CFN – The phone rings. It’s Darlene Walsh, a nurse at CCH who’s extremely upset as she’s been called in for a hearing about an interview she gave CFN a few weeks ago. LINK
She’s afraid that she’s going to be fired and asks that I come into the meeting as she’s having trouble finding some friends and family for support.
I get to the hospital and we chat outside the meeting room when VP Alan Greig shows up. He’s belligerent and aggressive demanding why I’m here and with a camera. I explain politely that I don’t like to leave my camera in the car and have not shot anything.
He asks how he knows this and I offer to hit display and allow him to look at its contents.
He demands I leave this publicly funded place that my tax dollars support that I was invited in for a specific purpose for.
Next thing I know two security guards show up. We politely go through the same story and I offer to let the security people take my camera away and hold it until the meeting is over.
Then one, two, three Cornwall police officers and one OPP officer show up followed by Mr. Greig who uses the exact same belligerent and aggressive tone in front of everyone as though he’s trying to bully me and make up rules on the fly. He says I’m trespassing on the hospital so now it’s not about the camera; but about my person.
Not having any criminal record nor wanting one I decide to acquiesce and leave. I’m escorted, or surrounded by the police as they walk me to my car. I’m sure some people would be nervous about being in an elevator with three armed people when you’re not packing.
This is a huge problem. This is why I won’t set foot in this hospital other than to visit a patient again ever.
For someone like Alan Greig to be sucking public dollars for behaving in this manner is utter insanity. He had very peaceful options and instead he chose to spend tax payers dollars on the use of police. What was it that the hospital feared by me sitting in and supporting in this meeting?
I personally will be boycotting any CCH funding until this is addressed. We do not live in China, Russia or even the US of A.
This is Canada dammit – escorting polite citizens without criminal records who are showing no disturbance or belligerence by four armed police officers is not fair dinkum. It’s not civilized. I felt bad for the police because they were forced into this and they didn’t look to happy about it either.
We’ll be updating Darlene’s situation as news becomes available. Hopefully a good nurse has not lost her job in Canada for speaking her mind.
Because it’s a dark blotch on our city, province, and country if that’s what happens and good people sit quietly by.
You can post your comments below.
..I have a newspaper clipping from 1977..regarding french language in our area..very interesting..one elementary school teacher from Cornwall goes on to say that she cannot speak of the controversy in fear of losing her job..one guy states that eventually you will have to speak french in order to be a ditch digger in Cornwall..public outcry..and petition against french language funding in Ontario signed by over 365 in just 5 days ..the petition was signed then by all members of N Stormont and I believe SS along with Charlottenburg Township..couple of well known names mentioned..CBC came in ’77 from Montreal interviewed one protester on video..many death threats followed…lasted about 1 year, then folded..the protester states that it was the english who quashed it.were pro english until government backlash..”silence is golden”..Anyone remember? It actually started over a bag of chips and a pop (sad, but true story…but I’ll leave that for another day..
Just finished reading “SO THICK’s” comments (OCT 4th, 2012, 9:57 P.M.)… Actually, I reread it three times, Holy Cow, wow, oh my God, Houston, we got a “doozy” ! if you are interested in our Hospital, please read those comments, they are shocking ! This person, (writer) must obviously be an employee at the CCH, their is far to much inside information in the comments. Once again, the Board has failed us, in not demanding an explanation about this latest nightmare at the CCH ? Folks, this is killing our Hospital, people are losing faith in a major way in our safety net ! It cannot continue.
What is bothering me also, from my perspective, their are two issues here, the present issue (calling in the riot squad) lol, and the
bilingual issue, I feel, we should be arguing, fighting them seperately ? The bilingual issue, is indeed a serious one, but it could be considered divisive by some of our population, but the very serious issues, brought up by “so thick”, affects every one of us ? Your thoughts ? I just feel, everybody, should be outraged at these incidents, and, I do not wish to alleanate anyone , from voicing their opinions ?
Yes, indeed, hospital staff and the public NEED to get out to the next council meeting to support Darlene and make a statement that their is a problem!!!!!!!
