Letter to the Editor – Pastor Tom Newton Calls Wynne Sex Ed Policy Sexual Perversion SEPT 4, 2015

Parents Protest Premier Wynne’s Sex Ed Perversion:

First a word from our sponsor: “I hope the Liberal government will decide to work with both parents and educators in order to ensure they are ready to provide Ontario’s students with information they can use to make responsible and fully informed decisions regarding their health and relationships.” –MPP Jim McDonell1

“I hope”? Some of the signs held up by parents of concern could apply to the present PC party’s silence and inactivity: “Too much too soon.” Not that one! How about: “Too little, too late”? That’s better. Our MPP did say he voted against the Liberal party’s sex perversion, and all the personal emails from the PC party’s members that I have contacted said we oppose this curriculum, but… “But” is like throwing in the towel before the first round bell has sounded.

“I hope.” Yes that is about all the PCs can do about the dictatorship of Wynne’s regime. Remember all those scandals? Remember all those millions of hard-earned tax payers’ money that was used inappropriately? Remember it was the voters of Ontario that gave the Liberals a majority! The Liberals have a greater “hope” than the PCs: “out of sight out of mind.” Still waiting for the OPP to come forward – can’t expect “Too much too soon.”

I recall some five years ago speaking to the PC hopeful about the same sex issue, he said basically, “Pastor Tom, make all the noise you want about this issue, but as for me and my party, we are not going to commit political suicide by coming out against same sex.” You see, silence worked back then, and now as we face this present issue, silence will work again. The PCs hope is something like this: “after we get in we will do something about it.” Again: “Too little, too late”!

Ontarians, we are facing an epidemic of sexual, immoral perversion. Premier Wynne wants to ruin every family in Ontario, just like she did her own family. We, the people, are the ones at fault here, by being indifferent to the need of our children and grandchildren to come. Many sit idly by in silence, allowing this epidemic of perversion to ruin them also. Will it be for us also: “Too little, too late”? Such shall rise up in that Day, and curse you to your face, for allowing such perversion to ruin their lives and damn them for eternity.

And to our elected officials: “still can’t hear you”!

“Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people” (Pro 14:34).

Pastor Tom Newton, Calvary Baptist Church, Cornwall, On.

1 “Sex ed goes too far: Cornwall protesters” by Greg Peerenboom, Cornwall Standard-Freeholder, Wednesday, September 2, 2015

 Editor’s Note.  Letters to the Editor are the sole opinion of the letter writer and do not represent the opinions of CFN, or our sponsors.    CFN is committed to allowing differing viewpoints and sharing our platform with all of the community as per our Mission & Vision statements.


  1. Oh… The horror!

  2. Pastor Newton you are so mighty right as usual and yes it is complete and total perversion. I can say this “thank God that I no longer have young children in school” because I would remove them from such a perverted and sinful system. You will not see foreign students attending this filth no religion will accept any of this filth. People who have good moral standing will refuse to send their children to atend such garbage. God is going to punish humanity and is coming sooner than what people lthink. The present world is “Sodom and Gamorah”.

  3. Yes Jules. Nothing worse than instilling knowledge in children. Best to keep them home and teach them about talking snakes, eternal damnation, and stuff like that.

  4. I agree the updating of the Ontario sex ed program went to far. But it does need updating. The problem is finding a happy medium of what educators want to teach and what parents are willing to accept.

  5. Hugger1 – that is wishful thinking on your part. The mindset of the elite profession of teaching has opening declared that parents are stupid, incompetent, and total unable to teach, instruct, or do anything for their children. Leave everything to the “experts” is their mantra.

    Teachers in Ontario have opening said that as co-partents, they have the intellect, and governmental right to teach what they want, and how they want, and they believe they are not answerable to no one, specially parents. This is purely Nazism!

    You might say, I don’t believe that is the case, but look what they are doing with this sex ed perversion. Premier Wynne set up the whole parent feedback meeting awhile ago on this curriculum in order that it would go as she wanted. Case in point! This is clearly an effort to remove the “parents” from the picture totally, in order to groom them for homosexuality, and for other sexual perversions. Look who was the main author behind this curriculum? Ben Levin – a convicted sexual pervert. That should be a red flag for all of us.

