Maybe the Low Road Works in Canadian Federal Politics? Desperate Editorial Sugggest Grits & NDP unite to stop Stephen Harper

People just seem to be fed up with politics unless you’re psychophantically supportive of the Harper Government.   Even many true blue Conservatives have a disdain for the Alliance, Reform Harper led regime.

L I N K Click the link to read this Toronto Star article by Michael Byers about the hopes to defeat Mr. Harper in the next election.   A basic truce to roost Mr. Harper from power.

“The situation seems unlikely to improve. The Prime Minister’s divisive partisan tactics have diminished the public’s respect for politicians in general. In just four years, he has changed the tone of media coverage and public discourse, shifting the mood of the nation toward cynicism and selfishness.

In each riding, the party whose candidate fared worst in the last election would pull its current candidate out, or refrain from nominating one.

Both parties would win more seats, with the Liberals potentially forming a majority government.

Based solely on the results from October 2008, the agreement would, in itself, deliver 30 to 40 additional seats to the Liberals and another five to 10 seats to the NDP.”

What do you think Cornwall?

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1 Comment

  1. This idea is very intriguing.

    As much as I support the desired outcome of such a move, that plan is very much in a grey area in terms of democracy.

    On the other hand, our current electoral system is also not in the best interests of true democracy.

    As I said, very intriguing…

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