Mark A MacDonald Suggests Boycott of Cornwall is My Place Evening – Letter to the Editor – Jan 26 2014

Mark McDonaldThe “Cornwall Is My Place” inspirational evening that is being organized by the City and their CONSULTANTS, is a complete joke.
Our elected officials do not need to have another meeting for public input.
The public has been telling them about our beautiful waterfront for years and yet chemical tanks are being constructed at the edge of the river.
Constructing chemical tanks on our waterfront is a colossal mistake and it proves that our elected officials were sleeping. They should have been on top of this situation instead of reacting now to try and stop it.
I encourage the public to boycott this useless event and save their energy for the ballot box this October.

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via medica


  1. Agreed 100%

  2. I second that. They are nothing but a bunch of crooks. Follow the money.

  3. Boycott? Burnings to good for it!

  4. Cornwall is my place? I guess now, these idiots think they own the City since they have been given a green light to a raping and rein of terror for the past 7 + years. Cornwall is owned by all of us the taxpayers and residents of this city not just them. They need to be told this. Having a strategic plan meeting at the end of their mandate and now this nonsense is a total waste of money and proof to me that they have no idea what they are doing and need to go. October 27th cannot come fast enough for this citizen. Only one Councillor and one nomination showed up for the No Tank protest. Where were ALL these politicians hiding that supposedly say to all of us that they care? What about saving a jewel like the RCAFA wing and looking to other places for their condos or other money making efforts . The city is full of eyesores that need to be taken down before any more ruining our waterfront.

  5. Author

    It is an odd name considering that our mayor thought that a campaign to write in why Cornwall is great was a “security” issue….

  6. I have said it so often was to get rid of Bare Ass and his gang of shisters before he does anymore damage and he sure has done an awful lot of that. Bare Ass is never there and your T-shirt (Jamie) is a very good description indeed. Bare Ass wouldn’t know where he left his brains whatever may be left of them. There is no good planning at all. Condos should not be built on the waterfront at all nor any private building nor business. The waterfront is for the people to enjoy and not a place of residence. Bare Ass has to go and now not later but now.

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