To admin:
Sorry to say Jamie, but staff will not go out and be seen in public canvassing against the Hospital. They will be black balled and directors and managers will make your working day hell…..You will be called in and reprimanded for every little thing you could imagine….time theft is the flavor of the day, if you are late from breaks- time theft, it’s been done and they will watch you like a HAWK and try and get everything they can on you, how can one work productively under these circumstances, Oh yes, wait we can’t. Who does this affect, sorry to say, patients and their well being.
Think about people, and trust me, more would be out supporting Darlene but do not want to be seen….because guess what, you will have admin hauling you in the office, in the similar way that Darlene experienced and it’s not unusual. Darlene has guts…and taking a chance to lose her career, over what she sees is freedom of speech, but not at CGH. Not sure if she will be able to work under duress now. Perhaps they will leave her alone, as all eyes are on them now, the true management image has been unveiled and they have been exposed by the outside world i.e.: Jamie and his mighty pen….who has experienced firsthand on the management style of the Cornwall Community Hospital. May GOD give you the strength Darlene that you need to survive these difficult times…sometimes it must get worse before it gets better, look at the Glen Stor Dun Lodge whistle blower…..maybe you need to hook up with her and see what is happening in her world of HUMAN RIGHTS
Council will NOT listen, or even if they do, forget it. They are in total agreement and support of CCH slippery mandate to have only bilingual hires in nursing on up from now on. So sad but too bad. Bill 101 has slit through the bounds of borders and come into haunt our province to pull a fast one with their 55 votes fiasco and now all who don’t speak French loose big time.
This will not be the last time our big boys in black will usurp their authority because some smiley smuke executive cry’s foul.
The only way one would change things is to sue but even that would take years, thousands of dollars only to backfire.
Remember we are a democracy in name only.
Have a nice day.
i like how the editors of this site only post the messages that reflect their own beliefs, while most comments supporting the hospital will never make it on comments board. Nice and bias, just like the reporter of this tabloid of a newspaper.
How do i know? Because we put together a series of comments over the past couple days and they were all taken down within seconds. haha what a joke. Enjoy the reputation that comes with your actions!
No Mrs. X or Traci – if a post violates the rules of CFN it’s not posted. As simple as that.
Fact is Mrs. X the majority of Cornwallites are against the hospital, except of course the Lecky’s, Benson, Lators, oh and of course the city’s 2 Bob’s. Another fact, the person being named in this article would not ever step up and speak, you know why? COWARD. Having to call Police instead of simply escorting someone out was a true act of a scared chicken shit coward.
city bs has a point. the public demands answers to the treatment of hospital staff. unsure of why no press release spin available in standard freeholder today. must be a no comment hide situation…again. dont respond and it will go away. would suggest calling hospital executives if you are concerned that nurses stress levels could have an impact on the care your family recieves.
@Mrs. X, it’s sort of funny that you lob the “tabloid” boulder at CFN. Funny because tabloids tend to report on things like UFO sightings, paranormal activity, celebrity schtick, cosmetic surgery screw ups, deformed frogs etc. CFN reports what actually happens here in Cornwall….what’s actually new and true. …you couldn’t dream this stuff up (!)
Maybe if you hadn’t mentioned your relationship or set yourself up for volleys back it wouldn’t seem so tabloid-ish. I’m sorry. I mean you no harm. I don’t know you or any of the players in this real event.
to cityBS
The true fact is that you’ll never here people’s thoughts on here because they don’t get posted! And when someone refuses to leave your business even after you’ve asked them politley, what are you supposed to do? especially when that person is comfortably in the 300lb club? Good luck trying to move that!!!
Now Mrs X if you were not present for any of this how would you determine any truth?
@ Mrs.X
You are beyond rude, personally I’m surprised your not banned from CFN. WE don’t personally insult others here!
Stick to the article or get lost!
@ puzzled
I totally agree, people should be worried about the care they get at CCH bc the management bullies & intimidates staff,which indeed does affect patient care.
