in Trinity Church’s Mountain Memorial Hall at 204 Augustus Street.
The Corps has trained, paraded and celebrated at several locations over the years.
For more than 30 years the Sea Cadet Corps has operated out of the Cornwall Armoury.
CFN – R.C.S.C.C. Stormont will soon be celebrating its 60th Anniversary Reunion (1953-2013). This celebration is a planned 3 day event and will coincide with the Annual Review.

Reunion Timeframe
– Friday May 31 2013 evening: Meet and Greet over refreshments (cash bar) and munchies (provided) at the Nav Centre in Cornwall.
– Saturday June 01 2013 from 2 – 4 p.m.: Annual Review at the Cornwall Armoury from 2 – 4 p.m. As of today, the Corps is 64 members strong. Annual Review is open to the general public as usual and will include a special anniversary slideshow in addition to static displays created by the cadets.
For Reunion registrants, this will be followed by a Buffet Dinner at the Nav Centre in Cornwall.
– Sunday June 02 2013: Tour of the Cadet Sail Centre and Cadet Camp. The Reunion will conclude at the Long Sault Sail Centre at noon.
Former cadets and officers, past and present members of allied groups such as the Navy League, Legion and Navy Vets, family and friends who are interested in attending are invited to register by sending your contact information along with the $40 per person registration fee to committee member:
Monique (Levac) Branchaud, 823 Kenyon Crescent, Cornwall, ON K6H 6Z3
Please make the cheque or money order payable to the Navy League of Canada, Cornwall Branch.
Your registration fee covers the Meet and Greet munchies, the Buffet Dinner and some great memorabilia souvenirs.
Accommodations are available in various hotels in Cornwall, however the committee has reserved rooms at the Nav Centre. (Choice of Standard, Junior and Executive rooms)
Please follow this LINK or telephone 1-866-243-9193 and ask for rooms for the R.C.S.C.C. Stormont 60th Anniversary Reunion. You or your guests are encouraged to reserve your lodging by May 20 2013.
Also, a sub-committee is organizing a Memory Lane Photo Album. John Bulloch and Don Smith have been liasing with community groups and individuals; they’ve uncovered some real gems in the way of photos and Corps history to include in the Photo Album as well as for a planned slide show and exhibit. If you have old memories or photographs to share please send a note and/or digital image to johnbulloch43@hotmail.com soon. Should you require someone to scan old photos, John is also the fellow to contact; your keepsakes will be treated with great care. A copy of the Album will be available for just $10. If you wish to purchase a copy of this book at the event, please indicate that when you are sending a note and cheque so that enough copies will be printed.
The 60th Anniversary Committee is working hard in the event planning and anticipates a great turnout for this reunion. Visit them online at this LINK.

Don Smith, Ross McDonald, Cindy Lebrun, Jose Vargas,
Monique (Levac) Branchaud, Carole McDonald, Marc Bissonnette, John Bulloch
On Monday, May 6, the Corps will hold it’s Annual Awards Night at the Cornwall Armoury at 505 Fourth Street East LINK; all are welcome. Here is a LINK to our coverage of last year’s event. We plan to be there again this year.
Please show your appreciation to our advertising supporters of these Reunion articles. Two more related articles are planned. To have your ad or congratulatory message appear here, please contact Don today at 613-360-5011 or seawaytoday@live.ca .