CFN – There was a rather short meeting of the South Stormont Township Council tonight, nothing controversial, just business as usual. There were no delegations and a mere 8 motions were scheduled.
During the open remarks Mayor McGillis congradulated Dan Pilon, the Public Works Manager, on 35 years of service with the township and presented him with a gift.
One Application for Consent to sever a piece of land was approved, a tender for supply of granular material from Cornwall Gravel for $375,390.70 was approved, the tender for Surface Treatment (paving) from Smith Construction for $145,703.70 was approved, and an application for a tile loan from OMAFRA but administered by the township was approved.
A motion to declare May 6 -12, 2012 as Emergency Preparedness Week in South Stormont was also approved.
A question was asked by Councilor Waldroff to find out what the colours signified on the new SD&G branding logo but no one seemed to know.
Under new business Deputy Mayor Hart mentioned an inquiry from a private bus company to see if there was interest in their service to Ottawa.
The open meeting lasted a mere 25 minutes or so but there was a closed session after to discuss personal matters.

Here you can see the sun reflecting off the trees behind Mayor McGillis and Deputy Clerk Loriann Harbers while storm clouds loom in the direction of Cornwall.
How different it seems from the way Cornwall City Council conducts it’s own meetings
Johanna Barkley was our acting clerk.
My sincere apologies to Johanna. I should have asked for names instead of reading the labels.
In the scope of things it is a small point, however for a 35,000 dollar logo contract, someone should have a speed dial to get an answer on colour choice meanings in a reasonable time.
I would like to see SD & G written in full, not printed if possible, within a map cutout shape. That could be used to make lapel pins for tourism, in different colours to represent employee employment terms, unique letterhead etc.
Hey Reg where’s my picture? LOL
Tammy, you don’t have a window seat. You’ll have to try harder next election.