100 Names on City of Cornwall Ontario Sunshine List for 2014!

dollar sign

City of Cornwall ADAMS MAUREEN General Manager – Financial Services $149,847.12 $3,643.77
City of Cornwall AIKMAN DANNY J. Deputy Chief, Police Services $159,643.76 $5,225.00
City of Cornwall ALEXANDER STEPHEN General Manager – Planning, Parks & Recreation $151,858.65 $3,666.28
City of Cornwall ANDERSON MARK Constable, Police Services $125,572.28 $891.78
City of Cornwall ARBIC ANDREW Constable, Police Services $119,669.42 $857.48
City of Cornwall ARCHAMBAULT ROBERT Constable, Police Services $113,829.02 $865.38
City of Cornwall BARIL PIERRE Captain, Fire Services $110,293.82 $1,690.12
City of Cornwall BERGERON TRAVIS Constable, Police Services $101,003.92 $833.04
City of Cornwall BISSONETTE MARC Sergeant, Police Services $159,679.89 $1,041.93
City of Cornwall BLAKELY-BAZINET DARRELL Constable, Police Services $100,105.83 $857.48
City of Cornwall BOILEAU MARK A. Manager – Economic Development $124,303.28 $1,552.09
City of Cornwall BONNEVILLE SCOTT Officer, Police Services $104,012.76 $833.04
City of Cornwall BOUCHER NORMAND Information Technology Manager, Police Services $132,331.87 $906.58
City of Cornwall BURNIE ROBERT Inspector, Police Services $203,083.25 $1,225.00
City of Cornwall BUTLER TREVOR Sergeant, Police Services $127,640.41 $1,014.21
City of Cornwall CAMERON SHERRI Constable, Police Services $114,006.91 $881.91
City of Cornwall CAMPEAU LAWRENCE G. Constable, Police Services $118,424.39 $906.35
City of Cornwall CAMPEAU RYAN Constable, Police Services $107,623.65 $862.41
City of Cornwall CARPENTER RACHEL Sergeant – Detective, Police Services $141,112.25 $999.40
City of Cornwall CARROLL JEFFREY M. Sergeant, Police Services $159,911.67 $1,048.52
City of Cornwall CASSIDY MYLES Chief – Emergency Medical Services $131,761.06 $1,640.80
City of Cornwall CLARK AUSTIN Constable, Police Services $111,828.38 $833.04
City of Cornwall CLOUTIER DANIEL Constable, Police Services $106,606.47 $857.48
City of Cornwall COTNAM ROBERT Captain, Fire Services $109,887.14 $1,690.12
City of Cornwall COULTER SCOTT Sergeant, Police Services $170,542.98 $989.51
City of Cornwall COUSINS REID Captain, Fire Services $111,099.92 $1,690.12
City of Cornwall CREPEAU GILLES Platoon Chief, Fire Services $116,499.67 $1,784.98
City of Cornwall CRITES CLIFF Senior Fire Prevention Officer $103,110.02 $1,633.22
City of Cornwall DAIGLE DEBORA Manager – Social & Housing Services $131,761.06 $1,640.80
City of Cornwall DAY JAMIE Constable, Police Services $107,093.05 $891.78
City of Cornwall DEGRAY RODNEY Constable, Police Services $103,234.27 $833.04
City of Cornwall DEPRATTO MARTIN Constable, Police Services $107,288.52 $833.04
City of Cornwall DEPRATTO PATRICK Constable, Police Services $120,481.72 $839.62
City of Cornwall DEWAR JODY Captain, Fire Services $111,992.19 $1,673.52
City of Cornwall DOYON DANIEL Constable, Police Services $123,874.66 $872.52
City of Cornwall DUCHESNE DEREK Constable, Police Services $136,201.57 $857.48
City of Cornwall DUPUIS MATTHEW Constable, Police Services $114,295.30 $833.04
City of Cornwall EAMER LARRY Platoon Chief, Fire Services $113,565.93 $1,784.98
City of Cornwall EMERTON-PROULX DANA A. Platoon Chief, Fire Services $114,530.98 $1,784.98
City of Cornwall FAWTHROP JAMES Engineer $108,470.33 $1,271.07
City of Cornwall FENTON MURRAY ALEXANDER Training Officer, Fire Services $105,930.49 $1,677.58
City of Cornwall FORTIN MARC Constable, Police Services $108,892.60 $864.06
City of Cornwall FRAPPIER LARRY Constable, Police Services $112,323.98 $857.48
City of Cornwall FRASER ALAN R. Platoon Chief, Fire Services $115,650.43 $1,784.98
City of Cornwall FRASER KURT Sergeant, Police Services $157,321.63 $1,045.89
City of Cornwall GIBEAU DIANE Executive Assistant, Police Services $104,472.81 $668.12
City of Cornwall GROULX MELANIE Constable, Police Services $112,023.01 $857.48
City of Cornwall HICKLEY JOHN ROBERT Deputy Chief, Fire Services $100,960.09 $1,204.24
City of Cornwall HUYGEN PATRICK Constable, Police Services $117,171.55 $833.04
City of Cornwall JOHNSON MARY Director of Nursing $104,367.61 $1,298.89