By the by, Standard Freeholder is in bed with CCH,just read the weekly fluff stories they print about how wonderful a place it is to work at.
If you Cornwallites want better health care you better speak up!
I agree with Jamie,time to go visit City Council this Tuesday Oct. 9 & demand answers!!!!
Welcome to Cornwall Community Hospital and
“These are the days you should pray for your lives”
Man this reality news is great,what next at this Hospital?
Mrs. X
October 5, 2012 at 3:34 pm said
“And when someone refuses to leave your business even after you’ve asked them politley, what are you supposed to do?”
First of all Mr. Greig needs to realize, as apparently you do as well, that CCH is NOT his business, but a public institution.
I would also like to comment about the rest of your statement;
“especially when that person is comfortably in the 300lb club? Good luck trying to move that!!!”
You are a bully, just like the Senior Administration at CCH;
Mrs. X you are rude and shallow! Like the poster above just said, “GET LOST” if you can’t be nice and deal in facts.
Mrs. X sounds like she probably does work at CCH…….or at least should apply!!!!
Well now Mrs. X you just took the bully page out of Greig’s book, the size of the person does not matter it’s the size of balls you have and Greig showed he has none.
Greig, what goes around, comes around. It always does. Wish you lack 🙂
Reply to Oct 4 to stellabystarlight
Who cares whether or not he worked at Levi’s .
What matters is what kind of education he doesn’t have to be
in senior management. Starting in the kitchen and look
where it gets you without the proper education!!!
As for his behaviour ” c’est pas trop bright!!!!
Concerned Citizen 2, I just spotted your posted request for a link to the footage of “Mr. Official Bilingualism” smiling from ear to ear while making those nonsensical claims to which you referred (all Ontarians are bilingual, etc.). They were made when he went to hear Minister James Moore speak at the Conservative fundraising dinner in Chesterville last May. Concerning CCH hiring practices, he did admit: “that’s not right!” Readers/viewers should know that no one asked Lecompte to address the group nor to speak on camera; that was entirely his own initiative. Perhaps he should request a time slot of his own to address CFN viewers? Here’s the story: http://cornwallfreenews.com/2012/05/mp-guy-lauzon-minister-moore-confronted-by-cornwall-ontario-lfa-protest-in-chesterville-by-don-smith-hd-video/
Jamie will post mud slinging if your true identity is attached..Mrs. X stated that she and others have been posting for days to no avail..WE? don’t tell me your conspiring with others to call people names on a local blog..and please don’t tell me that you all work for CCH management or a local radio station..that would be just tasteless and childish..state your names and lets see the fireworks..if not, stop the name calling..I should know..some of my posts have been removed ’cause of stupidity..Trottier had guts..even though it appears to have blown up in her face..what was she thinking? so..if you’re true to your convictions..and you know that your position is not in jeopardy..state your true identity..if not, welcome to the club.
Ferris..that your true Name? in full
..of course it’s not my true name..I cherish my privacy..don’t need people calling my house or confronting me on the streets..or lose my job..and yes, there are 2 sides to every story..let us here yours..without name calling or finger pointing..you don’t have to tell me your name..better if you don’t..I’m sure that you won’t.
..on another note..I would have never taken Jamie and a camera into the meeting..to me, it is asking for trouble..but that is Darlenes perogative..and I don’t fully agree with LFA..I’ll go along with bilingualism..I just don’t want anybody losing a job to it..and I certainly do not agree with many of the language bloggers..the CCH is something the community should support irregardless of language..I trust the hospital..so should the rest of the community.
Ferris, a lot more than language issues are going on at CCH. Unless you are a nurse and actually witness over and over what goes on, then you have absolutely no idea! Can’t just ignore these issues, they are very serious ones!
On another note,
LFA is NOT against bilingualism. They are against FORCED bilingualism where people are losing their jobs or are no longer given opportunities to advance in their field due to language. LFA brings forth the true facts and figures to light, so that the public knows exactly where the money is being spent. We are not saying no money toward bilingualism, but certainly spending millions and millions of dollars one French signage etc when people are going hungry and there is no MRI machine, does not make sense!!!!! A country that is continually trying to force everyone to speak 2 languages does not make sense moneywise.
