For the many in denial with regards to Global Warming, take a look at what is going on around you. Really LOOK and see. Your own eyes may be calling you to reconsider your thinking and stand concerning this matter.
I caught a portion of The National this past week, a Canadian News program and was taken aback at how all the concerned Environmental groups and people who are expressing their unease about the Environmental impact of the XL Pipeline and Gateway were labeled as “Radicals” by our Canadian policy makers. I don’t think being labeled as a “Radical” is necessarily a bad thing considering an on-line dictionary description indicates a radical to be someone who “advocates fundamental or revolutionary changes in current practices, conditions, or institutions.”
My concern is in how this label seems to paint all these groups and their supporters as “terrorists” against the current government in power and against the population in general. Wow! Personally I am a supporter and concerned citizen of my community, my country, my world and my living planet. I am concerned about our continual pursuit of finite energy sources and its mode of mining and delivery if it puts the health of our clean air, water, soil and habitats at risk. Our current practices haven’t always and do not always serve us well. I think it is time for a RADICAL shift, a time to put the health and welfare of our people and living planet before PROFIT. Now is the perfect time to consider and move forward with alternate clean, renewable energy sources. Mr. Harper, how can I help to make this happen?
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