Cornwall ON – The end of an era occurred today as AM1220 is no more. Corporate media giant Corus pulled the plug on the long time community radio station Cornwall Ontario.
The station; originally launched by the Standard Free Holder as CKSF in 1945 eventually was owned by Stanley Shankman who owned CJSS TV which eventually was sold to CJOH. The radio stations were acquired by Corus in 2000 which still owns two FM signals in the area.
We have just been reported to that John Bolton is no longer with the Cornwall Corus stations.
We will be updating this story as it evolves. If you have any memories of AM1220 or its history please email us at or call us on our hotline, 613.361.1755
wow, Bill Gallant, Cousin Keith, and some other great people worked their over time.
AM1220 has been part of my morning and evening routine for years. I will certainly miss John Bolton and the focus John brought to our community with his “Cornwall Today” show. Good luck John.
I am not sure what John’s plans are for the future but I understand the mayor’s job is up for grabs… go for it John, you have my vote!
Hey, John, if you read this, drop me a line. At the CP address.
Really sorry to hear about it. You had a great program going.
John you know where I am, and CBC would pick you up in a heartbeat for CBC Television.
Hey John if you read this… thanks for helping Arbed save many more doggie lives…. You are a class act !
Dawn Amelia
corus we need a oldies station in cornwall onatrio on fm channel for some people might like 60’s&70 music.
Hi GD. What constitutes an oldie today? I like 80’s music, but then I’m 46
AM 1220 played some pretty awful music. It was John Bolton and then pretty much not much else. John did a terrific job even if I am not of his political stripe. It’s odd. I have nobody to politically argue with in the Cornwall media now.
If there’s some music you’d like to hear email us at as we are an All Request station.
we need what kind of oldies 60 & 70 and 80 music on 103.5 fm station we need it for everyone in cornnwall might like this station better then 104.5.
I worked for CJSS News from 1974-75, doing the 4pm-11pm news block with rocker James Roderick. Jim Kidd from Montreal was general manager for awhile and Paul Emard was owner. Have special memories of weekends fishing on Lake St Francis with Bill Gallant and James Roderick. Greetings from Brisbane, Australia.
it will be good if Donny Osmond show come on CJSS Fm. people in cornwall might like to listen to him
every night at 7:00pm
Having listened to CJSS 1220 for many hours as a youth it is sad to see it leave the air. Actually one of my favorite talk shows type radio was Garner Ted Armstrong. He had some interesting talk and explanations about religion.
CHOM FM was what drew me ear away from out local station playing more modern music and more interesting talk. That would have been in 1970 as the CHOM call letters came into being. First song played under the name CHOM was Here Comes the Sun.
An interesting observation in the posts, in this case as Corus closes the station we only see people wishing those once employed best for the future. It is a nice change compared to tossing barbs and empty comments about the company that has seen the need for change and closed, or blaming government for the same reasons.
I didn’t actually get to listen to the station over the past 15 years or so being away more than home. However my only hope is this Carr fellow never again works in Radio.
I can remember he and his associate reading the letters from Santa. His comment regarding the misspelling and grammar of youth were and is unacceptable, something I still have to hear Corus offer apologies for publically.
Carr actually stated kids “today must be pretty stupid” referring to their grammar and spelling in the letters they had written. A nice thing to say to youth considering how they must listen intensely to hear their letters read to Santa on the air. Local talent at its best no doubt
it will be good if CjSS 101.9 fm play oldies all day to
12:00 am after take on cost to cost am with george noory to 6:00 am. before corus station from montreal 940 am do it before plaing oldies all day to 12;00 am after they take on cost to cost am i missed to listen to it every night time before 940 come off the air. it will be nice if CJSS 101.9 play this show to cost to cost am every night time ok people in cornwall ontario might like this show every night time on CJSS 101..9 FM in cornwall.
can CJSS 101.9 add 60’s at 6 and 70’s at 7 , 80’s at 8 people might like
I remember a spoof on Friday’s, where they would play parts of songs in response to made up questions. Usually had something to do with the Cornwall Royals hockey organization members.
smee, didn’t CHOM have an alert or noise every 20 minutes in the summer reminding people to turn over on the beach?
hi does any former cjss djs have any airchecks for sale would love to hear em thanks jim b
Jamie you are still a “young pup” and I remember the 60’s music very well and I like listening to some of the 50’s era songs as well. The seventies and eighties music was great as well. After those days have finished music went down hill. There is nothing like the oldies. I am very surprised if not shocked that CJSS is going off the air. That station has been on forever. I remember the newscasters of long ago and they were the best. So many good memories.