@ Ferris
Do you believe a second language should be an asset or a qualification as is a Nursing Degree?
Ferris, I do not trust you and so should not the rest of the community. Did you intend to insult Darlene by attributing “perogative” to her or did you simply not know how to spell it? My advice: if you are not sure of the fancy word, don’t use it. Same for “irregardless” – it’s bad, very bad spelling. Check the dictionary.
..my apologies..I realize that the LFA is not against bilingualism..and I don’t like the sign law any more than you..I just want the public to know that the CCH is a good hospital..with good staff..now, citizens come in the front door already thinking the worst..I go to work everyday with a smile on my face..I don’t need some french cowboy coming in the front door demanding I speak his language anymore than I need some dumb ass englishman telling me where I work is a joke..the public is my priority and they’ll get my best..I agreed with Tomblers letter..I signed Chris Camerons petition.. you know, I come from nothing..my family has always been poor..we had a tiny little 2 bedroom house out in the country..I was one of the first to graduate from college..back in ’77 my father voiced his opinion on the CBC News..I vaguely remember men coming into our home with cameras..I was so excited..I thought my dad was a hero.. It wasn’t long after that we had to disconnect our phone..the tires were slashed on our car..our home was pelted with eggs..I was 6..I did’nt know why..this battle has been going on for years..the arguement is still the same..my father did leave me with something positive..he told me to learn their language and beat those SOB’s at their own game..so I did.
i thought council responds to these issues with its not our problem (provincial government area-everything is great anyway) media seems the only way for people to tell their story. just wondering if anyone ever gets a real response or called by a board member to discuss things. if i was on the board at cch and kept seeing these employee problems and patients in the paper complaining about care i would want to talk to them directly. has anyone ever gotten a personal responce or is that not done anymore.
..spelling mistakes? I’m shoot’n from the hip, man..who cares about a couple of spelling mistakes..this isn’t Wheel of Fortune.
@ Ferris
Sorry to hear what your family had to go through…..but just look at the way you were treated! You were bullied and intimidated into learning the language. That is NOT right. That is what still is happening in our society. We should be learning a second language because it is a great thing to do, to enrich our lives etc etc. Not because our car tires were slashed or there were death threats. LFA has already had death threats.
We also want the hospital to be the best that it can be. Darlene spoke out about many issues that were going on there, above language. There are a lot of great nurses and staff there, but sorry not management. Most nurses have not had job performance evaluations in over a decade, so what does that tell you? I could go on and on, but I will stop there. Upper management needs to go. They do not take suggestions from staff and they do not take advice from the community. We know things could be a lot better. Like I said, there are a lot of great, caring nurses, but the leaders of the pack are the problem.
Simply put it this way. Greig, you started this, voice your opinion, all tough at CCH well give us your side so we can see how tough you really are.
Ferris did not know the LFA is not against bilingualism? He is not qualified then to give his opinion on the subject, although he technically can living in a free country. I don’t believe a word him signing the petition or agreeing with Dr. Tombler’s letter. BS.
Ferris…your father was a smart man and taking his advise paid off. Some people chose not to learn it and now are crying discrimination because they don’t meet the criteria for the posted jobs.
I didn’t see where you stated your father bullied you into learning french, he told you and you made the right choice. Big difference between bullying and telling someone. Talk about twisting words around to suit your purpose….lolo
Gee if the hospital is that bad and incompetent perhaps they should close….isn’t that a wonderful thought. From what I am reading here, the hospital is the pits, management is terrible, the service is even worse. Perhaps we should picket out front to close them down….period!! It seems that would be the only solution. Unbelievable how a group can degrade their own hospital……unheard of in the real world. Yep……we are also making history with this nonsense…….
how about honest answers and action on serious problems that affect the public. there seems to be a communication issue at the very least. the rumours in the community are scaring people away especially the pregnant moms. according to some commenters the answer to that is to just go outside and deliver your kid in the back yard. taxpayers want answers and change now before we have a tragedy
The fish rots from the head. A company’s success or failure depends to a large extend on the performance of its board. Do you have a clue now, Stella?
