Earth Matters by Jacqueline Milner – One step forward for world-kind. VIDEO WARNING – October 27, 2011

CFN –Some time ago a video had landed in my inbox showing practices used to collected shark fins for an oriental delicacy, shark fin soup.  This soup is often served on special Oriental occasions such as weddings.  The video was disturbing in that a small portion of the animal was sliced off, of the still living, feeling life.  Afterwards the dismembered still living creature was thrown back in the water without means to maneuver, bleeding…to die.  Disrespectful, unfeeling would be two of the adjectives that come to mind in considering such practices.  To take the life of any living thing without regard and respect for the life given is in this writers eyes appalling.In consideration of this cruel practice, the world wide numbers of sharks lives taken each year and the outcry of concerned citizens in Toronto, Canada’s largest city and consumer of shark fin products has banned shark fin products starting September 2012.  This is following the lead of the neighbouring cities of Mississauga, Brantford and Oakville and the American states of California, Oregon, Washington and Hawaii.  This new bylaw will make it illegal to possess sell or consume shark fin products.  Breaking this law will result in fines from $5,000.00 to $100,000.00.

California lawmaker Bill Fong led the campaign to ban the shark finning trade in California after viewing a documentary on this practice.  He is now calling on Hong Kong and the rest of China to follow suit.  He was informed that “74 million sharks are finned every year and that the shark population is going to be extinct” should such practices be continued.  This would result in a huge imbalance in the ocean’s food chain should the ocean’s top predator become a species at risk or worse, disappear.  Words of wisdom dictate to us that, “when we know better, we do better”.  This is likely one of those cases.  This practice demands our review and reflection.  Take a look at this “shark finning” video.  I warn you in advance, this video is graphic and disturbing.

After viewing this brief video, and taking into consideration the other millions of lives taken in such a fashion, it is taken as a given that you will also support and applaud the action of the Toronto City Councilors and the elected officials world wide who have worked to enact laws which end such atrocities.On this note a few words from “The Shack” by Wm. Paul Young…”Our earth is like a child who has grown up without parents, having no one to guide and direct her.”  “Some have attempted to help her, but most have simply tried to use her.  Humans, who have been given the task to lovingly steer the world, instead plunder her, with no consideration other than their immediate needs.  And they give little thought to their own children, who will inherit their lack of love.”

NOW is the time to put respect and kindness for our extended selves, our earth, before profit.  We at Earth Matters are very pleased to see this positive move forward.

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  1. Please share this far and wide so that practices such as this can end. Thank you!

  2. “Our earth is like a child who has grown up without parents, having no one to guide and direct her.” “Some have attempted to help her, but most have simply tried to use her. Humans, who have been given the task to lovingly steer the world, instead plunder her, with no consideration other than their immediate needs. And they give little thought to their own children, who will inherit their lack of love.”

    “And they give little thought to their own children, who will inherit their lack of love” – Aborting the unborn – is that a lack of human love too?

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