Also present was former MPP Jim Brownell who is well known for promoting the history of SD&G.

Lt-Colonel Shearing began by explaining that a lot of history from the three united counties has been physically lost due to the Seaway flooding but it should not be lost in memory. The Battle of Hooples Creek, 10 November 1813, was the precursor to the decisive Battle of Crysler’s Farm that was instrumental in the final repulsion of the American invasion and arguably their defeat. He outlined the military situation before the battle and described the implications of the results.
To quickly summarize, the American force was advancing towards Montreal, avoiding the built up fortifications of Kingston and Prescot. The British had received word of the American army advancing east and a small British/Canadian reconnaissance force was dispatched to follow them. The Americans immediate goal was to capture Cornwall, a well known supply depot for the British forces, to replenish their supplies. The local militia burned the bridge across Hooples Creek and engaged the Americans in a harassing Indian style battle, stalling their advance on Cornwall. The American’s, aware of the British/Canadian force following them, sent the bulk of their army back to “swat” them away at what was to become The Battle Of Crysler’s Farm. The full account of the battles is retold in Donald E. Graves book, Field Of Glory, The Battle of Crysler’s Farm, 1813.
To quickly summarize, the American force was advancing towards Montreal, avoiding the built up fortifications of Kingston and Prescot. The British had received word of the American army advancing east and a small British/Canadian reconnaissance force was dispatched to follow them. The Americans immediate goal was to capture Cornwall, a well known supply depot for the British forces, to replenish their supplies. The local militia burned the bridge across Hooples Creek and engaged the Americans in a harassing Indian style battle, stalling their advance on Cornwall. The American’s, aware of the British/Canadian force following them, sent the bulk of their army back to “swat” them away at what was to become The Battle Of Crysler’s Farm. The full account of the battles is retold in Donald E. Graves book, Field Of Glory, The Battle of Crysler’s Farm, 1813.
To commemorate the Battle of Hooples Creek, the Township of South Stormont will be erecting the road sign that was featured in the auditorium.
South Stormont is honoured to commemorate the “Battle of Hoople Creek in 1813” in conjunction with Rothwell-Osnabruck’s grades ten and eleven history students. What a wonderful history lesson presented by Lt. Colonel Bill Shearing. Our intention is to put the signs up along Hwy #2 at Hoople Creek sometime before the snow flies. A very memorable occasion for all.
Thanks Reg, good job.