I’ve been watching here from the shadows for the past couple of months now and I believe it is time for me to say a few things.
A) You seem to have this non-stop, single-minded, almost obsessive crusade to discredit this LFA group.
From what I can gather, this group of people has been greatly impacted by these French-first policies; especially how it applies to the hiring at CCH. At every step of the way, I’ve seen you come on here and insult, attempt to discredit, and try to dismay any and all things these people have been trying to do. You have done these things all under a protective moniker. It’s rather intelligent of you, really. In this way, you never provide your real name and force those around you to constantly protect themselves all the while you reap the benefits of sounding legitimate. Do you have any real argument of your own or do you only have something to say in response to this group whenever one of them say something?
I don’t think people like Chris, Cory, Debbie, Beth, Colleen or even Howard are all that bad. They seem like a nice group of people who have spoken out against policies that they think are bad. I can’t say I disagree with them. I think they’re onto something. I mean the media have picked up on this argument of French first (CFN, Sun TV, National Post, etc.) and there’s something to be said of all of this.
B) At every turn, you have supported policies, including those that have negatively impacted real people.
Stella, these are your neighbours, most of whom I think live and work in Cornwall. The latest one-sided tantrum you’ve pulled in regards to CCH bullying is evident. Look at what you’ve revealed with knowing this Alan Greig guy from way back. Just saying this to me would mean that you would have a bias towards him, regardless of the circumstances. This is called a conflict of interest Stella and you shouldn’t comment on it, especially knowing one of the parties involved.
How you can’t see that this Darlene woman and Jamie (btw – big fan of Jamie and CFN- thanks guys) were bullied is beyond me but may speak volumes on the way in which you think.
C) Freedom of Expression
I see often times you are the first or sometimes the person who comments the most on one of these language threads. Stella, you’ve gone out of way to try and say something negative all the time, at all hours of the day. If you really felt that bad about all of this, I think it cowardly that you’ve never written a letter to the editor about your ideas. Again, I only ever see a response from you about something that has been said by someone else but never have you contributed your own ideas about how to solve anything. Stella, your response to all of this language stuff is always the same: learn French. Well, I don’t see anyone from Quebec needing to learn English to work full-time as a nurse.
I think Stella from your ardent one-sided arguments that you must be on the take from these French-first institutions. This would be the only way to explain your blatant one-sidedness.
First of all treats…..I don’t know if you were around long enough, but I have put forth many of my own comments and many others have also when this all started a year ago. There is no more to be added except to correct false staements.
As for monikers….take your blinders off……does yorlick, highlander, lolo, CC2 to name a few sounds like real names to you. Do you honestly think that the ones with real names are their real name? I really don’t think it is any of your business how many times I post, but let me say again, take your blinders off. The yorliks, pipers, Erics to name a few do more then there share. So perhaps instead of reading only my post, take time to read others, then you would know what you are talking about. They have called the french every name in the book, so much so, that many quit coming here. That in itself should open your eyes to what really went on before you surfaced.
As for the VP at CCH…when someone has the audacity to say he worked at Levi’s which is an outright lie…..they need to be corrected. I have every right to comment when someone is lying about another…..this type of behavior only leads to false gossip and can have an adverse effect on a person’s reputation.
Blatant one sidedness…..you have to be kidding me. Do me a favor and don’t only read my posts for goodness sake….now that is funny. TAKE THE BLINDERS OFF!! Yep I am the only one who has one sided comments…..LOL
In closing let me say this, respect is earned. When this debate first started the comments towards the french were disgusting to say the least……….even though I must admit it supsided somewhat. Do I care about my neighbors? Absolutely. Do I like people who want to eliminate the french culture? Absolutely not, nor do I like instigators and people who want to seperate a once peaceful nation.