City of Cornwall JOSEPH ANTHONY Constable, Police Services $120,291.76 $885.20
City of Cornwall KELLY SHANE Constable, Police Services $107,979.43 $862.41
City of Cornwall KILGER JASON Constable, Police Services $116,937.56 $865.38
City of Cornwall KNEZEVIC GEORGE A. Sergeant, Police Services $157,187.25 $995.41
City of Cornwall LALONDE CAROLE Constable, Police Services $102,935.68 $833.03
City of Cornwall LANGLOIS DAVE Constable, Police Services $106,605.50 $833.04
City of Cornwall LEFEBVRE CHRISTINE Division Manager, Parks & Recreation $106,291.41 $2,498.89
City of Cornwall LEMIRE MATTHEW Constable, Police Services $104,115.69 $833.04
City of Cornwall LEVAC NORMAND Chief Administrative Officer $173,091.57 $6,305.76
City of Cornwall LEVERE GEORGE Sergeant – Detective, Police Services $150,608.26 $1,048.52
City of Cornwall LEVESQUE DAIL Manager – Human Resources $139,666.74 $0.00
City of Cornwall LISTER WILLIAM Deputy Chief – Emergency Medical Services $104,367.61 $1,298.89
City of Cornwall MACDONELL JEFFREY Constable, Police Services $106,462.75 $891.78
City of Cornwall MACKAY TOMMY Constable, Police Services $102,519.99 $860.13
City of Cornwall MACLEAN DAVID Constable, Police Services $125,242.48 $862.74
City of Cornwall MAILLE DANIEL J. Staff Sergeant, Police Services $167,021.37 $1,117.83
City of Cornwall MARTELLE SHAWN Sergeant, Police Services $142,132.83 $989.77
City of Cornwall MAXWELL CHAD Constable, Police Services $131,511.36 $952.70
City of Cornwall MCCORMICK MORRIS Manager – Environmental $105,567.61 $2,498.89
City of Cornwall MCCULLOUGH RICHARD Chief – Fire Services $135,712.28 $1,620.92
City of Cornwall MCINTOSH ROBIN Constable, Police Services $104,813.30 $858.80
City of Cornwall MENAGH ROBERT Manager – Human Resources $131,761.06 $1,640.80
City of Cornwall MICHAUD DAVID Sergeant, Police Services $149,909.03 $965.09
City of Cornwall MICHAUD KELLY Captain, Fire Services $107,482.03 $1,690.12
City of Cornwall MINES JASON Constable, Police Services $126,970.89 $857.48
City of Cornwall MOQUIN ELAINE Court Supervisor – Police Services $129,705.34 $833.04
City of Cornwall O’REILLY STEVEN Captain, Fire Services $107,516.06 $1,690.12
City of Cornwall PAQUETTE PATRICK Constable, Police Services $127,275.79 $857.48
City of Cornwall PARISIEN DEBBIE Information Services Manager – Police Services $117,497.17 $954.01
City of Cornwall PARISIEN JOHN MARC Human Resources Manager – Police Services $172,961.38 $1,220.86
City of Cornwall PARKINSON DANIEL Chief – Police Services $214,938.59 $7,225.00
City of Cornwall PAYMENT JENNIFER Constable, Police Services $108,283.18 $822.39
City of Cornwall PILON PIERRE LAURIER Staff Sergeant, Police Services $191,943.40 $1,170.94
City of Cornwall PIUNNO EMIDIO Constable, Police Services $131,808.56 $956.84
City of Cornwall QUENNEVILLE NORM Administrator Glen Stor Dun Lodge $124,303.28 $1,552.09
City of Cornwall RICHER LUC Captain, Fire Services $110,998.00 $1,690.12
City of Cornwall RIEL MICHEL Constable, Police Services $110,045.13 $855.60
City of Cornwall ROGERS CHRISTOPHER Chief Building Officer $104,296.35 $1,268.70
City of Cornwall SNYDER BRIAN Staff Sergeant, Police Services $180,613.32 $1,136.63
City of Cornwall SPOWART SHAWNA Staff Sergeant, Police Services $129,959.54 $1,093.39
City of Cornwall ST. GERMAIN TROY Sergeant, Police Services $114,744.46 $965.09
City of Cornwall TROUTMAN CONNIE Constable, Police Services $107,444.10 $938.78
City of Cornwall TURBIDE ANDRE Deputy Chief – Emergency Medical Services $104,367.61 $1,298.89
City of Cornwall VAN VEEN ANDREW JAMES Captain, Fire Services $110,645.77 $1,645.80
City of Cornwall VIRTUE SCOTT Constable, Police Services $103,594.23 $862.41
City of Cornwall WELLS KEVIN Constable, Police Services $141,506.62 $833.04
City of Cornwall WHITE SHAWN R. Staff Sergeant, Police Services $128,171.44 $1,170.94
City of Cornwall WHITEHORNE STEPHEN Constable, Police Services $119,043.41 $854.12
City of Cornwall WILSON EMMA Constable, Police Services $122,488.77 $916.22
City of Cornwall WINTLE STEPHEN Division Manager – Infrastructure Planning $104,367.61 $1,298.89


