RBC provides $25,000 to Cornwall Ontario Tri-County Literacy After-School CHAP Program – February 22, 2010

RBC provides $25,000 to Cornwall After-School Program

RBC Olympian Karen Blachford will bring Olympic greetings to children at Tri-County Literacy Council

CORNWALL, February 18, 2010 — RBC will help bring Olympic spirit to Cornwall through an After-School Grant presentation to the Tri-County Literacy Council with RBC Olympian Karen Blachford. The $25,000 gift will be given to the Tri-County Literacy Council Community Homework & After-school Program (CHAP) on Tuesday, February 23 at 4:30 p.m.

Each year RBC provides grants to leading after-school programs across Canada that offer structured and supervised activities for children between the ages of six and 17. RBC’s grants are used to provide a wide-range of activities including computer instruction, sports, literacy tutoring, music and art lessons, nutrition guidance and homework-help.

When: Tuesday, February 23, 2010

4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Where: Tri-County Literacy Council Agape CHAP Site

40 5th Street West, Cornwall


§         RBC Curling Olympian Karen Blachford

§         Mike Haley, RBC Regional Vice President, Eastern Ontario

§         Gabriel Gratton, RBC Branch Manager

§         Carol Potts, Tri-County Literacy Council Chair

§         Dina McGowan, Tri-County Literacy Council Executive Director

§         Children of the Tri-County Literacy Council After-School Program

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