Treats…….another thing I forgot. I guess you missed my first statement where I talked about the legal aspect of the situation and yes Jamie agreed with me but then added his own comments. I never said that Mr. Grieg was not at fault, what I did say was it could have been handled better. I never said Darlene was at fault nor Jamie, actually what I said was that Darlene was an intelligent and sympathetic person. So please, don’t put word in my mouth.
Carlys..u must be a newbie..I’ve been on these blogs for a year now, giving my support to the Camerons and the LFA..all you need to do is look at the archives..Stella, IAPBIO, Patrick and the Blue Fox will vouch for that..October 6, 8:40 am..my words were misinterpreted..remember I shoot from the hip..I type as fast as it comes to my thoughts..line should have read like this..I don’t fully agree with LFA. (period) now, new sentence, new thought..I’ll go along with bilingualism. (period). These are my own thoughts and not those of the LFA ‘nor was I speaking on the behalf of or against the LFA..just my personal beliefs directed to the public. I use alot of … to make this read quicker, however, it blends everything and does not allow for the reader to stop, ingest a phrase (for what the writer truly meant) and move on. Blogging is a fine art..very difficult to have people understand meaning, when body language is absent..things can get pretty messed up if words aren’t typed precisely to cater the reader…misintreprtation follows..and we have ourselves a fight..now prerogative..an exclusive right to decide or a choice..It was Darlenes prerogative to take Gilcig with her to the meeting..not Jamies, not Greigs…Darlenes…Darlene made the choice..she can do what she wants..that’s her prerogative..was it the right choice? I don’t know, only she can tell you that. I know it makes for great news, and that’s why I’m back blogging after taking some time off the language issue. Darlene knows who I am..in fact, I introduced myself to her as “Ferris” a few weeks back ..she giggled and said, “pleased to meet you”.
Hello Treats,
Just to point out a few things to you. It’s best not to get into a long drawn out debate with Stella and company. There is no amount of facts and figures that you can present to them that will alter their religious fervor when it comes to this bilingualism debate.
It’s French first as the laws favour this group and well you can see the results whenever an elected M.P cares not to show up to represent his constituents as Freedom of Expression is just too controversial these days.
Having said this, unless Christ himself shows up and said otherwise, they will not believe a word you say. Well, scratch that, unless it is a French Christ that shows up and says otherwise…..
So, I guess my point of advice is to leave well enough alone. It will only cause you heartache as the conversation will just unravel into name calling and Godwin’s law. Nobody wants to see another Stella rant, well at least I for one. That’s why you see me make a point and then I retreat – not willing to be drawn into a he said/she said type of deal. I simply let others be the judge of the situation rather than continually responding to the likes of those advocating (and attempting to justify), for a French-language dominated Canada.
Thanks for the support as well Treats. I believe your summary of Stella is accurate.
Cory (My real name actually!!!)
..now, the story from ’77…my father was working a night shift 35 years ago at TCF..he went down to a local convenience store to get a bag of BBQ chips and a coke..the cashier must have been in a mood and demanded my father ask for the junk food in french..now, if you know my father, this didn’t go over well..he’s a true Scot from the tip of his fingers to the bottom of his feet..I’m suprised my father didn’t try and stuff the can of coke down the guys throat..instead, he wrote a letter to the editor that sparked a massive feud..local papers and politicians got involved..then letters in support from all over the region and further..I still have these letters (some good ones too) When the CBC got involved, the shit really hit the fan..trouble ensued for our family and the rest is history..my father lost many friends because of this..support from the anglos failed my father told me..the french didn’t want to have anything to do with it..the english professionals killed it..in fear of persecution..now, that petition that I was speaking of earlier..well it made it all the way to the east coast..hundreds if not thousands signed it..and its out there somewhere..some very interesting names signed it..(I will not mention them, ’cause I can’t find the petition)..but I will.
