Ottawa Citizen endorses Liberal candidate Bernadette Clement in SD&SG Riding for MP – April 29, 2011 – Cornwall Ontario

Cornwall ON – Liberal candidate for SD&SG Ontario, Ms Bernadette Clement woke up to an endorsement by the Ottawa Citizen who today gave their blessings for her to be the MP for this riding.

The popular city councilor and attorney has been campaigning hard right through the campaign.  She’s had to differentiate and stand out between the Rhetoric of  incumbent Mr. Guy Lauzon who was actually called a “Liar” by one member from the floor at one of the leadership debate to the very loud and and energetic Wyatt Walsh of the Green Party who seems to be campaigning more on an old school Conservative platform than a Green one?


His party’s support for supply management in agriculture is a betrayal of conservative principles and has negative economic consequences both domestically and in international negotiations. As none of the major parties is willing to take a stand against supply management, the issue can’t sway voters from the Conservative party in general or from stronger Tory candidates.

If you ask Cornwall City Councilor Syd Gardiner about Mr. Lauzon and the airport I’m sure he’d give you an earful as Syd’s been trying to enlist Mr. Lauzon’s support for years only to have his pleas fall on deaf ears.

As for NAV Can could there be any better location to create a satellite University program?   NAV CAN lost training jobs during Mr. Lauzon’s term.  Now he wants to bring in some?

On May 2nd we get to see how smart the voters of SD&SG are or simply whether they’ve had an opportunity to hear the candidates and their platforms.

What do you think residents of SD&SG?  Does the Citizen have it right?  You can post your comments below.



  1. Good for the Citiizen. On attention to facts and issues and her constituents, Ms. Clement is a standout among the SDSG candidates.

  2. Bernadette,

    You are a shining light on council and don’t forget how many people voted for you in the municipal elections! You are still one of my favourite people of all time! Hope to you see as Cornwall’s First Female Mayor!

    Thank You,
    Mike Bedard

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