May 19, 2024 – Victoria Day is celebrated On May 20th this year. A senior friend told me that he remembers fireworks on Victoria Day many years ago. I remember fireworks but not sure if they are memories of July 1st. celebrations or Victoria Day. Families used to bring theContinue Reading

FEBRUARY 20, 2022 – February is Heart Month. It is a time for not only fundraising but also to raise awareness of the heart and stroke problems which can be of a higher risk for individuals with an unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, unhealthy weight, smoking, stress and excessive use ofContinue Reading

Every summer, the Dumont family looks forward to the weekend of their regional convention. “This is the highlight of the year for us! We buy a new dress, we meet our friends, some of whom we haven’t seen for a whole year, and we love eating outside in parks inContinue Reading

MAY 24, 2021 – A wonderful Cornwall senior, born in 1916, celebrated her 105th birthday this year on May 6th. Edna Dorey is a lovely lady. When you see her out walking, she is so spry that you would never guess her age. (Photo courtesy of Dorenda Dorey) Edna wasContinue Reading

FEBRUARY 23, 2021 – It seems that people are finding all kinds of other things to do during our restriction times because of the COVID 19 virus. One lady told me she actually washed and set her own hair because of the beauty salons closures. Now she ponders, do IContinue Reading

DECEMBER 23, 2020 – Castle Faggot is a comedic straightforward novella of 85 pages by Derek McCormack with a bonus ten-page afterword by Zac Farley and Dennis Cooper. That last part exists as defense and praise for what I gather is a departure from DM’s normal writing. I admit toContinue Reading

OCTOBER 16, 2020 – Beak Lindsay Seniors Residence had a very energetic and hard working volunteer gardener this past season, Claudette Quesnel. The tenants said that she was out in the early spring preparing the flower beds for planting. The result was beautiful flowers all summer. The residents were veryContinue Reading

City Hall confirmed that after several years all that has been raised. IE, money in the bank, from all of those wanting an art centre in Cornwall at the former tiny Bank of Montreal building is a paltry….. $351,735.30 The City to date has purchased the building for nearly $500K.Continue Reading