What a terrific concept and event. Labour day in the parc, food and entertainment sponsored by local unions and the Cornwall & District Labour Council and hosted by Cornwall’s very own Elaine MacDonald.
John Divinski wrote a super article in the Seaway News this week. Click the link to read full details. L I N K
“With this Monday being Labour Day, I asked MacDonald is she had one message to say to everyone, what it would be.
“I don’t think I’ve changed this in years and it means a lot to me. Your job should enrich your life, not impoverish it,” she said.
You can celebrate labour on Monday at Lamoureux Park, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.—an event for the whole family.”
See you there! Personally I think more people should support events like this. I find a certain hostility towards workers here in Cornwall; at least in the lower paying positions that just isn’t productive or necessary. What an opportunity to have a great time and focus on some issues that impact so many; especially during an election.
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