the world. The Charter for Compassion is a cooperative effort to restore not only compassionate thinking but, more importantly, compassionate action to the center of religious, moral and political life. Compassion is the principled determination to put ourselves in the shoes of the other, and lies at the heart of all religious and ethical systems.


You can learn more about the Charter and sign on at and have a look at this short video  (I think you may even notice an Eastern Ontario gal in this video)
As the New Year draws near, Earth Matters sends you and your loved ones the prayers and hopes of a New Year filled health, love and peace.


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  1. As the New Year draws near, Earth Matters sends you and your loved ones the prayers and hopes of a New Year filled with health, love and peace.

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