Maurice Dupelle & EOHU Leave Senior & Sick Filled Bingo Hall Open in Cornwall Until Monday 031520 #cwlpoli

While the world is shutting down and encouraging gatherings of less than 5 people only and well spaced, here in Cornwall Ontario, in spite of a high level of seniors and those with morbidity, which means higher treatment and death rates for COVID 19 Coronavirus victims, the Bingo Hall only today announced they are shutting down…..AFTER their 7 PM bingo.

As late as the 13th they were advertising that they had toilet paper to Bingo Players,

and that the Health Unit had given them the green light to continue even though players sit across from each other in densely packed tables, calling it “low risk” according to the Bingo Hall.

The city of Cornwall licenses the Bingo Hall and calls the shots. Councilor Maurice Dupelle is on the Bingo Hall’s board as well last time we checked.

Meanwhile the City of Ottawa has warned people to not go out for non essential needs, and the Province of Quebec has stated that anybody that is over 70 should simply stay in.

Because of the rapid contagiousness of the Coronavirus people may be spreading it without showing signs of illness which is not something you want to mix with seniors.

If you have a correction or wish to share info or videos please email


  1. the bingo staying open is putting everyone in danger, this is no joke .i think all the stores, activities should be closed .these places are a cesspool of germs, everyone should be self quarantined, protect Cornwall, stay inside, face the fact we are going to get hit hard with this virus, save your self before it arrives. why wait to be told to stay at home. just pray, stay safe, stay alive.

  2. Karen….closed as of Sunday.

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