We ask you two questions regarding this weekend’s Vehicle Seizure and Bridge Closure in Akwesasne
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How can you guys think it was a publicity stunt when it didn’t even make the front page of the national newspapers?
Well Glassbowl, that would only mean it wasn’t a successful stunt.
So you think it only could be a publicity stunt? For cry out loud man. It is obvious that it was a pressure tactic. Negotiations were going a little too slow or maybe the Mohawks negotiating team were digging in its heels on some points a little too much so it was time to take it to the next level.
Whatever it was, as a Canadian, it’s embarrassing. How do we go off being a peacemaker in other countries when our own Government locks down a whole community? There are now a lot of people who have been given genuine grounds to have concerns crossing the border. Definitely not cool. And if it was a pressure tactic I feel bad for the hundreds, if not thousands of people who for those 5+ hours had to divert themselves at their own expense from travelling or simply wanting to go home.
Admin, I 100% agree with you.. Seeing the injustice being done here in our own back yards makes me embarrassed to be Canadian.
I mean its like everything else, Children in Canada are starving, Going to school without proper clothing! Yet we make sure that nobody goes with out in Iraq or Afghanistan, And why is that? Because if Canada didn’t they would have a black eye on the International Level.
Glassbowl, god forbid you ever have to stand up and “Dig In Your Heels” on something you believe in.. So many people are full of hate today its insane. When in reality all the people of Akwesasne are asking for is to be considered before their tenant decides what they are going to do!
The only bully here is CBSA over powered by the Federal Government! But nobody see’s it this way.
I give the people of Akwesasne credit for keeping things as calm and peaceful as it has been. They are not getting a lot of media coverage on these acts and issues, and these sorts of actions impact their day to day lives. We tend to focus more on the impact in Cornwall when the bridge was/is closed, but it’s far different living on an Island with main access sealed off than on the mainland.
It’s crazy what the government is doing.. Ok They closed to POE, Why bring in Cornwall Police and the OPP to close the Southern lanes of the Seaway International Bridge?
This is nothing more then a major breach of the Peoples Rights and who is to blame? Since Saturday I have been told it was MCA, Then CBSA then AMP.. I am to believe it was CBSA.
And the fact that they want to go back but Will not until a Peaceful Gathering place is removed ie the TENT, Crazy..
Oh wait they want to with out permission expropriate that land to illegally expand the POE.. I think before we build a new customs house CBSA must first learn to be good neighbors.
To 666577: Good neighbours? Now the pot is calling the kettle black!! Why wouldn’t you want them to expand their facility? Why wouldn’t you want them to carry sidearms? This is absurd.
I think the best way forward would be to take the toll money collected and use part of it to demolish the north span. Then sell the south span to the MCA for $1 and give them 70% of the remaining toll money.
when you say “pot is calling the kettle black!!” What are you referring to ??
I do not understand your choice of words or that statement.. You must be assuming again, I live,work and pay taxes in Cornwall.. I am not Native, Although I am highly versed in Native traditions.
Tear down the bridge you say ? that’s a good one. You would rather put your tail between your legs and run like CBSA then deal with the issue at hand ? Typical
In the end all of these shutdowns will serve to harm Cornwall far more than Akwesasne. It impacts those of us who wish to do business and trade in Cornwall as well as those who have family or reside in Cornwall. Otherwise, we can live just fine without the bridge and in fact will simply adapt if something as unlikely as the suggestion from Glassbowl were to actually occur.
Were it to happen in reality the response of the US DHS would be funny, considering all the money put into their shiny new facility.
I don’t want the CBSA to expand their facility nor their powers of intimidation, for I have learned from history that governments and their agencies only seek to expand, given inches and taking miles. Therefore every single instance of state expansion must be fought, especially in a free territory such as Akwesasne.
For me there the only acceptable situation is to have the CBSA permanently removed from Akwesasne.
To 666577: Tearing down the bridge is dealing with the issue.
To Rezrevolt: The US would still need its new facility for the traffic coming off the island.
Wow glassbowl I thought Ottawa spent money Aimlessly !! If you think for one second that USCBP would allow such a move you got another thing coming.. Fact of the matter is, They think what CBSA is doing is somewhat of a joke.
Not saying I agree with the “tent” and the people for it, But the Cause is a good one.