CORNWALL Ontario – Be gentle. She still smells of new car. We have done our annual April Fool’s makeover of CFN.
So far so good. We do have some minor tinkering to do, and wiggling and jiggling of elements. If you see anything we miss feel free to email me at or dial 855 444 1133.
And so begins another chapter in our shared journey!
We are expecting to make some very large announcements about my own and CFN’s future in the next few months.
Thank you again to each and every one of you that clicks those mice to our pages. We really could not do it without the motivation we get from the public; from our amazing and astute sponsors, those that post some of the over 40,000 comments on CFN, and of course, our viewers!
So did you guys miss CFN? You can post your comment below and please show your support by doing so. I’d like to see this page light up and test the new software!
Even the new editor of the Standard Freeholder, Hugo Rodrigues, was tweeting about our down time today.
Hrm. Looks like @cwfreenews is down. Anyone else getting this?
— Hugo Rodrigues (@HugoAPRodrigues) April 2, 2014
Remember you, our dear viewers are CFN. You are our heart and blood; muscle and sinew; and the very soul that gives this newspaper life.
Thanks to everyone for making this all possible!
Live it like its yours to live.
So glad to see your up and running as you just ruined the week for the XFLIES folks
If people are afraid to go there because owner keeps boasting of his IP tacking team lol
Here is what u missed
Crude jokes hateful comments BN calling you names
KD using the F word about politicians
Its very sad to see how a little power corrupts and they become what they claim you are
Hoi_TheBoy M. Wexford • an hour ago
XFLIES sports and nice talk site content
Bob Nob
DONE AxxHOLE !!!!!!!
Kevin Doc They ain’t worried about sidewalks the snow is
melting … Come on Steve Hehir u gotta think like a politician FUxK THE VOTERS
AND DO WHAT YOU WANT cause you sit in the Big Boy chair.
Hi tech lol
after i got the
technology to track IP addresses from the emails people have received
Folks I’m really trying to stay on the high road and not give that tiny and shrinking group any more attention. I’m sure Karma, the courts, and possibly police will resolve everything. I have faith that ultimately people know right from wrong and lies from truth.
I caught all the childish attacks on Mrs. Dockerys hate club facebook page.Anyone that attacks a group of people because they are friends with someone .. that public schoolish .. there are some big things in the works cornwall and ill be to busy to hear the whinning coming from the sewer .. all I can say to ” The Truth Is Out there ” There is no truth in bullying or attacking anyone .. those are your opinions not mine and not the rest of cornwall … So here it is .. You want change then change it … stop blaming and attacking OTHERS because to be honest .. you have no credibility. … none whats so ever … Some people need some bible reading …. REMEMEBR THE GOLDEN RULE .. DO ONTO OTHERS? … THAT DOESNT MEAN TO HURT THEM !!!! BUT ONLY UNEDUCATED PEOPLE WOULD ACT THIS WAY … I CALL A SPADE A SPADE AND WHAT THAT fb AND WHAT THAT FB PAGE IS DOING IS NON PRODUCTIVE !!!!!! YOU FOLKS GET YOURSELVES ALL WORKED UP OVER AN ONLINE NEWSPAPER ??? GET A LIFE PLEASE . .. IF YOU DONT LIKE CFN .. DONT READ IT – PERIOD …A CAUTION TO YOU … LEARN TO PICK YOUR BATTLES.YOU CAN ONLY HIDE BEHIND FACEBOOK FOR SO LONG – ONE DAY YOU MAY HAVE TO BACK UP YOUR ACCUSATIONS … ONE DAY VERY SOON!
This is a huge improvement! Rotators and clutter suck big-time.
Poor Bob (the knob) Noble sure has his shorts seriously twisted.
That Facebook group sure has an anger issue.
I like the new look. But I much prefer the previous version in the comments section where you could see the last ten or so comments made.
This is really upsetting as it seems Hugo the new guy at SF
has decided to take the coffee break scribbler route and take cheap
shots at another news site. Oh Well
Was kinda sad seeing his first editorial since hitting Cornwall his photo
was Hugo in a “WHITE TEE SHIRT”
Also can’t blame Furtz as all he has done is leave respectful comments on this site
and some of the XFLIES group start to attack him…I am very sure some will end up
in Hospital with arm injuries//from patting each other on the back// for cheap shots they take.
I like the new site. Nice and tidy and easier to search through. Good job!
Regarding taking the high road: That is probably the best tack. I have noticed that in the brief number of times that I viewed the “x-Files” site/pages, there were a huge amount of negative and nasty comments based more on emotion and little to no supporting facts. It’s not difficult for anyone to see where the “truth” lies.
furtz … I agree … I think a few of them need serious professional help .. its ok to be angry .. but be sure your anger is aimed in the right direction.In this case there is just a lot of uncontrolled negative energy flying around … They don’t like CFN … I don’t like McDonalds .. but i’m not going to try to pump up a bunch of people and send them there to burn the restaurant down . There has been too much hate .. enough to last a lifetime …. my only questions to the citizens of cornwall are .. Do You Want the same old same old from the old .. or do you want to see cornwall make its way into the future .. progress man , progress .
Loving the new CFN facelift. Awesome!
Jamie, I love the new look. Always good to do some spring cleaning
As you & many already know I am a huge fan of CFN, please feel free to join my support CFN FaceBook page. We are a friendly group & promote a positive atmosphere. I am a rights activist and CFN promotes Free Speech, who can knock that,lol…Thanks Jamie for hanging in there, trust me, many back you. Brighter days are ahead!!!
I like the new layout.It’s clean,crisp and professional.
Love the “NEW” 2014 look!!
There is real “PUNCH” to the format.
Much better to get the message out there.
Keep on being you.
I like the new look for CFN and I find it so much easier on the eyes to read and with the new layout I’m not searching all over to find new stories Thanks Jamie well done and continue the great work. I should start now to think about spring cleaning at home and I’d like the rest of the city to start thinking of spring cleaning and change especially at 360 Pitt. OMG!
I agree with Hugger re the list of recent comments. Can’t follow discussions without that feature. Otherwise, the site is beautious.
furtz we have a much better search function. It should be easy to pull up any story now.
Speaking about spring cleaning I have all the walls to do here and I am going to put my husband to work as well. LOL LOL. I have to see this since I will not believe it until I see it. I like the new look of CFN and it is clean and uncluttered. When I first saw it I thought that I was on the wrong site. I can’t get into CFN the way I used to and I think that something is wrong with the IT here in Ottawa. CFN is not the only site that I am having problems with getting into.
Thanks Jamie for bringing back the “Recent Comments.”
We try
That’s why we value input from viewers!