Dear sirs,
The other night, while watching the news, I saw a clip of Beverly Oda explaining that the government was matching the totals of all charities but the funds wouldn’t be going to the specific charity but rather to projects that fit the governments criteria and that various groups would have to bid to get these funds.
When she said that funds might go to groups like the World Bank, I nearly fell on the floor. Granting funds to poor countries to encourage things like private health care insurance in Nigeria (2008) is not exactly where I want my matching dollars spent.
Giving money to an organization that gives ‘low cost loans’ to companies and individuals’ also upsets me. I want my money and my matching tax money to hit the ground running to help the people of Haiti with NGOs that have workers on the ground. Money that is stalled in conferences and bureaucratic agendas just doesn’t cut it. It has the smell of Conservative doctrine and patronage opportunities written all over it.
Allan Webster
Ailsa Craig, Ontario
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