Cornwall ON – The Best Western PLUS Parkway Inn & Conference Centre is sponsoring a new regular feature on the Cornwall Free News!
We will be promoting one area organization or service that helps people in our community and make tribute to the thousands of people that give freely to help each other.
Our first subject is the Agapé Centre in Cornwall Ontario. Executive Director Alyssa Blais gave us the tour of the facility and helped share about the needs that they have in performing the critical role they play in the community.
The Agapé Centre soup kitchen serves over 100 meals per day at lunch. Normally those are hot meals, but their stove, pictured above, finally died and they are in urgent need of a replacement.
Jane & Elaine on the Old Stove
Elaine on her years at Agapé
There was a common theme as I canvassed the staff and volunteers about what they would ask for if they could wave a magic wand and have the community help.
Bob & Marvin who scour to find goods and items year round.
Alyssa tours the Thrift store which brings in hard cash that the Centre can use to purchase food.
Many people don’t realize that Value Village isn’t a charity; but only donates money. The Agape Centre is a local charity that employs and takes care of local people.
Filling bags and saving lives. The need for fresh foods.
Alyssa tours the warehouse and talks about the Centre’s needs.
From the Agapé website:
The Agape Centre is “Local People helping Local People.” Our mission is to reduce the impact of poverty in our community. We do this by providing food, clothing, and household items for people in need, primarily, through our soup kitchen, food bank and thrift shop. These services are offered to clients in a dignified manner while encouraging personal responsibility.
The Centre strives to work in close cooperation with other community agencies in order to enhance its ability to meet the needs of its clients and to avoid duplication of services. In the responsible discharge of its services, the centre is always mindful of its ongoing accountability to the community that supports its mission.
The Agape Centre relies 100 % on the donations of time, food, money, clothing, and other household items from the community to help families that access our services. Without the wonderful support of our community we would not be able to continue to serve the increasingly high numbers that are in need.
For more on the Agape Centre visit their website or call them at (613) 938-9297.
If you know of a group, agency, or volunteer you’d like us to feature email us at info@cornwallfreenews.com or call our hotline at 613.361.1755
and thanks to this features sponsor, The Best Western PLUS Parkway Inn & Conference Centre in Cornwall Ontario!
Local People Helping Local People!
It is just wonderful that the Best Western is sponsoring this feature and Jamie, I think you did a very good job with the interviews. It puts a real face on all of the people who are involved in the operation of the Agapé Centre.
Today I have sold $100 worth of coffee and I am so inspired by this story that I will donate all of it to the Agapé Centre.