If you heard thunder yesterday around noon it wasn’t from the sky, but from the over packed room at The Best Western as Cornwall City Councilor Bernadette Clément was the sole candidate put forward to run for the Liberal Party of Canada in this riding.
She will face off against the encumbent, Darlene Jalbert of the NDP, and David Rawnsley of the Green Party. No Independents have announced intentions to run yet.
Ms Clément’s speech, smoothly transitioning between English and French, received chants of “Bernadette, Bernadette” as she stressed the importance of the farming community and challenges faced by young people to be able to own their own farms and succeed.
She talked about the need for us to include more young people into the political world and make them feel a part of the process, and Bernadette spoke of the need to do things with “a fresh approach” and “different energy” as this riding faces so many changes.
The Bridge Crisis and the impact on all of us in this community and near by was also a focus and Ms Clément had some ideas on how to improve things. The feeling of distress while the bridge was closed and the lack of the community knowing what was happening were things she felt could’ve been improved on.
She stressed how important it is to encourage respectful dialogue and understanding instead of drawing lines in the sand.
With Autumn election drums beating it should be an amazing race. She and her Campaign Manager, Etienne Saint-Aubin should be very busy indeed.
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