CORNWALL ONTARIO – While Gilles Latour pled guilty to eight counts of over 1 million dollars, including his own mother, other seniors, Jason Christoff, and Andre Pommier, the bigger question is if cases like this are properly being handled by area police who clearly don’t have the manpower and resourcesContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario – This newspaper, the largest in this city with over 1 million human pageviews per month, hasn’t had a release from the fire department since Pierre Voisine was promoted.    Unlike many in the fire services I actually live downtown and CFN operates downtown.  I hear the manyContinue Reading

Fraud is a huge crime issue facing many communities.    They take immense resources from law enforcement and the legal system, yet here in Cornwall many are not even investigated. The standard line of recent vintage cases from the CCPS is that investigations can take five months. Now many inContinue Reading