CORNWALL Ontario – The Sunshine List was released today and Cornwall Ontario has a stunning 100 names on the list earning more than $100,000 per year.   And people wonder why our taxes are so high?  63 of which were on the Cornwall Police Service.

Cornwall had the privilege of paying for two HR directors as both current manager Dail Levesque $139,666.74 and terminated without cause, Robert Menagh $131,761.06 made the list.   We still have not seen that “new direction” that council spouted when they terminated Mr. Menagh to silence him via the former CAO Paul Fitzpatrick Scandals.

We’ll be updating with more info from other areas of government shortly.

What do you think Cornwall?  Is there a solution to this endless flood of tax dollars?  You can post your comments below.

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  1. Perhaps it’s time for this list to be updated or have the data expanded explained. It would be good to know what portion is actual salary and what is overtime. If police officers or fire personnel are not willing to do overtime and another person is willing to do it is it fair to list that person on the sunshine list?

  2. Nothing cheap about the City of Cornwall when it comes to wages paid out . Q Are all worth the
    Money paid them ? I think not , and down the road more money and Pensions think about it
    we may very well end up like Detroit City Big Problems .

  3. While perusing through this list in a quick way I recognize quite a number of names and I know that they got in through family and I am not just talking about Bare Ass’s son but a number of people and many are not qualified but got in through family. I said it before it is with whom you belong to and not what you know. There are many well qualified people who don’t get in because they have no family name in Cornwall that gets them in. The whole entire thing is nothing but a racket and you will see your taxes keeping on climbing and you get nothing for it at all. You can’t get more corrupt and crooked than that.

  4. Not much of a surprise here. In politics and getting city / provincial / federal jobs it’s always been about who you know, not what you know.

