CFN – It’s that time again! The 2012 Akwesasne International Pow Wow takes place September 8&0, 2012 at the A’nowara’ko:wa Arena!
There are several guidelines that you should know as a courtesy to the Powwow participants: Powwows are fun events, but they are also sacred events. Ceremonial songs and dances, which are sacred, are performed from time to time throughout the powwow.
People should stand during all ceremonial songs and dances. These include the Grand Entry, Flag Songs, Veteran Songs, Honor Songs, and any other songs that the M.C. designates as a ceremonial song – Please stand quietly out of respect and always remove your hat/headgear.
Do not take any photos, videos or sound recordings of ceremonies without prior permission from the person or group you are recording. Some areas of Turtle Island to not allow the recording of ceremonies. Photography is permited only at certain times; listen to the M.C. for details. If you would like to photograph individuals, please ask them for their permission first and respect their decision.
The Pow Wow is easy to get to!
FROM OTTAWA: Take the 417 E. to Monkland/Cornwall/Hwy 138 exit. Turn right towards Cornwall. Continue onto Brookdale Ave and follow signs to Bridge to U.S.A. Go thru tolls, and over Bridge to Cornwall Island, and turn left at STOP sign. Follow Pow Wow signs to Anowara’ko:wa Arena.
FROM MONTREAL: Take the 20 W., it becomes the 401 in Ontario. Exit at Brookdale Ave. & turn left on Brookdale Ave. Follow signs to Bridge to U.S.A. Go up Bridge, go thru tolls on Cornwall Island, and turn left at STOP sign. Follow Pow Wow signs to Anowara’ko:wa Arena.
FROM THE USA: Follow Rte. 37 to Bridge to Canada. Go over Bridge and report directly to the CBSA (Canada Border Services Agency) temporary border crossing in the city of Cornwall as required under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the Customs Act. Once processed by CBSA travellers will be able to continue back to Cornwall Island. Turn left at STOP sign and follow the Pow Wow signs to Anowara’ko:wa Arena.
NOTE: Canadians: When leaving the powwow from Cornwall Island, you will be required to report to Cdn. customs upon re-entry into Cornwall/Canada.
Americans: When coming from N.Y, you will need to report to customs.
The 2012 Akwesasne International Pow Wow is an Alcohol & Drug Free event!
For more information visit their website
All travellers entering Canada from the United States are required to report directly to the CBSA (Canada Border Services Agency) temporary border crossing in the city of Cornwall as required under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the Customs Act. Once processed by CBSA travellers will be able to continue to their destination in the City of Cornwall or back to Cornwall Island
Photos courtesy of the Pow Wow website.
These Pow Wows are a chance to grab some good grub, watch some great performances and mingle with some great people.
And it’s a golden opportunity to clearup some of the misconceptions and prejudices that fuel the bigotry common to our community.
I always have a great time, and my appreciation of this culture right under my white nose — and too often lost in the rush to embrace the customs of new Canadians — keeps growing.
The grub is really good there
Hi there:
We are so looking forward to tomorrow however it is suppose to rain ++ which puts a damper on things. We live in St. Andrews West. If it rains what happens? Look forward to hearing from you.
All the best
Ms. Watson