    I believe that the Liberal agenda is to remove the parents consent and authority, even all influence from the minds of our children. Like Hitler said “And on May 1, 1937, [Hitler] declared, “This new Reich will give its youth to no one, but will itself take youth and give to youth its own education and its own upbringing.”

  6. Religious hate groups and cults depend on uneducated and ignorant people to keep them going. A properly educated and informed population is their greatest fear.

  7. I agree it’s wishful thinking. Like I said earlier “The problem is finding a happy medium of what educators want to teach and what parents are willing to accept.”

  8. Furtz – you have it wrong, it is the elite teachers that “depend on uneducated and ignorant people to keep them going”. We are just trying to educate the masses about Wynne’s perversion. Who in their right minds would vote for Liberals, only those that have have been “brain washed” to believe that the Liberals are “gods”, and loves to stay in the dark.

  9. No Newton. I don’t have it wrong, as you always like to say. Hate groups and cults, such as yours, depend on uneducated and ignorant people to pay the bills. Wynne’s perversion? Seriously? Your problem is your out of control homophobia and obsession with the sexuality of others.

  10. Pastor Newton is 100% and more right and God rejects homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenders, same sex marriage,, abortion, etc. What you don’t know is that abortion is a “blood sacrifice” and many people are going to hell. I would never vote liberal at all even though I like to see Berbadette get ahead but would never put my name down as a liberal. I am 100% conservative even with Harpoon Harpo’s insane antics. I wouldn’t want the job as PM even if it paid $1 million dollars a day. What is going on now is unbelievable and who is going to pay for all the refugees around the world. You can’t even put your mind to this. If you haven’t experienced war then you know absolutely nothing about the living hell that people go through. My in laws know fully well what it is all about. My mother in law was saving my dishwater when she visited us here in Ottawa that is how bad things were over there. That is nothing and if I told you more I would really be writing a book.

  11. Wrong again Furtz – It is Premier Wynne and here perverted cronies that are ” obsession with the sexuality of others”. Is that not what the new perversion is all about? Sexual liberation and exploitation? I am here to just remind you and others of God’s holy standard – Heb 13:4 “Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge”. Abstinence, monogamy in marriage, and purity glorifies God and is spiritually healthy and rewarding in the end – in this life, and the life to come.

  12. PTN…..I agree with Furtz. “Your problem is your out of control homophobia and obsession with the sexuality of others.” You seemed obsessed with this.

  13. Hugger, Newton’s whole career as a hatemongering bible-thumper depends on followers who are just as bigoted and hateful as he is.

  14. Thank you Furtz for the lovely compliment which I wear on my sleeve or wherever and mighty proud of not wanting anything to do with Wynne’s perverted sex nor will anyone from other countries who have morals. Many students will be taking study periods or parents will not send their kids to school and will home school them instead. It is against God to accept such sin. Pastor Newton is not a hate monger but a man who preaches God’s word and yes God sure does exist.

  15. I am one who listenens to different Pastors of different Protestant denominations and there isn’t one of them who isn’t against homosexuality, abortion, same sex marriage and the list goes on. Some of these Pastors have Catholics in their audience and I heard one very nice Pastor who said that he knew that there were some RC’s in his church and didn’t want to hurt their feelings when it came to his preaching. If Pastor Newton was a hatemonger he would be pinning yours truly to the wall of being an RC but this dear man is not hate monger at alll and I love is preaching and that is my upmost truth. When Pastor Newton isn’t around here I miss him. There is so much more that I would love to say and believe me there is a great deal that I disagree with what is going on at the Vatican but I won’t talk here but my heart and soul are full.

  16. Jules, are you suggesting that all protestant preachers are homophobic bigots? If so, I beg to differ. I, in fact, have a near and dear niece who is an active ordained United Church minister, and I can assure you that she abhors the hateful crap that Newton and his ilk are constantly spewing.

  17. Furtz – has your niece ever read 1Ti 2:11 “Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
    1Ti 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence”. And -1Co 14:33-35 “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.
    And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church”.

    I wonder what God thinks of an ordained minster in violation His infallible, inerrant, preserved Word?