    BTW Jaime what is the second column of numbers in that chart?

  5. Well well, South Stormont did not have one person that works for the municipality on the sunshine list. They still maintain the lowest taxes in Cornwall and SD&G, and a 0% percent municipal rate increase again this year. South Stormont also has a CAO, full time FireChief,Treasurer and Clerk as well. South Stormont people don’t know how lucky they are to have such a great staff and council. That record stands by itself. I can’t believe all the positive changes I see in our beautiful township and what they have accomplished. Could you imagine what more they could accomplish if they did not have Tammy Hart slandering her own Township she serves for.
    Hart is always against EVERYTHING they do. It must be hard for Staff and Council to have to work under those conditions, not to mention all the resources and time/money that is wasted. From what I see now is that Hart is now saying she is against an add that the municipality purchased in the South stormont News which I went on and it looks awesome. Hart now supports this hate site called the x files which is nothing more than Cyberbullying South Stormont council which is encouraged by the Deputy Mayor of our Municipality. I would sue the fool who started this site. We all know it’s not the monthly add or the paper it’s the small business owner she dislike and is Hart is now lying to the public saying council gave the paper a loan and start up money.
    I will work for anyone that runs against her in the upcoming election. Maybe I should put up a huge billboard near the Township Building not to vote for Hart…. like Hart done to the former mayor Jim Bancroff and Mr Bruning. Now Tammy is supporting Jim Bancroff in this upcomming election. I will let people make a opinion. This is totally Irraticle behavour and no Integrity at all.

  6. Of those complaining about how much our law enforcement officers make: how many of you would be willing to take their places for the salary & overtime? Probably most of you. Now how many of you would take that salary and patrol the streets at night say, in the east end after 1:00 in the morning, understanding full well you may be threatened, kicked, punched, stabbed, shot, etc? It feels like some people became less concerned about salary.

    These same people you complain about are the ones you call in case of an emergency, the same people you want there to save your life or the life of a loved one. But when you don’t need them, they’re a drain on our tax dollars..

    So go out and defend your own streets people. Next time someone’s breaking into your house to steal the precious possessions you worked so hard for, don’t call 9-1-1. Defend yourself instead…

  7. LOL LOL. Hopeful Cop I don’t think that many of us would complain about your salaries about what your jobs entail. Living here in South Ottawa things go on all the time that would make Montreal Road look tame. The entire city of Ottawa rocks and rolls with crime whether day or night including the nice areas. Nobody is safe anywhere. Cops as well as nurses and doctors have the hardest jobs of all and you can add firefighters and paramedics who also go through a great deal. We have a neighbor in my building who is a paramedic and he is built tall and very strong and has to be for that job. So many down in Cornwall are small and overweight and unfit. I haven’t seen a cop walk the beat in Cornwall since the 70’s era at the latest. I am no longer in Cornwall but when we lived there in the 90’s there were none to be seen.

  8. i dont want to be a jerk. in new york city the average cop makes 44k to 49k its a little more dangerous then the east end of cornwall…..just my point of view

  9. Sorry to disagree Jules. But I’ve had a lot of dealings with paramedics since moving to Cornwall. I have yet to see one that is small and overweight and unfit. As for police walking a beat in Cornwall very few cities do that now. Most use cars and for congested areas use bicycles. Walking a beat you can’t get to emergencies very fast.

  10. Fern you are absolutely right about the salary of the cops in NYC and even in the entire US as well. Cops and teachers are the lowest paid and here in Canada they are some of the highest paid people. Cops are in danger a lot and in NYC it isn’t just a little more dangerous than Cornwall but a great deal more dangerous and you are dealing with a city of 10 million or more people compared to Cornwall with less than 50K or even less than 45K people. Here in Ottawa we are around 1 million people and there are areas much worse than others and my area is renowned and I can say that there are plenty of very nice homes here and very nice people. I even was invited over this morning by a lady in a single home to go over and pat her dog since he barks all the time at us. She has been in that house for 35 years. There are many good people and the bad give a terrible reputation. This area used to be one of Ottawa’s prime areas and when certain people moved in then hell came and a neighborhood is never the same after.

