Unique Visitors
(2.29 visits/visitor)
(7.94 Pages/Visit)

(CFN monthly traffic for March 2016 )

Can you imagine if your organization, business, or service had that exposure?

Are you paying ridiculous amounts of money on the region for far less results?

I bet you are.

There is only one media source in the region that offers the value, options, and eyeballs that CFN does.

And there is only one way to get our new special offer, and that’s by emailing info@cornwallfreenews.com

Our Ottawa traffic has nearly doubled this month as well as we shift our focus from Cornwall.

Top 25 CFN Traffic Cities for March 2016

  1. Cornwall 26%
  2. Ottawa 13%
  3. Montreal
  4. Toronto
  5. Kingston
  6. Perth
  7. Brockville
  8. Waterloo
  9. Smiths Falls
  10. Fredericton
  11. Petawawa
  12. Calgary
  13. Clarence-Rockland
  14. Belleville
  15. London
  16. Kemptville
  17. Hamilton
  18. Alexandria
  19. Mississauga
  20. Morrisburg
  21. Vancouver
  22. Prescott
  23. Boston
  24. South Lancaster

Want people to see your ad via their phones?

Mobile traffic for CFN in March was 46%!

CFN offers traditional banner ads of just about all sizes hotlinked to your web presence.

Amazing full page ad offerings.

In page banners.

Living Ads.

Seasonal packages for Tourism locations.

Yearly Municipal packages.

and so much more!

We have special packages for events and high impact packages that will get you a maximum amount of results.

Don’t delay, call today!

1 855 444 1133 toll free!

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