  18. Futz I haven’t came across a Protestant Pastor as yet who hasn’t condoned same sex marriage, abortion, etc. that I have named along with so many other things. I was just on Ottawa Sun a minute ago and came across this for you to read about the teaching of the perverted sex education in the schools and the people in the video seem to be from India or somewhere like that. I said before that foreign people will not accept any of that and that includes Christians as well. As a Canadian woman (yours truly) who is Christian I would literally take my kids out of the school system and teach them myself and I mean that fully Furtz. Many people that you will see in the video may not be Christian nor follow the Bible and re not Bible thumpers but they do have their morals believe me that is the truth. Here is the write up and video for you and all to see:

    Parents protest sex-ed curriculum


    This protest is taking place in Toronto and I can assure you that many of our regular Canadians would protest about this if they had the guts to get out there and do something about it. I for one do not accept this way of life at all whatsoever and that is the upmost truth. You have no idea what is coming – what has been planned and what is going to be shoved down your throats and when the government can go this far they can take a mile and are going to show you ljust how far they will take all of us and believe me Furtz you and everyone here and beyond will want to protest for other things that are coming but it will be too late to turn back.

  19. You are too funny Newton!

  20. Furtz Pastor Newton is not funny at all believe me he is telling you the truth. It is well known that women are not to be Preachers and some churches have let them in and I heard something about the Catholic church might let them in because the men cannot get married and I don’t have to describe too much here what I am thinking – something the way little Fitzie feels if you get my drift. LOL LOL. In my husband’s church in Lebanon Christian Maronite women are separate from men in the church (meaning they sit in different pews and different rows) and they also enter the church through a different door. Pastor Newton is telling you the truth Furtz.

  21. You are correct Jules. There is nothing funny about ignorance, bigotry, and the broadcasting of hate. What is especially disgusting and unforgivable is the cowardly use of an asinine religion as an excuse to make life miserable for others.

  22. Furtz – don’t be so hard on yourself and your religion. I still like spaghetti and beat balls.

  23. Hugger1 – I am obsessed with God honoring marriage and sexuality. Since that is the case, God condemns divorce, same sex, polygamy, and any sexual relationship out side the confines of holy marriage. God is not the author of confusion, so gender confusion is not of God also. God condemns such because it is against His Word – His revealed will, and it is not holy. He knows what is best and what will work and what will bring true blessings and happiness to His creatures. See all the misery of those who are obsessed with everything God rejects? Like Premier Wynne, she was so obsessed with perversion, that she was willing to destroy her marriage, her family, and her children. She sure aren’t any role model that I would want to follow or promote. But she does want everyone else to partake in her lustful misery – the Ontario’s sex ed. curriculum!

    And since God created us as male and female, our gender roles are set, so we, again, can honor and glorify Him by accepting who we really are, and that by His grace. Sin and the fall of mankind bought gender confusion. Satan uses this confusion to destroy men and women’s lives. In Christ I have a new spiritual identity, and in Christ, I can be content and be thankful for how God has made me. All this gender confusion is really rooted in the worship of self – the obsession with self. So in true salvation in Christ, God brings sinners back to what is best. I like being obsessed with what is best, when it is God’s will. when it honors Him, and yes, when it brings loads of blessings.

    Heb 13:4 “Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled, but fornicators and adulterers God will judge”. God declares -“Turn or burn!” Why will you die? The idol of self gratification must be forsaken, or perish in one’s lusts.

  24. Sex as taught by teachers (what’s the average age and life experience there) is not what most parents would want for their children.

    But there is a need to takeover from what most parents have allowed into their homes to introduce their children to sex… the internet.

    Contrary to most sites found on the internet, females are not begging… “HARDER, DEEPER, FASTER…” when they can get a word out, nor does a mature male grunt and moan… “UMmmm, Yehhh, OHhhh” ad nauseum, and slap them red in the arse until they do.

    Come on parents take a little action on your own to educate your children and don’t leave it to a pile of sexually misdirected bureaucrats.

  25. So, I guess PTN leads a perfect life.

  26. Pastor Newton you are absolutely right in what you told Hugger. The ancient Hebrews made the same sins as what is going on today and the Lord punished the ancient Hebrews and through them out of Palestine which is today known as Israel. When the ancient Hebrews built the Tower of Babel to reach the heavens they were punished and God changed tongues as well as skin color and neither could understand the other. Yesterday I was following so many things that I sure woke up not feeling well and scared to pieces because this time God is going to burn the earth because of sin. There is so much that I cannot go into here that is on the tombs inside of the Egyptian pyramids as well as the American Indians teaching sites, etc. I am sure getting quite an education listening to all of this and very afraid as well.

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