NOVEMBER 23, 2024 – World media have covered events of Friday night, which started after the Jewish sabbath, and led to the burning of vehicles, attacks on police, and heavy damage to the Palais du Congres in Downtown Montreal. Since the October 7th attacks by terrorists Hamas, and then HezbollahContinue Reading

February 1, 2024- An minor Earthquake hit Western Quebec and Eastern Ontario this morning with people reporting it from Cornwall Ontario to Montreal, Quebec. It was said to have an approximately 250 KM radius. The quake was reported to be centered near Huntingdon, Quebec.Continue Reading

June 21, 2023 – A probe that began in Montréal has led to several arrests nationwide, with 11 individuals charged with 58 offences in Ontario. On June 20, 2023, 14 search warrants were executed by the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) simultaneously, at locations across the province. Items seized include butContinue Reading

OCTOBER 31, 2022 – From October 17 to October 30, 2022, the Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry Detachment (SD&G) of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) intercepted nine high-end stolen vehicles travelling the Highway 401 corridor. SD&G officers patrolling the highway use keen observation skills and investigative techniques to identify stolen vehiclesContinue Reading

OPP CONDUCTING INVESTIGATION INTO DEATHS AT THE HAWKESBURY & DISTRICT HOSPITAL AUGUST 19, 2022 – The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) has laid additional First-Degree Murder charges in connection with the ongoing criminal investigation into the deaths at the Hawkesbury and District General Hospital. On March 25, 2021, members of theContinue Reading