I hate populist gut reaction politics.    This whole Buy American thing in response to the recession is just plain silly and in some cases spites the nose the feeds the something or other…..   L I N K “There are some real downsides to Buy American,” Brady said in an interview.Continue Reading

Here is a list of interesting bits from the news as I am hearing a lot of people over enthusiastic about the economy recovering. While we do have things a bit better in Canada than in the US or other parts of the world the recession is still there andContinue Reading

This is such an interesting case philosophically speaking.    People are sentenced to less time for murder than for stealing money.    Was it the crime or who the victims were and the publicity of this case that drew such a penalty? L I N K “He stole from theContinue Reading

Just like in the Great Depression people are going to the movies to forget their troubles.   LINK Back-to-back-to-back all-time monthly records and almost $2.6 billion in the bank by March 31 would be further proof that the movie business is recession proof. In fact, the more dreary the economic newsContinue Reading