  11. the 1% had there 100 years now its our turn the 99%….lets see if that is possible …it can be

  12. the 99% can make the change by cutting the 1% income stop listenning to there shit every thing is ok. buying our crap will make you happy……..just dont let them control your mind…..if that make no sense keep on doing what it is your doing and stop complaining

  13. I think Cornwall needs a “Charbonneau commission” also.

  14. I know that we have the police out there risking their lives to protect us, but honestly in a city our size, do they need that large of a salary? At this rate pretty soon we will all be in the poor house because nobody will be able to afford taxes. It’s disgraceful the raises they ask for and honestly where are they all the time? We have drivers who are completely reckless at the same spots in town and do you ever see a cop around? I was in a an accident and rear ended and the cops were called. Know what they said? Anyone hurt? no? well then pull off the road and exchange info. Really? Some guy runs a stop sign rear ends me, hits me so hard I rear end the next person, and there are many many thousands (excess of $5000) in damage and they don’t come? Someone broke the law by ignoring a street sign. Great way to spend our tax dollars I tell you. I’m not dead or gravely injured so they didn’t care. Too much effort and paperwork I guess.

  15. I agree with Lorraine`s last half of her comments. In Ontario, the Highway Traffic Act requires you to report the accident to the police if the damage exceeds $1,000 or if there are injuries. In addition, if you feel the other party violated a traffic code, resulting in the accident, you must report the accident regardless of damage. Failure to report the accident to the police in most cases will cause you to forfeit your right to claim damages with your insurance company. As for police on the sunshine list in most cases it`s due to overtime, not their base salary.

  16. Completely rediculous. Obviously the top brass have no idea how to manage. What is the police board doing? No wonder the population of Cornwall is stagnent while the counties are flourishing.

  17. Chief Parkinson makes $215,000.00 per year with 120 emplyees. OPP Commissioner makes $201,000.00 per year with 8000 employees. Am I missing something here?

  18. More at issue is not the actual salaries but the percentage of tax dollars allocated to salaries, benefits, pensions and other employment costs. The imbalance in allocation affects necessary infrastructure repairs, services and the overall wellbeing of the city. The apathy towards this imbalance was a determining factor in us leaving Cornwall last year for greener pastures. Good luck.

  19. Since 1996, the $100,000 threshold has not changed. The effect of increasing this threshold is dramatic: Canadian consumer price index (CPI) has increased by 44.4% from 1996 to 2016.
    In 2016, there were 123,410 individuals on the sunshine list.
    If the threshold were to follow the CPI, the size of the 2016 list would have been reduced by 82%, to 22,138 people.

  20. Put differently, in terms of the purchasing power of a Canadian Dollar buying Canadian goods and services, a $100,000 threshold in 2016 is equivalent to $69,238 in 1996.

  21. Author

    The threshold really doesn’t matter other than to certain public servants who have issue with the people that pay their salaries knowing how much we pay them. It’s a silly argument. They should be grateful for their jobs frankly.

  22. I don’t if that is a wow or arrggghhhh!!!!

  23. wow look at this! so many people with either first name or no name making it to comment on here! Oh I understand its only people who agree with you that you let in., Got it!

  24. Author

    Nope, but it generally is of people who’ve read the comment policy of the site.

  25. Agreed Admin. jamie J does the same thing but he complains about it. Arrggghhhh!!!!

  26. Author

    This comment section is not for trolling or taking runs at members or the hosts of the site. Sadly some people don’t get that.

  27. Jamie,

    Interesting, Police and Fire are earning close to the CAO salary. This is a very olde issue which is all related to costly overtime since there are no part time employees in these departments. Simply adding part time employees to these departments would have enormous cost savings while maintaining service. It is not rocket science.

    Take Care,


  28. Author

    You’re quite right Diane and having worked in the City’s HR department I’m sure have much more insight than myself or many of our viewers.

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