Here are our Pro Line Hockey Picks for Saturday November 14, 2009
This is a new feature we’re tinkering with. We are going to suggest some NHL Pro Line Picks. Please note that if you play these and lose it’s at your own risk! Of course if you play these and win feel free to make a donation to The Cornwall Free News.
Either way we do not endorse nor encourage you to gamble, and these suggested picks are purely for entertainment purposes.
The list below doesn’t suggest that you take all or any of the picks; just the ones we consider. If a game isn’t on the list it was too close for our experts to call.
Our picks for Winners
Ottawa, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Montreal, Colorado, not too many picks as there’s a very close slate. Last week we picked 7 of 8. In this game sometimes it’s not how many you pick, but how many you pick right.
please visit our sponsor for this column; Jonathan’s Convenience at the corner of 4th & Marlborough