Firstly I wish to express my condolences to Mr Cadieux and his family. Having read the various articles regarding the sentencing of the driver I am compelled to make the following comments. 1. I am not commenting on the sentence that was handed out. I do not know if thisContinue Reading

Jian Ghomeshi’s life will never be the same.  The countless legal bills incurred, the damage to his reputation, and at the end of the line the loss of quality of life and earnings can never be repaired. Chiefly because there is no real accountability of Crown Attorney’s in Ontario.  Continue Reading

CFN – Don’t blame the OPP if there are no charges filed over the Sudbury By Election.  Recordings published by Liberal hopeful Andrew Olivier are on the internet and there is an investigation, but as many police can tell you it ends up in the hands of the Crown.  Continue Reading

CFN – In this day and age of social media we become more aware of how uneven justice can be.  While Justice is supposed to be blind; it also is meant to be evenly applied; but it looks like that may not be the case. Today the CBC did aContinue Reading