The Plaques say it all. It was a lovely time yesterday in the Parc as they and the Founders’ Memorial Cairn were officially unveiled.
The meeting was chaired by Cornwall City Councilor Bernadette Clément, but all the major politician’s came out to speak. Ms Clément led off followed by Mayor Kilger, MPP Jim Brownell, Etiénne St. Aubin, and finally by a late MP Guy Lauzon who flew in and whom I have to give credit for the first time speaking from his heart, and not a canned party prepared hack speech. (for more coverage click L I N K)
It was a lovely non-partisan day and celebrations included a march from the Parade of Nations folk. Refreshments were served up by the Kinettes Melodie Lemoeligou, Linda Warren, and Kim Baird.
There were also a lot of period dressed Loyalists present; good music, and the weather held up too! Some amazing local art was also showcased.
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