Cirque de Soleil’s Guy Laliberté Returns to Earth from International Space Station

L I N K Guy Laliberté wore his trademark clown nose as he returned to Earth from his 9 day visit to the International Space Station.     He’s getting attacked from a lot of places for spending so much money ($35M) for his 9 day Space Tourism adventure.


I think some people are just trying to get some exposure for their charities.    The man is a billionaire and what is the point of getting to that point if you can’t spend some of your money doing things that you want to do?

And that money helps keep the space programs going, so to those of you who chastise the clown, perhaps you should give up your own vacations and donate those $$ to charity?

I can think of a few folks I’d like to chip in to send to space, especially if it was a one way ticket 🙂

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