Ottawa Ontario – Peanuts, a giant rabbit, made a surprise appearance on Parliament Hill at the annual civil disobedient  4/20 marijuana smoke out.   “That’s a Continental Giant,” the owner Sarah Brudo said. “I bought him at a Rabbitry in Hamilton [Ontario, Canada] I got him at 7 or 8Continue Reading

VICTORIA BC – Let’s just say that, hypothetically speaking, the current black market in Canada is based on three models of cultivation. The first model is the seasonal outdoor grower, the second is the hobby indoor grower and the third is the commercial indoor grower. Model one harvests every fallContinue Reading

  Over the past three years from 2013 to 2016 marijuana prescriptions given to veterans has increased from slightly over a hundred to over a thousand. Clayton Goodwin gave a speech from the steps of Parliament Hill on April 20th on behalf of Canadian Veterans this 2016 to an escalatingContinue Reading

Ottawa Ontario –   The 4/20 marijuana rally on Parliament Hill attracted over nine thousand participants. Yappers, a prominent Toronto band played original music during the warm sunny afternoon. A variety of speakers made comments from the steps of the Centre Block building. Shortly after 4:20 PM, Tom Mulcair, member ofContinue Reading

One of the strongest positions that assisted Justin Trudeau in his majority victory was the Liberal party’s position to legalize Marijuana. Trudeau failed to defend Marc Emery’s extradition to the US that was more about industrial competition and advantage more than any other factor.  Allowing a Canadian citizen to beContinue Reading

My opinion on the new Liberal Majority in Parliament is, admittedly, skewed. Nine years living under the Harper yolk, watching my wife suffer with seizures, watching my own health fade, and watching the number of marijuana-related arrests increase every year, has left me jaded and bitter. Watching our new PM supportContinue Reading