Van VS Hydro Pole in Ottawa Leads to Power Outage by Roy Berger OCT 13, 2016

Ottawa Ontario – Electrical power was knocked out Wednesday afternoon until late in the evening in the 900 block of the Woodward Avenue industrial park and some of the surrounding area.
ottpf2Near 3 PM a middle aged man driving a white contractor’s van accidently struck the guy wire supporting an electric utility pole. The wooden pole quickly snapped in half and was left held up by the power lines. Fire trucks were first on the scene. Industry came to a halt.
 ottpf3 No one was injured. Ottawa Hydro emergency generator trucks powered the street lights on Maitland during the rush hour and evening. Work crews were on the scene quickly. Most of the tricky repairs involving splicing in a new middle section were done by 8:30 PM and power was restored at 9:47 PM for late dinners.

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