9 People Arrested for Possession of Contraband Tobacco
(South Glengarry, Ontario -Friday August 21st, 2009) – The RCMP working with various law enforcement agencies have arrested 9 people who each face a charge for possession of a tobacco product not properly stamped under authority of the Excise Act 2001. The tobacco product is believed to have been smuggled into Canada from the United States.
On August 18th, 2009, officers from the Cornwall RCMP Detachment working with officers from the Canada Border Services Agency observed suspicious activity near Boundary Road in Cornwall, Ontario involving a 2009 Honda Civic and a 1997 Chevrolet Venture van. RCMP officers stopped both vehicles on Highway 401 eastbound in South Glengarry, Ontario. RCMP officers seized 960 resealable bags of contraband cigarettes located inside the Chevrolet Venture van. They also seized both vehicles. Three males ages 40, 27 and 34, all residents from Thornhill, Ontario were arrested by the RCMP and will appear at the Alexandria court on November 4th, 2009.
Also on August 18th, 2009, officers from the Cornwall RCMP Detachment observed contraband cigarettes being offloaded from a North Wind boat with a 50 horse power motor into a 1998 Toyota pick-up truck at a marina located on County Road 2 in South Glengarry, Ontario. RCMP officers with assistance from OPP officers stopped the van further east on County Road 2 and seized 1,100 resealable bags of contraband cigarettes and 12 cartons of Nation’s Best brand cigarettes located inside the van. RCMP officers also seized the van and the boat. A 29 year male driver and the 30 year old male passenger, both residents from Alexandria, Ontario were arrested by the RCMP and will appear at the Alexandria court on November 4th, 2009.
On August 19th, 2009, officers from the Cornwall RCMP Detachment observed a 1998 Dodge pick-up truck with an open tail gate backed up beside the St. Lawrence River located near Boundary Road in Cornwall, Ontario. Officers followed the truck and stopped it on Highway 401 eastbound in South Glengarry, Ontario. RCMP officers seized 2,050 resealable bags of contraband cigarettes and the truck.
The 48 year old male driver and the 36 year old female passenger, both residents from Cornwall, Ontario were arrested and will appear at the Alexandria court on November 4th, 2009.
The 48 year old male driver and the 36 year old female passenger, both residents from Cornwall, Ontario were arrested and will appear at the Alexandria court on November 4th, 2009.
Finally, on August 20th, 2009, officers from the Cornwall RCMP Detachment observed a 1997 Dodge Caravan parked by the St. Lawrence River located near Boundary Road in Cornwall, Ontario. Officers followed the van and stopped it travelling northbound on Summerstown Road in South Glengarry, Ontario. RCMP officers seized 450 resealable bags of contraband cigarettes as well as the van. The 35 year old male driver from St-Martine, Quebec and the 45 year old female passenger from Montreal, Quebec were arrested and will appear at the Alexandria court on November 4th, 2009.
“There has been an increase in smuggling activity along the shores of the St. Lawrence River”, said Sgt. Michael Harvey from the RCMP. “RCMP officers working with various law enforcement agencies will continue to disrupt organized crime groups who are taking advantage of the geography of this region. Between January and July 2009, the Cornwall RCMP Detachment has seized 195,243 cartons or resealable bags of contraband cigarettes, 6,224.68 kilograms of fine cut tobacco, 2,927 cartons of little cigars and 12,092 grams of pipe tobacco.”
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