Cornwall ON – You know an election is brewing when our PM and his minions start out with new attack ads.
In the latest one released today Mr. Harper is seen terribly busy at work, with a dollar store pen and many papers, but no computer or staff in sight. Not even a Blackberry.
I’d hate to think that the Leader of this great country doesn’t have the tools and assistance to make sure our economy runs smoothly; our seniors are protected, our military troops not put in extra harm’s way, and that our environment is protected from outside threats. I mean children have smart phones nowadays.
It’s amazing what one man and a dollar store pen can accomplish? I think if you’re going to do attack ads you have to do them right. This attack ad is pretty lame, and lacking in content; sort of like Mr. Harper’s government. It’s a shame the opposition can’t seem to get its act together and stop making him look like the least of all evils.
Btw, Mr. Harper if you’re looking to hire a media team we do amazing work here in Cornwall. Call us at 613 361 1755 if you’re looking for stronger media and messaging content.
As I was taught, when someone tells you to “trust me” they probably aren’t the people to trust. When someone has to state that they are “your friend” they most likely not, and here in Canada when the PM says he doesn’t “want an election” it usually means he’s slathering like a wolf to get one.
What do you think Canada? You can post your comments below.
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They seem to work. Why are the Liberals so powerless?