CFN-Julie Brisebois’ Get Cracking Diner on Pitt at 6th St. E. received special recognition at noon today. The restaurant has hired the 100th full-time employee of Self Employment Assistance (SEA) program sponsored businesses. The count does not include the 637 self-employed graduates of the SEA program offered through St. Lawrence College over the past twelve years, but those non-owners whom they employ. Plus there is the additional benefit to the community in the way of many part-time jobs created by the SEA alumni.
SEA is an Ontario government sponsored program for qualified individuals seeking assistance in obtaining basic business operation knowledge, mentoring and modest financial (income replacement) aid in order to establish themselves as self-employed persons.

Representing the Self Employment Assistance Program at St. Lawrence College were SEA Program Coordinator Carla Kingston-Floyd, and two of the eight SEA workshop facilitators Heather Robertson and Jay Woollven.

Community partners who participated in the event included Debbie McIlwain and Sharon Gach from Glengarry Inter Agency Group (GIAG), and Jobzone Program Manager Kim Greggain-Fontaine.
Among those in attendance celebrating this milestone were various SEA alumni:
– Amy Alguire owns Bouncing Beans
– Reg Coffey owns Coffey’s Coffee
– Yves Cyr owns Cyr Bookkeeping & Income Tax Services
– Shari Larkin owns BZB Personal Assistant Services
– Don Smith launched Cornwall’s only resident-operated Homeopathic natural health practice
– Brigitte Walker co-owns Hip Kids Consignments
Anyone wishing further information about SEA is invited to contact Carla Kingston at ckingston@sl.on.ca or by phone 613-933-6080 x2246.
Please patronize the following SEA businesses which made this good news story possible. Simply click on an ad to visit the website.
The following non-SEA businesses offer their congratulations on this wonderful occasion; please visit them online or in person.

Great article Don. It was nice to see the support of SEA graduates and instructors for a successful fellow graduate.
Sorry I couldn’t make this celebration event. I was fortunate to benefit from the teachings and support of the SEA Program ten years ago. The SEA program is the fertile ground which has sprouted many successful businesses and enlightened employees whose unique perspective on what it takes to support and grow business, benefit the employers they work for today. Congratulations on reaching this milestone.
Jacqueline Milner
Image-ine Photography
Well said Jackie, I am looking forward to meeting you someday. This was a great day for me to see old faces and meet new ones from a program that benefited me in so many ways.
Cheers SEA
Good to see other small businesses in Cornwall doing good for themselves! We at Canada E-Cig congratulate you!
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