Cory…..You retreated because you were proven wrong many times and challenged about your facts and could not accept it, even to the point of saying publicly you had to retreat for health purposes. I guess if one is on your side of the fence they can post “til the cows come home, call names, put people down and that’s alright by your standards. There are two sides to this debate….just a reminder. I guess when one was proven wrong many times and can’t take the heat, the best thing to do is get out of the kitchen……smart move on your part.
stellapropaganda said :
“Do I like people who want to eliminate the french culture? Absolutely not, nor do I like instigators and people who want to seperate a once peaceful nation.”
Now stellapropaganda that is propaganda and simply mis -information .
Once again stella do you think advocating for representation for population is eliminating french culture and separating the nation?
Stellapropaganda -Trolls any language issues at numerous sites and provides hate propaganda,simple as that.
Now Treats -all we ask is you keep an open mind ,give your viewpoints in a respectful way pro or against .
Ferris be proud that your dad stood up against blatant discrimination ,imagine that .
Unfortunitly with your father speaking up ,french language rights groups start labeling them bigots ,racist and the list goes on .
When labeling occurs it oppresses ones right to speak up ,and these french language rights groups get what they want -to oppress the message.
Mr.Cameron when he started protesting outside Cornwall Community hospital about discriminatory hiring process ,numerous franco rights groups including franco teachers association and the name calling began.
So when someone speaks up for their rights of fair treatment ,franco rights groups jump on board and provide misinformation .
Now what do the francophone teachers association and numerous other fracophone associations have to do with CCH discriminating against one of its employees .
Ferris as you see this discriminatory behavior has been happening for many years ,its unfortunate that for one group of people to demand their rights another must loose theirs ,therefore oppression occurs .
Stellapropaganda said:
“I guess if one is on your side of the fence they can post “til the cows come home, call names, put people down and that’s alright by your standards.”
So I guess you calling Christopher Cameron as the KKK was alright?
You did mention that (in kinder words ) you do not like other cultural groups and yet you work for the government ?
..my father was not without his backing..outspoken Reeve of Glengarry Adrian Gadbois was pushing for blood..Gadbois carried this petition everywhere..schools..council meetings..other struggling politicians like Don Kannnon were eager to throw support behind it..Carol Ann Ross was running for the Reform Party then..she held that petition sacred..The petition read: “We the undersigned believe that the Federal Govnt is spending too much on Bilingualism”..they were billing it then as “the million dollar per day farce”..now, although hundreds signed it..many would not..and when crunch time came, those believing their ass was on the line bailed..even my grandmother (my fathers mother) wouldn’t sign it..she worked for the Catholic School Board at the time. The man in the middle of the storm was a franco named Comtois, who was the head of eduction in SD&G at the time..french immersion was being introduced to the public school system..Comtois threw all his political weight behind it..I still have the original immersion plan that schools were handing out to the parents of students..Highlander, I am proud of my old man..and yes, the argument hasn’t changed..the players are still the same..lets hope we have an outcome to benefit all.
You see Treats,
This back and forth silliness is typical of what I used to engage in. Hence, take a look at Stella’s latest comments. I would like show you the following:
“I guess when one was proven wrong many times and can’t take the heat, the best thing to do is get out of the kitchen……smart move on your part.”
Her comments are made in such a way as to incite a negative reaction from those she is debating with. (Hence her attempt at hatred of which she is very successful at) 🙂 Of course I won’t respond to this kind of thing anymore. Hence I’ll show you what we encounter from her.
I hope this helps you understand the situation, Treats.
All the best to you,
Many things have changed ,the internet is an amazing tool and the message gets out there .
The media and government cannot control the message on line and people have the true freedom of expression on line.
This can be defined as the perfect storm 42 years of language oppression has left 2 generations disadvantaged and frustrated .
Trillions spent for a net increase of 200,000 people after 42 years .
Government information is there for the picking,stats Canada is a lovely tool as well it shows by stats the disadvantages to the majority English population.
What adds to this is the separatist party in Quebec ,many many people are now voicing their concerns of their racist agenda.
Communication is key through this site, facebook groups and e-mails ,lets hope you have the opportunity to meet our group of people (our Core) -there are many who follow from coast to coast.